I am getting excited for MKE Brewing's Sasquash.
I did pick up Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout and cannot wait for it to cool to the proper drinking temperature.
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![]() On 09/07/2013 at 11:53 AM by Philly Kuts ![]() See More From This User » |
It's the Great Pumking Philly Kuts-- ehhh well not quite Charlie Brown. It's still a little early for the autumnal style brews but the first week of September sure beats the last week of July (cough, cough Sam Adams Octoberfest release date) to sample the ever so polarizing cinnamon, all-spice, clove, malty breadiness, and pumpkin puree all the fall beers have to offer. Anywho the Southern Tier Pumking Imperial Ale is the stuff of legends amongst craft beer drinkers, kinda like that Pliny the Elder IPA (not in terms of taste but in terms of epicness) brew from the West Coast. Well here's what Kuts thinks you Pumpkinheads!!
Well, not that I do it for any other reason than I'm cheap and they're at parties, but I'm a mouth-breather of which you speak. However, my preference is usually liquor (i.e. St. Brendan's, Jim Beam w/ Dr. Pepper), one of the better beers I've had is a Left Hand Milk Stout from the Goodfriend Beer Garden in Dallas, and I tend to enjoy Pumpkin spice flavored coffees that are out during Fall.
Think I'll like this, or does shitty Budweiser ruin my pallette, since I have access to it more often?
Me lashing out at the Wonder Bread eating mouth breathers is in response to Bud and other Macro Lager drinkers constantly filling my You Tube inbox with hate mail after I give such beers a bad review. Now if you are cool and truly enjoy Bud it's all good-- remember I'll never refuse a brew in a social situation even if it is one I detest. My point is just because I may not like something you like it doesn't mean you or I are an asshole. We can all still be friends. Unfortunately many American Macro Lager Beer drinkers take my subjective review as a personal affront on to themselves--never my intent.. No worries =)
Oh, I didn't know that. No, I would definitely agree with the bad reviews; we both certainly share the "for social drinking only" approach when it comes to Budweiser and the like; as I said, that Left Hand Milk Stout and such would definitely be preferable to me, I just get a lot more Bud etc. due to circumstance, so maybe my palate wouldn't be used to the beer you were reviewing here. I think I'd be ok, but might try that chocolate stout you reviewed before this one first if I see either.