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Captain N's Favorite Decepticons

On 09/18/2013 at 08:39 PM by Captain N

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Decepticon's, Transform and Rise Up!

I remember writing a similar blog like this at 1up a long time ago, so instead of writing something new, I'll just copy and paste it from there, though I'll update it because alot has changed from then.

In the original Transformers cartoon the Decepticons were always doing something stupid or funny because of Megatron's plan to destroy the Autobots and find some energy to convert into Energon for Megatron's Cybertronian warriors. Or you know, the Decepticons that stayed behind on Cybertron. I never watched the original cartoon but I've watched it on Netflix and thought it was pretty good for it's time. It's pretty cool but some of the plots for some episodes seem kinda weird. I will include Decepticons from the different cartoons I've watched over the years. Anyways here are my favorite Cons:

Blitzwing: A Decepticon who can Transform into both into a tank and a fighter jet. And he can transform into a robot, gasp! I've seen the G1 Transformers cartoon but if I remember correctly, it  doesn't really show anything much about him other than Transforming into both of those vehicles. In Transformers Animated however, I saw how weird and hilarious he was. That's the show that made me like the guy, there's was an episode were Lugnut and Blitzwing arrived on Earth and they had to scan a vehicle for them to Transform. Blitzwing didn't know what to scan, the tank or the jet so he just scanned both. He also changes faces depending on his personality or vehicle mode. Plus he has a very distinct German accent, that and his helmet looks like a German WWII helmet...  He's pretty cool and of all the Decepticon's I know, he's pretty much the craziest which make him awesome.

Tidal Wave: A huge Decepticon made out of those carrier ships that transports jets. As before I don't know much about this guy outside the Armada and Energon cartoons. All I remember is that when this guy Transforms into a giant robot he's fucking huge, and when he enters the fight, he'll fuck up you shit. Oh and he can transform and combine himself with Megatron from the Armada and Energon cartoons, or so it said on the box when I got him as a gift. I reccently rewatched Armada and Energon this year and he was pretty badass in Armada, not so much in Energon. And he had a habit of saying his own name often. But as a toy he was cool, even cooler if you had Megatron.

Lockdown: A bounty hunter and transforms into a cool muscle car in the Transformers Animated series. In Animated, Lockdown was a Cyber Ninja, but he betrayed the Ninja school he was from, and stole the Protoforms for the Decepticons, and killed Yoketron, the sensei of the school. He's not really a Decepticon per se, but he will do a job depending on which faction offers the biggest rewards and mods. He also apparently keeps trophies and mods of the Transformers he's defeated, and Ratchet has a bitter history with Lockdown.

Starscream: A Decepticon that tranforms into a jet and screams often. You know when you have a team and someone betrays you? Starscream is that guy. He really doesn't betray the Decepticons, he simply wants to lead the Decepticons. But he's one you really seem to like and see if he really does succeed in his plans. If Megatron can't do a good job, what makes Starscream sure he can do any better? Megatron should seriously fire this guy for plotting against him. But just turns a blindeye towards his schemes. And when Megatron seems like he's going to get rid of Starscream, Starscream begs for mercy and his loyalty to Megatron. Speaking of Megatron...

Megatron: Decepticon leader who Transforms into the most ingenious disguise of all...a gun (sure why not since every Con has a freaking laser gun with them and only need more fire power that misses alot) Atleast he's been a tank or plane reccently. If you notice, Megatron's design almost looks like Darth Vader, look at Tron's helmet and then Vader's. Thn look at Megatron's buttons on his in front of him and look at Vader's, see the similarities right? That and they're both villains. Megatron is the "brilliant" leader of the Decepticons (and I use that term loosely) and well I say that because everytime Starcream is going to do something stupid he ignores it. Like sometimes Starscream says he's going to be the new leader and crap and instead of Megatron beating the crap out of Starscream for it, Megatron just well ignores it. He does get pissed about it though. But he has been a much better leader since his G1 days, especially in Animated and Prime.

Darth Vader: Sith Lord and Decepticon? (This could be cheating) Well I don't think it says Decepticon on the box and he doesn't have the insignia on him but he's a bad guy right so it counts. However if you turn the Autobot insginia upsidedown it looks like Vader's helmet. I have a Transformers out of Darth Vader and it's as awesome as it sounds, he Transforms into his Tie Fighter Advanced ship and looks just like it. That and I can't believe there isn't a 6 inch Darth Vader figure so I have to make due with this one.

Demolisher: A Transformer that Transforms into a tank, from what I've seen of him from Armada and Energon. This was the Transformer I got as a gift from my brother, in other words it was my first Transformers/Decepticon toy. I had gotten into Transformers Armada at the time and wanted a Transformers toy for Xmas, I really didn't mind who and my brother got me this guy. He was pretty cool, he transformed into a tank, bot, and a base, he even came with his mini-con from the cartoon. The mini-con even had 3 modes it was awesome. In Armada he was probably the most loyal of Megatron's team, though he did have a habit of bumbling alot. What sucks is that I lost my toy when I moved. I'll have to get a new one if I don't find it.

Soundwave: A Transformer that transforms into a...Tapedeck. More reccently into a Pseudo Scion XB, a plane and car/truck as seen in War for Cybertron. Soundwave is basically Megatron's right hand bot, his most trusted bot. He always informs Megatron of important info pertaining to the Autobots as well as suggestions. He commands Laserbeak, Ravage, and Rumble and they transform into tape cassettes, pretty retro. He's always been my favorite Con because he's a freaking tape deck, you could easily mistake the real Soundwave for a real tapedeck in your house or that hipster guys house who loves being retro. This did happen alot in the original cartoon so it was a pretty ingenious disguise especially when the Autobot's couldn't recognize Soundwave in their own base. Also you hardly see him laugh, he does laugh funny when he does. Soundwave just seems to get even more awesome in the cartoons, in Animated, he was a Scion XB and he wasn't a Decepticon at first till Megatron convinced him that humans were enslaving machines. Later on he had a plot to reprogram the Autobots into Decpticons. In Prime, he never talked but he was just so awesome, he was the strong silent type despite being the guy in charge of surveillance.

There you have it, my favorite Decepticons. Who are your favorite Decepticons? In my next blog I'll talk about my favorite Autobots, so thanks for reading Till All are One!




Cary Woodham

09/18/2013 at 10:02 PM

My favorite Decepticons are:

Soundwave: The only time the cartoon ploy worked.  After seeing him in the old cartoon, I had to have his toy when I was a kid.

Astrotrain: His name is just ridiculous, plus he turns into a purple space shutte AND an old timey steam train.  That's just silly!

Shockwave: Sure Megatron turned into a gun, but Shockwave turned into a cool purple gun with sound effects (the toy did). 

Constructicons: I think that's what they were called.  I never understood why they were painted lime green and purple.  You NEVER saw bulldozers that color!

Captain N

09/18/2013 at 10:49 PM

Soundwave was pretty awesome, loved his tapedeck mode and he did fool the Autobots alot.

Astrotrain was pretty cool, his name sounds really ridiculous that it's awesome. Triple changers were awesome.

Shockwave was a better gun than Megatron but you didn't see Shockwave often.

And the Constructicons, they didn't look like construction vehicles in that color despite being actual construction equipment. But they were awesome when they formed Devastator.

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