I really didn't like The Last of Us. I liked it's story, sure, but as a game I found it kind of meh. It also controlled like arse imo.
I do agree with you on Rayman though. Legends is fucking phenomenal.
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![]() On 10/02/2013 at 01:22 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey Pixlbit. Been a while without one, busy with school, reviewing (will try to get a blog up on my recent reviews sometime soon), and other shit. But here's the games I've been playing before the double punch of Wind Waker HD and Pokemon X/Y consume my life.
Metroid Prime Trilogy
I've only been playing the first since I saw the game at a reasonable price and figured this may be my last chance to snag it. And between the widescreen support and the Wiimote controls (which by the way this is one of the few games where I prefer Wiimote/Nunchuck 100%), I am not regretting it one bit. It feels nice to play a big game where everything that keeps me hooked is related to gameplay. No story, no atmosphere (though the world is awesome), just searching around a fairly large area for the next power up. Before 3 was my favorite, but replaying it, 1 kicks that game's ass.
Pokemon Showdown
This is a battle simulator on the PC. I love it because I can just click random battle and it sets me and my opponent both up with 6 Pokemon leveled accordingly to their stats, movepool, and ability, and lets us duke it out. I was pretty proud of myself as I just broke 1800 rank barrier (winning more gets a higher rank, highest is in the 2100's). Most I face are in 1600's and lower 1700's so it makes me feel pretty damn good. Plus, it's great when I'm bored during a break at school and can just play this on my laptop. If you're interested in competitive Pokemon, give it a shot, random battle is a great way to get used to it.
Here's a little match I had today if you want a good laugh
Rayman Legends
Right now this is my runner up for GOTY after The Last of Us. I haven't played a platformer this much fun since the Genesis Sonic games. It's nice for me to be able to come home and just play a level or two of this really quick if I don't have time for Prime. I highly recommend any platformer fan check it out. Even if you're bored as hell with 2D platformers because of how oversaturated they are, check it out anyways. It's really, really good.
Co-op with Murphy's surprisingly fun too.
Last of Us delivered on both story and gameplay very well for me. It was incredibly well paced and the controls felt great to me. Limiting, yes, but in a way that benefitted the game. Getting a headshot was so damn satisfying like no other and it encouraged me to conserve ammo and make every shot count.
I saw the Metroid Prime Trilogy at Gamestop again like they pulled it out of hiding after all these years. They want $60 for it and I guess it's worth it, but I'm broke right now. Why isn't this trilogy out in a big way? Why did Nintendo produce so few copies? This is one of their main franchises and we should all be able to play those first three games in perfect HD. I'm pissed about this, but I'll play my old original copies on GameCube and be happy with it... sort of.
I've been on the hunt for the Metroid Trilogy, but I have yet to find a copy at a reasonable price (Reasonable to me). I've only ever played half of the first one though back on GameCube, so I'm really hoping to grab a copy of the trilogy before it becomes even harder to find!