Tabloid media in digital form for y'all. I think that in order to stop this kind of thing (pedantic "journalism") there's a whole subset of the internet system that has to be changed, or people just have to realize that these kinds of articles aren't what they really want to interact with so they just move on to places that do offer a happier environment.
Defending Kojima: Someone has to!
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![]() On 09/10/2013 at 10:47 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
"If you agree with Kojima...well...MISOGYNY!!!!!"
It’s no secret I’m upset about the grief Kojima is getting for Quiet’s design. I realize he mentioned he wanted her to specifically have a marketable appeal and to be “sexy”. However, I do not know how that makes Kojima a monster or a hater of women. Why do I use the term “hater of women”?? Because journalists are once again throwing around the word “misogyny” as a straw-man argument without even knowing what it means. Anyway, stay with me as I give my own perspective on this whole sordid affair.
Are sexism and objectification truly as terrible as misogyny?
Misogyny is an extremely negative word. It literally means “hatred of women”. What journalistic idiots don’t seem to realize is misogyny cannot be attached to every thing that is sexist or objectifying by default. Confused? Stay with me a bit.
I present you with Carl, a father who loves his wife and daughter very much. However, let’s assume he believes women have their place. This is the kind of fellow who would argue women make great nurses and wonderful school teachers but they have no place on the battlefield or in a political office. Now, you can argue Carl is antiquated. (Old fashioned) You can argue Carl is a chauvinist. However, in this scenario Carl is also a loyal husband and a caring dad. He’s never derived enjoyment from abusing his wife or abusing his daughter. If anything, the most Carl has been caught doing is raising his voice and giving a disapproving scowl during arguments.
Carl is NOT a misogynist. As much as you might disagree with him about women’s issues he is not a man that loathes females with every fiber of his being nor does he go out of his way to hurt them. Carl may not be the most charming and politically correct individual around but that doesn’t automatically make him into an immoral beast.
So, how does this apply to Kojima? Simple. You may not like all of Kojima’s character designs but as with Carl, it doesn’t mean you can label him as a misogynist. If Kojima had a history of rape and brutality against real women then and only then would we be justified calling him a misogynist.
"Even when trying to be cool Kojima looks more like a nice timid nerd than someone who would beat on,rape,and degrade real women for his personal pleasure."
Misogyny based on design
"....and still not as hawt as naked Raiden!"
As a producer of a huge franchise Kojima does have to consider factors that effect sales. Like it or not, warm blooded homo-sapiens find scantily clad women with big guns alluring. You can argue with it until you are blue in the face but to do so is arguing against basic biology.
Look, Metal Gear has always been out there. We’re talking about naked bishonen (pretty boy) ninjas running around while trying their best cup their genitalia with one hand as bi-sexual nano-machine infused male vampires strut their stuff. If anything you have to admit Kojima sexualizes men just as much as women. Whether Meryl talks about women having more hiding places or Snake lovingly caresses Eva’s body with his sniper scope, none of this is new-hat. Remember sneaking around in card-board boxes to avoid professional mercenaries? Remember leaving out pin-up magzines for unsuspecting soldiers? Would any of these stealth and distraction techniques work irl? Maybe to an extent but not as splendidly as they do in the MGS franchise. When all is said and done, MGS is far from realistic. Thus to critique Quiet’s design for being unrealistic is pure bullocks.
"I can only imagine how poor Steph feels right now. I mean she did audition for Quiet and presently her character is under attack from the western gaming media on all sides! I wonder,does she now regret her involvement with MGS5 or is she still proud of what Quiet represents?"
The problem I have is people are judging Quiet solely upon her appearance. We have not even played MGS5 and we’re already assured by our smug moral superiority Quiet is a gimmick with no appeal other than her sexuality. Wow. Isn’t this similar to slut-shaming? Is it not wrong to make assumptions about women based on what they’re wearing as opposed to who they are? Does being “sexy” negate other humanistic traits a character can possesses? (sexy=bad character design) Uh oh. Looks like a certain number of would be social-justice-warriors have become the very thing they’re rallying against! Stare into the abyss and it does stares back into you. Wise words from Friedrich Nietzsche to grow on.
Based upon what I know, Quiet possibly has the ability to change her skin’s density and color (Akin to a chameleon for camouflage) and this may also protect her from the UV radiation of the sun. (Nice perk to have in a desert) Yes, you can debate the power was given to Quiet to justify her racy design but at least it makes sense. Why doesn’t she have armor? She’s a sniper, not a marine. This is a character designed for stealth and blending in as opposed to breaking down doors with guns-blazing. Simple to grasp, right?
Lastly, artistic visionaries are not obligated to appeal to our sensibilities . The world will not magically censor itself based on our preferences. All we can really do is choose what to consume or what not to consume. Enraged by Quiet’sc design? Don’t buy MGS5!
Misogyny based on situation
"Being equal isn't always glamorous. Quiet endures just as much torture as a male P.O.W."
It’s been brought up Quiet is tortured and possibly raped. We even see this in a trailer. This is yet another twig added to the misogyny argument to keep the flames of controversy going. Yet it’s the very reason Kojima’s women face the same dangers as men in combat that makes them so admirable! What Quiet is going through is no different from what a typical male P.O.W (Prisoner of war) would experience. Male prisoners likewise get beaten, threatened, and raped in this kind of environment. Should we instigate a rule where fictional women characters cannot have traumatic experiences? Should we instigate a rule where they should always be dressed a certain way? Wow, seems like fascism and censorship to me!
The fact Quiet can endure these tragedies and pull herself together makes her a heroic character in my eyes. She’s a survivor, not a victim!
Cherry picking
Though Cat-woman in Arkham city was met with a less than favorable reception, I remember the controversy dying down rather quickly and it only came from a few folks in the first place. Likewise Kratos didn’t seem to get any flak for tossing a helpless naked women into a bunch of churning gears just so he could open a door in God Of War 3. (Couldn’t he have used a monster carcass instead? Minotaurs and Cyclops do have denser bones after all!) What of Saints Row The 3rd’s “whored mode” and the purple dildo weapon? Either it was entirely ignored or people smugly stated “It’s meant to be funny satire! Don’t take it seriously,bro!” Don’t even get me started on Cortana, Mileena, Kitana, Psylocke, Jade, and Sonya!
"It's's satire!"
Before we witch-hunt Kojima we should all take a good long look in the mirror. (That includes David Ellis and Ryan Fleming!)
My sexuality is not immaturity, stop trying to guilt trip my penis!
What to know a secret? I don’t mind fan-service if it’s also accompanied by a compelling story or good game play. I am totally aroused by attractive depictions of women whether they have clothes on or clothes off. Think that makes me “immature”? Fine. But I find your whole “Boobies ewwww, sexism and cooties!” shtick to be even more childish. Suck on that!