*cue awesome explosions*
Alot of you may have seen the live-action movie adaptions of the Transformers by Michael Bay and alot of of people have different opinions on them. Some might say they aren't bad, they are awesome, or Michael Bay is raping our childhood. I fall into the catergory of that they aren't bad, but they aren't as bad as people make them out to be.
I mean sure, there are alot of things I, as well as some people don't like about them and that is understandable. But you aren't watching these movies for their award winning narratives and amazing stories, because if you think about it, the only source material they have are toy robots that Transform into cars and tanks or whatever electronic that's currently popular. You are watching these movies for the action and the giant alien robots beating the living scrap out of each other.
They tried their best to adapt these toys into a big budget live-action film and the only other movie out there is the original movie that released in 1986. Let's make an example, say your little brother is a Transformers fan and you wanna watch a Transformers movie with him, which do you think he's going to see?
Obligatory T and A pic
He's obviously going to want to see the more newer movies over an old movie he's never even heard of despite being a fan of the Transformers.
Another argument I've heard of is that alot of the Transfomers don't look and act like their cartoon/G1 counterparts. One might say Megatron doesn't Transform in his nazi handgun or Soundwave doesn't tranform into a tapedeck, or the fact that Bumblebee doesn't even speak. Well one, this is a live-action adaption of the toys, they are aiming to appeal to the general audience, not only the fans.
He's still a truck though
Think about it, how well do you think the general public is going to react when Megs, the big bad boss of the Decepticons, tranforms from a giant robot into a tiny gun you can hold in your hand? Or what is Soundwave going to transform into, an iPod? It may had worked back then but it just wont work now, as much as we wish it would. Megatron isn't a gun for the same reason Bumblebee isn't a Volkswagen Beetle, why? Because VW doesn't want their brand to be associated with war. At least Optimus Prime is still a truck, so I guess that makes up for some mistakes.
Subtle Ad placements
Another complaint I read is that they are obvious advertisement placements, from the cars and products, well duh, you're missing the point. The original cartoon basically was an advertisement to sell toys out of the robots from the cartoon. That and it's advertising toys as well as cars, products, and hell, maybe some small time buisness that are in the movie which in turn will make money just because it was in the movie. If there is one thing they got right, it's ad placements.
This is Scuba Sam
Another common argument is the humans, they are there just because. I'll say it to you now, the G1 cartoon and almost every cartoon adaption has always had humans in one form or another. They are usually there for story purposes, but like I said before, you're not watching these for their oscar winning stories. (Even though Shia Lebaouf is annoying) I mean if these robots landed on Earth, would you think no one would notice?
And here is what I think, if you think about it, these movies have probably done the property good, for better or worse. Let's say these movies didn't exist, minus the 86 one and you ask someone who the Transformers were, what would their answer be? If they are from the 80's they would know, if they aren't, not likely. Outside the fanbase, no one else would know and give a damn about it.
A kid who didn't know a thing about them and saw these movies may end up being a fan and be compelled to check out the cartoons and buy some toys, which is exactly what these movies are doing. Alot of people who didn't know a thing about the Transformers now do, why because of the movie adaptions. Sure those movies aren't great because like I said, they didn't have alot of source material to use but these movies are here to stay whether we like it or not but do you think you'd ever think of seeing the Transformers being adapted into a big-budget film?
The only important thing in my opinion is that thanks to these movies, people will think that these are what the Transformers are all about, which in my opinion is giving them a false impression. Maybe they'll check out some of the cartoons but like I said, it has done the brand good for better or worse. No matter what, we are stuck with Michael Bays movies till the last Transformer movies he makes, which I heard will be 6, we are at number 3 at the moment, 4 will air next year so we are almost there.
I know alot of people have their opinions on them, I have my opinions too but this blog would be constant swearing and using the f word alot because those movies have their problems but they are just movies.
So what are your opinions about the Michael Bay movies? Thanks for reading and Till All are One!