ah, Minecraft. Never really got into it. I've played some with friends though.
I'm determined to get into Pokemon this year.
On 09/15/2013 at 11:51 PM by GamerFoxem See More From This User » |
I suppose since I haven’t posted anything for awhile I should put up a quick update. Due to lengthy work shifts (A bunch of nine hour work hours on some days, even a ten hour one Sunday) I had a hard time focusing on things after work. That aside let’s get to the update.
I suppose the first thing in order is to talk about my last post about the Nintendo 2DS. While I gave it some praise (perhaps more praise than I should have) and said that releasing it on October 12 was genius there is one marketing problem Nintendo created after the announcement. During the Pokemon Direct that broadcasted on September 9th they stated that the limited edition Pokemon X/Y 3DS XL units will release on the 27th, fifteen days before the next generation’s release. While having the 2DS’ release date close to Pokemon X/Y’s worldwide release is a good idea I believe they should have the limited edition units up for sale on the 12th of October instead.
Speaking of Pokemon there has been plenty of news and hype for the franchise with the new anime series Pokemon: The Origin and new reveals on the upcoming games such as Mega Evolved Kanto starters, the Pokemon Bank, and the second stage evolution for the Generation VI starters. It has become very tempting to write nothing but Pokemon for my PixlBit account. In fact I might start after the mystery announcement that will be released on Monday, September 16th at 11 am EST. I am hyped to see what this announce is about, even if it’s Poke-Tekken with footage of The Spoony One doing air juggles (Well, not with Spoony but at least some footage). In fact, I’m calling the announcement for tomorrow is in fact Poke-Tekken.
The closing item for this update will be my future game purchase that isn’t Pokemon. This is a game I actually pirated at one point but decided that since it was a VERY fun game I decided to support the official release. This was years ago and I still didn’t get the game. However, if I can actually find it at a Meijer so I can finally use this gift card my next game will be…
…Along with Pokemon X and this, you’ll never see me again.