Breaking Bad is the best show ever. Ozymandius proves it. That episode is more of an emotional gut punch than the red wedding.
Read me! I'm desperate for attention and internet adulation!
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![]() On 09/18/2013 at 11:36 PM by Townz90 ![]() See More From This User » |
It’s been a while Pixlbit! I may look all bearded and dishevelled, having just come back from that lonely desert island; The Desert Island being a metaphor for not blogging and generally being negligent of the Pixlbit community. It’s a bizarre metaphor, I know. Considering I’m clean shaven.
Where to start? Well I thought I’d just steal Rangergirl’s template for this because well nothing good comes from being original. All sections of my life currently, conveniently sorted under sub-headings for your reading convenience.
Not GTA V. I want to, I really do. Maybe when I get paid, I’ll Purchase. It looks awesome and I love what I’ve seen of the heist missions and Trevor seems to be an awesome, if not deeply flawed character. Finally got round to Planescape Torment, “Only 13 years too late LOSER!” fuck you quotation marks! I’ll play what I want, when I want to! It’s pretty amazing, the actual RPG mechanics are pretty basic but it’s the world and writing that make this game so special and memorable. I’ve realised now that I value good writing, over anything else in a videogame and/or movie/TV show. You want good game play and graphics? Pffft you simpletons enjoy your shiny looking games, us intellectuals are dining on a higher plane of existence, that you couldn’t even comprehend. “How dare you, call me a simpleton!?” *INTERNET RAAAAGE!!!* Woah calm down Quotation marks, I’m just kidding Geeze...
Hmm nothing of note really, Got through the first volume of Transmetropolitan. I just struggled to read a lot of it in one go and as such it’s all a bit fragmented in my head. It just seemed to not know what it wanted to be. It’s very crass and immature one second and then it’s trying to lecture me on society and its shortcomings. I liked Spider, as a character but he just seemed to inconsistent. That was a while ago I read that though so maybe I should just forget about it and let the masses blindly put it up on the proverbial pedestal.
Breaking Bad ...awesome! Only two more episodes and then I’ve finished the course in meth cooking. My career as a drug lord is going to take off and then I can have a son, whose main contribution to life is to eat breakfast as well as... eating breakfast. Every house now needs a permanent fixture of an angsty teenager... eating breakfast. Also Newsroom and Boardwalk Empire are regular fixtures in my life currently. TV is GOOOOOOOD. “TV is the DEVIL!”
I could tell you but I’d rather show you. Come with me on a magical education, as I force my musical taste on you.
A bit soppy for a 23 year old guy like myself but I can't get enough of this band:
Bipolar sunshine are a pretty unknown quantity. They recently released an EP and every track on it is stellar.
'Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not' was literally my number one album at school back in '06. The Arctic monkeys could no wrong and they released a couple of poor albums in 'Humbug' and 'suck it and see'. New album is shaping up though and this cover is just class.
Earl is good.
Life Stuff:
I’m working a job that actually pays money now, which is a novelty. It’s nothing special just a boring admin job, where I read e-mails and then stare at a girl (I’d score her out of ten but don’t want to risk ‘Misogynistic’ comments) , before averting my eyes, to then avert them back and catch her averting her eyes and then this continues until I realise it’s 5pm and I’ve done no work.
GUEST, the movie I’ve been working on in my spare time is nearly past the production stage! Hurrah! We just need to organise one more shoot, which is tricky because a lot, if not all of the actors have other commitments on jobs that actually pay. So yeah, were working on it! Feel free to like our official page on facebook. It's gaining real momentum at the moment. Trailer is imminent!
Here's a picture of me filming. Indulge me.
Life is good, don’t let the trivial things get you down.