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Stress = new best friend

On 09/30/2013 at 11:49 AM by FAF101

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It has been awhile again my dear blog...I have gotten a few new games for my DS/3DS and Wii, work is work nothing has changed there, no new games beat, anime has not been watched much as of late, the only change has been so stressful I am ready to break!

Well not really....kinda...maybe more so than I think. I broke down yesterday but it made me feel a hundred times better! Why so much stress you ask? I am moving in with my fiance! YAY! Or one would think....I am happy yes but I want it to be over with already haha. I officially move on October 4th aka this Friday. We are moving to New London, CT and are in an awesome location! Five minutes from the beach, mall right around the corner, other random things I have yet to will be good there. Life as of right now, totally different story. These past two weeks stress has become my new bff! I feel I have so much to do before moving it's making me crazy. I am almost fully packed, just have my closet to go through and I believe I will have about 40 boxes total and I then have all my furniture along with the new items my mom is giving me such as the couch...a table+chairs, and whatever else there was. One huge worry I was having was how the hell am I getting everything in a moving truck? I am picking that up early Thursday with my brother but I was freating am I just going to be packing it alone? Will I be able to have help? My brother is in class during the time I get off work so what was I to do? I decided on a leap of faith to ask my friends for some help packing the truck up and thank god they said yes. I am so greatful to them they have no idea. So it will be a 6 man team packing the truck up, I feel it shouldn't take too long with that many and I offered them food and booze as payment. No one can say no to food and booze! I am hoping if they come over around 4/4:30 we should have the truck packed up by 7pm the latest. Possibly earlier depending how amazing we can be. So that was such a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders. It would have otherwise been me doing boxes Thursday and my brother, mom and I doing furniture Friday morning (did not want to do more lifting than I am going to have to that day). 

My hope if to finish packing everything by tomorrow because Wednesday I am planning to see a friend I have not seen in forever before I move. Still need to get everything from my doctors, set up new doctor appointments for next week up in CT....busy busy. I just can't wait for Friday and for this to be DONE!

So new games I have purchased! I got Pandora's Tower, Last Story, Radiant Historia, Chrono Trigger, and Hakuoki (Wii, DS, 3DS). I started up Radiant Historia and LOVE it. So between playin that and Project X Zone I have not been playing anything else. 

I have vacation coming up from October 4th-October 14th. Figured I needed some me time after the move. In that time I'll be doing some running around with doctors appointments but other than that I plan to be playing a lot of games and watching anime. That's the plan at least...subject to change. Hoping to have some new reviews up on my other blog also next week along with some other random entries!

Anyways happy Monday! YAY MONDAY! I am so tired...and this XLarge coffee from Dunkin is kinda helping keep me awake. Trying to make it last the entire day, otherwise I may have to make more coffee at work...which I am avoiding at all costs because the coffee at work kinda stinks. It's okay but not fabulous like I want it to be. Hope everyone else is having a fab day though!




09/30/2013 at 12:02 PM

Oh man, as soon as you said coffee, I had this image in my

Yea man! Now I gotta go get some.


10/01/2013 at 09:40 AM

It was fabulous coffee too lol. Actually did make it last the entire day!


10/02/2013 at 02:15 AM

That's kinda how I drink coffee. It sits in my car all day, sometimes several days. Hey, if you don't put anything in it like milk or sugar, it's still good. I always take mine black.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/30/2013 at 12:06 PM

Radiant Historia is chill. 

Hope things settle down for you soon!


10/01/2013 at 09:41 AM

Thank you. I believe after I actually get the truck'll be that AHHHHHH feeling lol.

I am really enjoying Radiant Historia as well! It's blown me away with how good it is.


09/30/2013 at 01:25 PM

I really hope your move goes well.  I hate moving.  I try to help anyone that has to go through it though.  I don't let my friends go through something I find so awful alone.  The more people you have, the better.  I you lived in my area, I'd help you and bring alone 3 more guys.  With the right people, moving can be fun.  Almost like a party.  Almost. Laughing


10/01/2013 at 09:43 AM

Haha XD I am going to try to make mine seem more like a party after we get the truck packed up. I hate moving too, I think after the trucks packed the stress will go away. It's always the build up to a moment that gets me.


09/30/2013 at 06:01 PM

Hope your move goes as planned it never does for me anyway but im thinking positive for ya, I have heard great things about Radiant Historia hope its everything I was told it was, I have some older games to play but cant stop playing GTA5 so sooner or later I will be ready to move on ha ha so anyway hope everything else is great a big move is very stressful so take it easy things will fall into place.Laughing


10/01/2013 at 09:44 AM

Thank you! I believe once Friday hits I will feel a million times better and even after the truck is packed the stress will fly away. 

Radiant Historia is better than I expected. I know I heard amazing things about it but still it is way better than I ever thought. I am going to be getting GTAV eventually because my fiance wants us to play it together. So maybe this weekend!


10/01/2013 at 02:02 PM

Well gta5 is awesome its my favorite so far and they just released the gta5 online today and although there still working with servers by next week it should be fully functional and you create you own custom character so it should be extremely fun we shall see.


09/30/2013 at 07:37 PM

Moving sucks, so good luck with that. Glad you have friends who can help. Radiant Historia is one of my favorite DS games, so I'm glad you're enjoying it so much Smile


10/01/2013 at 09:45 AM

Thank you! I am so greatful they are able to help out otherwise I feel I may have been even more a lump of stress.

Radiant Historia is sooooo much better than I expected. I mean I did hear amazing things about it but still was very mind blowing to me just how good it is.


09/30/2013 at 10:06 PM

Good luck with your moving. Hopefully, everything will be worth your time once you get to your new location. Speaking of Anime, ever seen Madoka Magica?


10/01/2013 at 09:47 AM

Thank you! I have a feeling everything will be a lot better once the truck is packed and I really cannot wait to get to the new place.

I have seen Madoka! Loved it! It was one of those holy shiz really animes at the end there for me.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/01/2013 at 12:24 AM

For some reason, I have moved myself (twice? my memory is sucking), my brother, and my friend's professor this year. My least favorite part is the Tetrising on the spot that inevitably happens, and I'm pretty good at Tetris. I know what you mean about just wanting it done with! Like jgusw said though, you can make it a party (and go faster) with the right people. 

Wish you the best! Congrats on finding a place!


10/01/2013 at 09:48 AM

Thank you! One of my friends coming he packs trucks for a living, so it'll be nice to have him there to help with figuring out how everything should fit because I have....a lot of stuff lol. But yeah going to be a party made out of it to make it more fun!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

10/02/2013 at 07:03 AM

Good Luck with the move Gigantor! I'm sure everything will be fine, but let me know how it goes!!!


10/03/2013 at 12:51 PM

Thanks Chris! I will XD I'll be on vacation next week so I'll be able to actually talk to you and keep your work day interesting!


10/02/2013 at 01:29 PM

Good luck with the move, Ashley! Remember, it's OK not to unpack all the boxes at once. Heck, I've still got a bunch that I haven't unpacked since I moved in December!


10/03/2013 at 12:56 PM

Thanks Tami XD

I figured just to really get the kitchen and bathroom unpacked right away and everything else I was going to take my time with over the weekend. Plus I have vacation all next week so I have some extra time on my hands.


10/06/2013 at 03:29 AM

no wonder your stressed, I didn't know you live in connecticitia!

Good luck, you shall need it.


10/13/2013 at 06:31 PM

I do now! Just moved here on the 4th


10/13/2013 at 07:11 PM

Glad you're okay! Don't feel bad for being so busy. It happens to all of us! The coffee will save your soul! Wink I'd love to play Radiant Historia & Pandora's Tower! Someday I'll have the means! 

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