Those steak tacos look delicious. I'd probably pass on the topping, as I am a wimpy New England girl and my lips would probably burst into flame and fall off.
OfFbEaTtHuRsDaY! Just something to do!
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![]() On 09/05/2013 at 09:10 AM by Homelessrook ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello my friends. Today is the day I give my weekly update of what I am playing, cooking and listening to.
First. What I am playing.
Lego Harry Potter years 1-4 ( PS3 )
My wife and I got this game at launch ( Pre ordered to get the key chain ) and got to 85% complete then could not get any further. Well, the reason was, there is a glitch, if you play co-op the Polyjuice potion will not open in Hogwarts, so you can change characters to finish the tasks in Hogwarts. I had to start a whole new game and play it in single player to open it.
Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention ( PS VITA )
I want to get it for the PS3, hopefully it will be free on PS Plus soon. It is a fun and funny game. The only this that bugs me is the armor.... I hope there will be more to chose from the further I go. I am currently on chapter 3 episode 2 and going back through other chapters to level up.
Rayman Origins ( PS VITA )
Welcome to platform gaming hell! This game is so fun and at times rage quitable. I am currently going back through and completing all the tasks. This game is perfect for the Vita. I can not wait for Legends to get here.
Now for the food.
This is a topping I made for steak tacos. It is Fire grilled Fresh Chiles, Fresh Cilantro and Fresh Tomatoes, with Lime juice and a few other spices.
Here is the finished product. Grilled flank steak taco.
Now for what I am listening to currently.
And that is it folks. See you next week.