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Games that I have finished and want...

On 09/10/2013 at 12:09 PM by transmet2033

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I had Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout last night.  It was good, but I was not expecting to find actual cocoa in the beer.  I know that there are chocolate malts, which is just how it is roasted and I was just expecting that.  So imagine my surprise when I take a sip of a deliciously chocolaty beer.  I almost felt like I should have had it after dinner as a dessert.

I mentioned before that I finished and enjoyed Fire Emblem Awakening.  What I did not mention was that I completely skipped any story once I hit the 20th mission out if 25.  I had spent too much time using reeking boxes and leveling up my characters early on.  My character, Kalle, had such high stats that leveling up did absolutely nothing for him.  I was virtually unstoppable with my selection of 6 characters and their spouses.

I devoured Steamworld Dig after Fire Emblem.  I could not stop exploring the mine that the main character had inherited.  As you explore you pick up rare metals and gemstones to sell off for upgrades in town.  I had explred the mine so thoroughly that by the time I finished the game I had left only a handful of items untouched.  One of the things that I loved the most about Steamworld Dig is the fact that you make your own path(s) down into the mine.  This makes exploring that much more fun, and probably why I loved the game so much.  

I then worked my way through Link's Awakening and finally finished it for once.  I had played through the 4th dungeon a handful of times in the past, but never had actually finished it.  I think that Link's Awakening is one of the best Zelda games out there.  I do not think that it surpasses A Link to the Past.  I definitely would rank it as my 2nd favourite Zelda game tied with the Oracle games.

I am currently working my way through Oracle of Seasons and have fond memories from the initial release.  When I had to leave it this morning, I was stuck on the 7th dungeon and cannot remember where I need to go next. 

So far this year whatever game I have started I have been able to finish before moving onto the next one.  Well, this has not been the case over the past couple of weeks.  I started Resident Evil Revelations and Shantae, but had to put the to the side.  While they both seemed perfectly enjoyable, I was not feeling those games at the time.  I hope to be able to come back to them in the near future.

Sadly the future time that I might have to play RE: R and Shantae may never come.  There are plenty of awesome games that I am excited to play.  Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate is one of the many reasons that I wanted to pick up a handheld system.  Also, in less than a month Etrian Odyssey Untold is released and I have a copy headed my way.  Since I love A Link to the Past, I will most likely be picking up A Link between Worlds.  Then in the far-flung future there is that new non-Japanese JRPG from Ubisoft, Child of Light.

Then of course there is the list of games that I have picked up in the past couple of months and have yet to start.  Games like Metro:  Last Light, Pandora's Tower, The Last Story, Kingdom Heart 3D and Virtue's Last Reward.

I love gaming...  and beer.




09/10/2013 at 12:35 PM

Ooh! Thanks for the heads-up on the Chocolate stout! I've just spent a happy few minutes locating retailers who sell it nearby.

I am always impressed with people who don't succumb to Gamer ADD. I have a hard time finishing a game if I acquire another game while I'm playing. I have promised myself I'll finish Assassin's Creed 2 before starting anything else, but I did that with the new Tomb Raider, too Embarassed.


09/10/2013 at 12:42 PM

Philly Kuts did a video review last week...  samuel_smiths_organic_chocolate_stout.  That is how I found out about it. 


09/10/2013 at 08:03 PM

I'm still working my way through Shin Megami Tensei IV. It had been slow going because  I was only able to find time to play on the weekends but I think that's starting to change. I have FE: Awakening, too, and thanks to that $30 eShop credit I have Shantae and the Oracle games. Not sure what I'll tackle after SMT IV.


09/11/2013 at 10:06 AM

I am utterly terfified of SMT IV.  I probably should have saved myself the trouble and not pick it up, but the $30 credit sounded like a good deal.


09/11/2013 at 11:04 AM

That's how I feel about Fire Emblem lol. It's the perma death, really, but I guess you can turn that off in Awakening...? You should definitely give SMT IV a chance. It's tough at the beginning when you have to recruit your first demons but once you get the hang of negotiating it's not bad at all.


09/11/2013 at 11:13 AM

I definitely went casual on Fire Emblem and that is probably why I loved it so much.  Next playthrough I will probably turn the permadeath on.  

Cary Woodham

09/10/2013 at 08:20 PM

Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda game.

If you liked Link to the Past, boy you're sure going to be happy about the new 3DS Zelda game, from what I've played...


09/11/2013 at 10:05 AM

That is good to hear.


09/11/2013 at 12:50 AM

I finished Link's Awakening a few years ago. Really liked it, but it's definitely not my favorite Zelda. My favorite 2D Zelda is easily Link to the Past. My favorite 3D Zelda is Ocarina (I have a hard time comparing the 2D and 3D Zelda's).


09/11/2013 at 10:05 AM

I agree, it is very difficult to compare the 2D and 3D Zelda games, which is probably why I have not spent much time with the 3D games that came after Majora's Mask.


09/11/2013 at 01:19 AM

You are a plunderer of resources and beer! Behold Transmet,dark deity of gluttony,farming,and loot whoring! How do you plead?!


09/11/2013 at 10:07 AM

Guilty?  If beer wasn't so tasty my gaming collection would probably be a lot smaller.  Those darn drunk purchases have killed me in the past.


09/11/2013 at 01:12 PM

But, but, but fall is coming. Resident Evil + Fall season = FUN! Give it one more go next month. you never know...


09/20/2013 at 04:32 PM

I just found out about Child of Light here: I can't wait to play it along with Valiant Hearts: The Great War. Both are done on the Ubiart Framework program used for Rayman Origins and Legends and both are incredibly beautiful. 

I played Pandora's Tower and liked it a lot but didn't like the controls for serious battles using the Wiimote and Nunchuck. I would love it on a standard controller though. I wish that it would come to another system. Maybe it might happen on the Vita, but I kind of doubt it.

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