It looks interesting, that's for sure. I'll be keeping my eye out for this, thanks!
Deep Down= Assassins Creed/Dark Souls Mash Up???
On 09/09/2013 at 02:16 PM by Nicoleb1989 See More From This User » |
Apparently Deep Down is a mixture of Dak Souls and Assassins Creed from what the new trailer revealed. We all now where to a degree Dark Souls is possiably coming in some what but Assassins Creed?
The assassins creed thing is coming in with the setting being set so far in the future and the mention of memories. I dont know how much of it will take from both or even if it truely does. Right now I more hesitant then ever to get high hopes for this game. At first I was excited but now Im not so sure, of course I got excited because I thought while it might not be a sequel to Dragons Dogma it might be similar. Dont feel that way so much anymore. Im gonna keep an eye on the title for now. Maybe with time it can give me more hope.
Deep Down is as of right now a PS4 exclusive
Thoughts, Feelings, Opinions?