Autobot's, Transform and Rollout!
Like before, I had a blog like this at 1up so I'm just going to copy and paste it, it will be updated because alot has changed since then. Last time I blogged I blogged about my favorite Dcepticons and why Soundwave was awesome. Now I will blog about the heroic Autobots or you know the guys who ruin the Decepticons plans. Appart from the occasional Stormtrooper aim like the Decepticon's, the Autobots are led by Optimus Prime in hopes of achieving peace in the universe. Anyways I think I have more favorite Autobots than Decepticons but here they are, my favortte Bots:

Omega Supreme: According to WfC he's like some sort of guardian, his form is some sort of rocket (originally attached to some rails according to the Gen 1 cartoon) and he's fucking huge. In War for Cybertron, Omega guards the entrance to the core of Cybertron, but only to have Megatron and his goons beat him. In the cartoon he was friends with the Constructicons, you know those bots that form Devastator. Megatron sort of brain-washed them and they destroyed a city. The city they destroyed happened to be the one Omega Supreme was tasked to guarding and he couldn't believe that his best friends turned on him. Since then Omega has a vendetta with the Constructicons. He's one of my faves cause in the game he can rip Decepticons to scrap metal should they get pulled into Omega's giant gun.

Prowl: In Transformers Animated Prowl is a Ninja Robot, and transforms into a motorcycle, how cool is that? Prowl is awesome, he is a ninja warrior in the Animated cartoon and he is kinda quiet and likes meditating and one of my favorite parts about him was that he has this hologram that looks like a human version of himself but with a mustache. If I remember Prowl was a police car in the Gen 1 cartoon.

Blurr: Blurr is really fast, I mean really fast and always leaves a blur when he moves since it's in his name. His vehicle form is basically an F-Zero machine, I first saw him in the original movie and didn't see him in an Earth vehicle form. It wasn't until Transformers Animated that he was in a Earth vehicle form, or a Cybetronia like form but sucks that he got killed. I bet he could give Sonic a run for his money.

Sideswipe: He's an Autobot and a car. He is pretty cool in War for Cybertron and he's pretty competitive so basially the Captain N of the Transformers. Also his vehicle form in the game looks cool. I think he had a jetpack, I don't remember if it was in the G1 cartoon or somewhere else. He was a Lamborghini in G1.

Tracks: An undercover Autobot who stops crime, like a detective or something. Tracks would rather stop crime than stop the Deceticons but he does stop Decepticons when it leads to crime. He is pretty snobbish and I think he doesn't like getting his paint scratched. In Animated, he wore some glasses, he looked pretty funny but still had that same attitude. That and he's a fucking Corvette, which almost looks like the Blue Falcon if it was a car rather than a hovercraft, speaking of Captain Falcon...

Captain Falcon: Bounty Hunter and F-Zero pilot, also he's apparently a Transformer now, awesome. If he was a Transformer he could defeat any Decepticon with the Falcon Punch.

Grimlock: The leader of the Dinobots and he's pretty strong, and he's a T-Rex, a robot T-Rex. I didn't know to choose from the Dinotbots cause they're all cool but decided on Grimlock since well he's probably the coolest of them. He may not be that smart, but what he lacks in brains makes up for strength. In War for Cybertron he was some sort of a Truck rather than a Dinosaur but he's still strong. Also he's playable in Fall of Cybertron, but how would I know, I haven't played it yet.

Cliffjumper: Cliffjumper is a small Autobot like Bumblebee. He is pretty awesome but sucks he was killed off early in Transformers Prime. All I know is that he's voiced by Nolan North so it's like "You have your Uncharted in my Transformers" sorta thing. Also his Cybertronian design as seen above looks awesome.

Jetfire: A transformer that is a space shuttle. Originally he was friends with Starscream according to the G1 cartoon. I don't remember much about it but Jetfire crashed landed on Earth millions of years ago and the Decepticons found him frozen in a glacier. They made him a Decepticon cause of Starscream I guess (don't remember) and well he became an Autobot after the Autobots saved him cause Starscream shot him or something. He's pretty cool in War for Cybertron. In Armada he can transform and combine with Optimus Prime to transform into Jet Convoy mode.

Captain America: You know the guy from Marvel that dresses up as the American flag and has an indestructible shield. I gotta say the Marvel Transformers Crossovers are freaking cool, they have Spider-Man, the Hulk, Thor, Wolverine, Iron Man, War Machine, Ghost Rider, Human Torch, Venom, Carnage, and Captain America. These guys are so expensive now but like I said they're pretty cool.

Batman: OMG I would so buy this cause it isn't real :( I mean I wonder why they haven't made a Batman transformer with his vehicle mode being the Batmobile? Heck they can make one out of his motorcycle, the Batjet, and the boat he has. I'd buy this the instant I see at a store.

Arcee: A female Transformer and she's a hovercar kinda like Blurr. Kinda strange that female Transformers are rare like an urban legend or something, according to Shockwave. I know there were more in G1 but it was like a handfull of them. I wonder if she'll be playable in Fall of Cybertron, she was in War for Cybertron but as an online multiplayer character/bot. She is such a badass in Transformers Prime, she was the kind of person who doesn't take shit from no one and would rather do things on her own. Mostly because she's lost 2 partners to the cons.

Jazz or Autobot Jazz: A cool talking Transformer that Transforms into a Porsche. This guy is the embodyment of cool in the Transformers or in the Autobot team. And like his name says, he likes music, and playing it loud. He was playable in WfC's online multiplayer, and I got a voucher to unlock him which was already expired, thanks alot Activision. I did buy the dlc later on. I think he's playable in FoC. Jazz would probably be my most favorite Autobot if it wasn't for my number 1 choice...

Optimus Prime: The leader of the Autobots and he tranforms into a truck, the 18 wheeler ones. Optimus is my favorite, he's strong, brave, and what a leader should be and he would go on a dangerous mission himself if it meant risking any member of his team. Optimus would also rather let go of a victory if it meant endangering human lives. Heck I would do the same thing too if I was in his shoes. He always gives inspirational speeches in hopes of encouraging everyone around him and not to give up hope when things look bleak. I'm well aware that he has died alot of times and brought back, and admit it, you cried when he died in the movie. He should of never died in the first place but was brought back by popular demand. They did alot of damage with that and everyone that died in the movie that Hasbro decided never to do that again. Till Michael Bay took over... If I ever get an 18 wheeler someday I'm going to make it look like Optimus.
Well those are my favorite Autobots, who are your favorite Autobots? Thanks for reading Till All are One!