My new phone the Samsung Galaxy Mega
So todays a good day last week I broke my LG Optima which was a good phone but I broke the screen and couldnt do anything tried to recover all my pictures and videos and couldnt so I was very upset over that but today me and the wife switched from sprint to AT&T sprint kept dropping my calls all the time and after replacing my LG 3 times cause I barely dropped it and it was in a case the screen cracked and thats it no phone ,so I got sick of replacing it at a $150 per phone and thats insured, so today I got my new Galaxy Mega and this is one cool phone.

So its a pretty sweet phone that the word smart phone is a understatement with this phone I mean I can litteraly talk in my blogs and the phone will type for ya now how cool is that but im still learning everything this phone can do,so if your looking for a new phone I highly recommend this one.