damn E3 WAS a long time ago.
I'm leaning towards the PS4 too, but I think i'm going to get a Wii U first, which has great games coming out this holiday. I love 3D mario, so....
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![]() On 09/01/2013 at 10:00 AM by rejo1479 ![]() See More From This User » |
Please forgive me. As I said in an earlier post, I have not been posting here regularly and am trying to make up for that by posting blogs that originate from my time MIA. This opinion piece comes from a time so long ago: the 2013 E3 convention.
I try not to be a fanboy when it comes to systems. I do my best to examine the pros and cons of each of the consoles. From exclusives to features, I like to know what I'm working with in each console. Each one should be taken for it's own merits and NOT compared to the others.
When the PS4 was announced in February of this year, there was not much information to make an informed decision, so I couldn't establish an opinion. So I waited. I hoped that Microsoft would release much more information when they announced their next-gen console.
When they did in May, I was slightly interested in the tv aspects and multitasking that they promoted quite heavily. They were some cool things to look at that made me think "THE FUTUUURE!!!" when I considered it. However, with the information regarding it's restrictive game policies was released over the following week, I was burned. Microsoft seemed to be pressing their feet onto the throats of gamers in favor of Xbox One acting like a peripheral to your cable box--which I don't even have.
Now, of course, they took back all those policies a week after that due to consumer outcry. (Frankly, one of the most entertaining things about that for me was Angry Joe asking Major Nelson if the "features" could be turned off and the major acting a bit of an ass when saying "it can't! That's too complicated!") But by that point, I was burned. I didn't want anything to do with the Xbox One for quite a while, probably well after the way it works has settled and we know whether or not Microsoft will reestablish these restrictive features again.
I still wasn't sure about the PS4 when more information was given at E3, but it's snarky attitude regarding Xbox One and the PS4's proposed game-oriented features won me over. I placed my preorder the following day and haven't looked back. Many of my friends are splitting between PS4 and Xbox One, which will hurt my ability to game socially, but I am a pretty stubborn guy when I see something unfair so I won't be buying an Xbox One anytime soon. Maybe in a year or two, maybe more. Maybe when I have digital cable and feel like powering up an additional component is something I want to do. (That's a little unfair, I know.)
Now, aside from my irrational feeling of being personally hurt over the Xbox One, I took into consideration exclusives. I have no interest in the Xbox exclusives that have been released before and are sure to continue into the next generation. However, the Playstation brand has had a variety of exclusives--the majority of which have been interesting to me. I'm certain that this will continue and besides the expected sequels we're going to see, we'll also see new and unique IPs.
Yes, this is more of a taste issue than anything, but that's what this ultimately comes down to; after examining the information regarding the two next-generation consoles, which fits YOUR tastes better? For me, that is the PS4. I'll keep my 360 and still enjoy it. Hell, I still have Fallout: New Vegas and The Witcher 2 to finish on 360. But when I feel like next-generation gaming, I'll be going PS4.