Link's Awakening is my top favorite Zelda game, so naturally I do like the intro.
I like the intro and cutscenes to Wario Land 2 better, also Donkey Kong on GB had some great ones, too.
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![]() On 08/24/2013 at 02:33 AM by GamerFoxem ![]() See More From This User » |
Since I didn’t have much to post within a week I decided to go with an entry I’ve been thinking about for some time. So this entry is will be my first Top 5, featuring my top five GameBoy intros. A few rules before I start. Rule 1, these have to be from games I have played; while I could just look on YouTube and pick any intro I feel that my choices would be more justified if the intro is from a game I’ve actually played. Rule 2, this is just for the GameBoy games, from the Grey Brick Era to the GBA. Rule 3, one per franchise for diversity. Finally Rule 4, these are intros that execute just as soon as you hit the power switch. Now then, let’s start this list.
Number 5: Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
While it is mostly a scroll of text this is one of the more rememberable intros. The music starts slow and eerie while the text scroll reveals the story, suddenly becoming livelier as the scroll stops at the title screen. The cool part about this intro is that if you let it go for a bit longer you’ll see Pit change into his equipment and shoot the title screen before he flies off.
Number 4: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
This is one of the more epic intros I’ve seen in video games. Not only is the animation and the artwork for the intro is great for the GameBoy but the music is just fantastic. The scenes and music really create the mood as it starts from the worst storm to be caught in, leading to a bit of mystery around the woman that finds you and the island you landed on, and finally building up to the iconic Zelda theme song.
Number 3: Pokemon Silver
Though I’m a Pokemon fan I can’t say it was difficult to pick which intro should go on the list. While Pokemon Yellow is my first and well cherished Pokemon game Generation II had the best intro on the GameBoy series. Starting from the bottom of the sea it builds up to some nice upbeat tunes with Lapras, moving onto Pikachu pushing Jigglypuff off screen to stop it from singing to the player, and then sten setting the screen on fire with Charizard’s Fire Blast after the new starters are shown off. I picked Silver for this entry because Lugia, the game’s title mascot, left a better impression, swimming ominously on the dark sea floor as the music builds up to the Pokemon theme.
Number 2: Golden Sun: The Lost Age
This opening is just absolutely fantastic. There’s no need to build up to anything because the music is epic enough to get through the title roll as the screen is full of clouds until it show some of the best graphics the GBA has to offer. And even after the title shows up on screen the theme remains epic, which is by all means rightfully so because this game is much more epic than the original in every way.
Number 1: WarioLand: Super Mario Land 3
What could out-do an epic intro like the last contender? How about one that is just so bizarre and unreal that it becomes awesome. While this one came out of left field considering the last four entries kind of set a theme of awe and epic build ups nothing could really outshine Wario’s first impression for his first platformer: he chases a duck pirate around a patch of sea and just pops out of the opposite side of where the pirate came out to ram the ship all while in a dinghy. Yes, a DINGHY. And that is why this intro is at number one, not because of epic scores, amazing animations, but of being so bizarre you can’t say you love it.
And that’s it for the Top 5 GameBoy Intros. Hope you enjoy this small list as I hope to make another before a certain game is released.