I usually tend to pick a grass or water type as my starter Pokemon in these games, never the fire one. But in Black/White, I picked Tepig because he was a cute little happy piggy. If I get X/Y, I'll probably pick the froggy one.
Meet Your New Starters
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![]() On 10/04/2013 at 03:41 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
Gamefreak hasn't officially released images for the final starter evolutions yet. But they have sent out review copies and wouldn't you know, we have leaked images! So here is the full evolution tree for X and Y.
My thoughts on them? Quilladin aside (who is the only dud IMO), this is the best batch of starters since the original Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle. There's no clearly weaker line like Gens 2, 4, and 5 had while the designs are as a whole better than gen 3. I know we'll never be able to get the brilliance that were the Gen 1 starters, but kudos to Game Freak.
There are quite a few reasons I like all of these. For starters, they take a really simple, but fun concept of Knight/Witch/Ninja seen in so many other RPGs and give it a unique Pokemon twist. It gives an easy way to understand exactly what you're picking not just in type, but what you favor: Bulk, power, or speed?
Their designs are very well done as well. My biggest issue with modern Pokemon designs is they have too much stuff going on. Sticking with starters, Infernape is just covered with all that crap on him while a simple white monkey with a flaming head would have been fine. There's even good looking ones like Samurott hurt by that stupid shell helmet or Sceptile by his yellow bulbs.
These everything they add works in their favor. Greninja's scarf gives him a nice mysterious look while instantly letting you know that's a ninja. Delphox's fur resembles witch robes very well. And Chesnaught just screams badass. These look a lot more human like than the original ones did, but their designs still work well.
The typings (which are confirmed for all but Greninja) point to Grass/Fighting, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Dark. Now, we've seen Pokemon with these typings before, but seeing as there's only 2, 1, and 2 of them respectively, they are rare and fun enough that it's still something to get me excited.
The only thing I am a little disappointed over is Fennekin becomes bipedal and it's not the most graceful transformation. Don't get me wrong, I really like the designs for all of them, but we've never had a fully evolved quadrupedal Fire type. We've had two of them start that way, with one transforming into a biped well while the other did so awkwardly, so I would have liked to see it stay a four legged fox.
Overall, I'd say Grass>Water>Fire for me this gen. Will do a run with Chespin/Squirtle to start out then a Froakie/Bulbasaur run for my replay (Yes, I will replay the second I beat it). So what do you guys think of the new starters? Like them, hate them, mixed reception? Favorite and least favorite? I'd love to hear from you on this.