So now that the smoke has cleared with the release of GTA5 now comes the opinions and most are very good but then theres thoughs that played an hour or two and starts saying its like the others but let me say its not, first off the missions are very diverse and very well written and if you were to play for a while you would see that after you get into the game a little bit you would see that this is a very different and well written story.

The heist idea is brilliant its really cool to do the heist set up which involves you doing some hijacking of trucks, cars or guns depending on whether or not you do the stealthy aproach or the guns blazing approach, you pick the getaway driver the muscle the hacker and anyone else you may need for the heist and let me say the heist is like an awesome action flick when everything comes together. Theres so much going on is Los Santos its hard to stay focused not to mention golf which plays like Tiger Woods or Tennis which feels like Top Spin its really that good.
The first heist and you will be hooked
Theres is people out there that dont like GTA games and thats fine not everyone is going to like this type of game but if your a GTA fan this is by far the best, alot of people didnt like GTA4 personally my favorite was San Andreas and if any game felt like the first time I loaded San Andreas this one is it but on steroids they really exceeded my expectations and im having a blast with this one.

GTA5 online comes out October 1st
And in case you dont know Rockstar Social Club is a site to link your Rock Star games to and in GTA5 you can join a crew and roam the city of Los Santos with your freinds and you hook up with your crew and pull off heist or rob liquor stores by a town home or condo throw partys etc the online game looks awesome and you create your own character and build up skills, buy a garage to keep your collection of rides, invest in stock etc, theres is alot to do but just remember if you get GTA5 play for at least 17 missions before judging the game it takes a while to get going but after you pull off the first heist you will be hooked.

This is my Rock Star screen saver and it looks cool