Been meaning to check out Johnny Cash. He's been so influential to other musicians. I thought I'd start with Man in Black.
Quick Hits: The TV Show Edition...And Pickups
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![]() On 10/04/2013 at 04:31 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
What’s up Pixlbit! It’s Friday and I want to cover some of the TV Shows I’m watching this season. To keep it quick, I’ll follow this format: One sentence synopsis, Pro’s, and Con’s. Cool? Cool.
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team 8
Synopsis: Reality Show where a bunch of hopeful women try out to be members of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, lots of crying, and mean but funny judges
Pros: The judges are hilarious. They’ll refer to their weight as “fluffy”, be negative about it and then say something like “you are beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise”. It’s the Hard Knocks for cheerleading.
Cons: Typical reality show, at the end of the episode three girls stay behind and one gets booted.
The Voice
Synopsis: Singing competition where four judges base their opinions on the actual talent by not seeing the competitors until they turn their chair around if they want them on their team.
Pros: The overall talent pool is better than X-Factor or Idol, The judges have a great rapport, able to buy the singles right after the show (I bought a ton of Danielle Bradbery stuff last season)
Cons: At some points it becomes more about the judges than the competitors, they don’t have physical copies of the music like they did when Cassadee Pope won, I miss Shakira
The X-Factor
Synopsis: Singing Competition with Simon Cowell and three interchangeable judges
Pros: Simon isn’t as mean, some good talent, the odd sexual tension between Demi and Simon
Cons: Judges not named Simon usually have terrible judgment. I still think the little girl from last year’s episode should have won. Holy cow, Kelly Rowland is the Lane Kiffin of the X-Factor. She kicked out the better singers, yet kept a girl whom everyone hated.
Synopsis: Crazy CIA Agent falls for Military Hero turned Terrorist, turned Double Agent
Pros: The show’s storyline is so good, that every week you wonder about where everyone fits in, and who really is the bad guy. I also feel that this season Brody’s daughter Dana could be the character that becomes the most interesting person in the show, Over the course of the season I will probably come up with crazy theories...sorry in advance
Cons: Brody’s daughter Dana. She’s annoying, but I have hope it’s going to change
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Synopsis: The group that backs up The Avengers have their own show
Pros: Think of it as Warehouse 13 meets the Marvel Universe. Solid concept with a solid group around a character who seemed to connect all the movies associated with the Avengers
Cons: Stereotypical group of characters (the cranky vet, the nerd, the hot one, the one who doesn’t want to be there but slowly starts to like it, and the calm leader)
Masters of Sex
Synopsis: Show revolves around Masters and Johnson, and how they started their study on Sex
Pros: Think Mad Men with nudity, nice chemistry between the two main actors with the male being old school and the woman being a new modern woman, there was an interesting role reversal between Virginia and a Doctor she was seeing
Cons: I really can’t think of any until more episodes are released
Things I did instead of enjoy GTA Online:
-Trolled a scam caller (He called, gave his speech, I said I know this is a scam, he got heated talking about moms and what not, I said he fornicates with camels and dude got HEATED. I guess I hit a nerve...oops)
-Added bootleg live albums to the iTunes library from the old hard drive
-Took a much needed 3 hour nap
-Caught up on my podcasts
-Realized one of the Instagram like apps I use doesn’t work (I blame lack of servers or as I like to call it “Rockstaring It”
-Tried to download the new patch…and it froze the PS3
*This morning I finally got Online to work, tried it out and it was ok.
So I’ve been kind of busy this week with the pickups
At one of the charity thrift stores (the one that had all 360 games for $10) had this in the DVD section. They had Killzone under glass for $7.00. The outside of the case has crazy water damage, but the inside
looks good. I’ll probably print up a new cover until I can find a new one.
Target had their release of Justin Timberlake’s Part 2 of the 20/20 Experience (I like the first part more than the second) and with this release they also sold the vinyl versions of both albums.
I decided to get both on vinyl, and the second one on CD as well. I do like that both LPs have a download code for the mp3 versions but I do like having it on CD so I can rip it to whatever format I’m into.
A stack of CDs found over three stores. I already own Mariah Carey’s Emancipation of Mimi but this is the Uber Sealed Exclusive Edition (or something like that). It has four different songs at the end of the album. Most of these are blind buys but worth a listen.
The last thrift I went to before heading home had some new vinyl that were priced a dollar more than everything else (the other manager would have kept them at $1.00)
I found some Johnny Cash albums that were taken care of. I think this weekend I’m going to add them to iTunes.
The final music pickup I found was at the same store as the Spongebob game. I used to own CD cases like this when I first got my portable CD player, and because of nostalgia I decided to take a look at them. I thought $4 bucks was nuts just for these cases but I opened it to look at it’s condition and it was filled with CDs.
I didn’t know the artists but I did find a couple of Clapton’s and Stevie Ray Vaughn albums as well as a couple of Blue Note CDs which means they’re Jazz, and I am always up to building up the Jazz library. I was pleasantly surprised by one of the artists because I enjoyed the album.
And there you have it, another edition of Quick Hits with Chris!
That’s all for now, more later!