I had Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout last night. It was good, but I was not expecting to find actual cocoa in the beer. I know that there are chocolate malts, which is just how it is roasted and I was just expecting that. So imagine my surprise when I take a sip of a deliciously chocolaty beer. I almost felt like I should have had it after dinner as a dessert.
I mentioned before that I finished and enjoyed Fire Emblem Awakening. What I did not mention was that I completely skipped any story once I hit the 20th mission out if 25. I had spent too much time using reeking boxes and leveling up my characters early on. My character, Kalle, had such high stats that leveling up did absolutely nothing for him. I was virtually unstoppable with my selection of 6 characters and their spouses.
I devoured Steamworld Dig after Fire Emblem. I could not stop exploring the mine that the main character had inherited. As you explore you pick up rare metals and gemstones to sell off for upgrades in town. I had explred the mine so thoroughly that by the time I finished the game I had left only a handful of items untouched. One of the things that I loved the most about Steamworld Dig is the fact that you make your own path(s) down into the mine. This makes exploring that much more fun, and probably why I loved the game so much.
I then worked my way through Link's Awakening and finally finished it for once. I had played through the 4th dungeon a handful of times in the past, but never had actually finished it. I think that Link's Awakening is one of the best Zelda games out there. I do not think that it surpasses A Link to the Past. I definitely would rank it as my 2nd favourite Zelda game tied with the Oracle games.
I am currently working my way through Oracle of Seasons and have fond memories from the initial release. When I had to leave it this morning, I was stuck on the 7th dungeon and cannot remember where I need to go next.
So far this year whatever game I have started I have been able to finish before moving onto the next one. Well, this has not been the case over the past couple of weeks. I started Resident Evil Revelations and Shantae, but had to put the to the side. While they both seemed perfectly enjoyable, I was not feeling those games at the time. I hope to be able to come back to them in the near future.
Sadly the future time that I might have to play RE: R and Shantae may never come. There are plenty of awesome games that I am excited to play. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate is one of the many reasons that I wanted to pick up a handheld system. Also, in less than a month Etrian Odyssey Untold is released and I have a copy headed my way. Since I love A Link to the Past, I will most likely be picking up A Link between Worlds. Then in the far-flung future there is that new non-Japanese JRPG from Ubisoft, Child of Light.
Then of course there is the list of games that I have picked up in the past couple of months and have yet to start. Games like Metro: Last Light, Pandora's Tower, The Last Story, Kingdom Heart 3D and Virtue's Last Reward.
I love gaming... and beer.