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We Need To Stop Using The Term Gamer

On 10/07/2013 at 03:30 AM by Blake Turner

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 You know that friend you have that watches a movie or two after a hard day of work, or bolts themselves to the couch when his favourite show comes on? Isn't that guy or lady a freak? They're consuming a type of media, and therefore should be totally and restrictively labeled. Let's call him a "Watcher" from here on out, because he watches visual media! Let's then ostracize him and judge him constantly because of the type of entertainment in which he or she chooses to indulge.

 How stupid does that sound? Pretty stupid. That's how stupid. Why would anyone call someone who watches television after work a watcher? It's functional — maybe — but ultimately ridiculous. So why is it that when that exact same person chucks in Battlefield 3 after the exact same day of work, for the exact same amount of time, do we start getting all label-obsessed?

 Read the rest of this article here.




10/07/2013 at 06:47 AM

There are worse lables like; video game addicts.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/07/2013 at 09:19 PM

Yeah I know.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

10/07/2013 at 09:08 AM

It's a hobby, and although the term gamer (I prefer the term dedicated gamer) seems a bit simple, it's time we have our own snobby name just lik a stamp collector does. I used to collect stamps. If watching TV/Movies/Music can be a hobby why not have aterm for those that do it.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/07/2013 at 09:18 PM

Yeah it can be a hobby, but not everyone who plays games views it as a hobby.


10/07/2013 at 12:49 PM

     I know people, mostly older people who grew up on that new thing television, that watch it all the time. They even go to sleep in front of the TV. No one thinks that's abnormal or calls them TOOBERS or something; although, maybe they did in the fifties or sixites when TV was still pretty new. Gaming has only hit the mainstream in a big way this last generation. It was a fad in the eighties, then a thing kids did in the nineties, then a thing you did after school with your high school/college buddies, and now it's something you live with. It's everwhere, in everything. Pretty soon, no one will even notice that you game, it will be assumed and the term GAMER will become a thing of memory.

   This reminds me of something I heard once about technology, how it starts as a novelty, then something a niche audience uses, then it becomes unbiquitous and no one notices it anymore. It's taken for granted and assumed in every situation. I think this might be happening with video gaming; although, I still feel a little bit the outsider for being into it so much.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/07/2013 at 09:20 PM

That is a damn good point actually. I know that eventually we'll gain mass acceptance (hell we're already most of the way there), but still.


10/08/2013 at 02:40 AM

And then, when it's fully mainstream, my compulsion to be an outsider will kick in and I'll go to something else equally disrespected... or not.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/07/2013 at 01:21 PM

Want to know why gamer is used while there isn't one for other hobbies? It's because the word gamer rolls right off the tongue while "watcher" (using your example) feels awkward to say. That's it. All the other negative stuff comes less from the term and more from a mix of bias from others mixed with the vocal minority giving us a bad name. That is what we really need to fix

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/07/2013 at 09:09 PM

 Watcher only feels awkward because we don't use it. Gamer is common, we're used to it. We aren't used to saying watcher unless we're talking about creeps or Dr Dre songs.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/07/2013 at 11:17 PM

That's my point though, it already had a definition before we could assign the word to that. It doesn't matter why it's awkward, just that it's awkward before while gamer never was.


10/07/2013 at 11:18 PM

The only people I ever hear or see using the word gamer are people refering to theirselves.  I talk about games a lot at work and nobody every calls me a gamer.  They also never roll their eyes or think that it is weird that I play games.   Most guys relate in some way and the most negative thing I ever hear from a girl is "they're talking about boy stuff". I still maintain this is paranoia.  If people stop using terms like gamer to describe themself then people probably won't think twice about their hobbies.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/07/2013 at 11:54 PM

Maybe where you are. I'm in college, so it's pretty accepted here by everyone. However, that's not the case everywhere. I mean I've heard people talking about how weird I was for playing a ds on the train. They kept talking about me and it made me so uncomfortable that I stopped. My brother has been picked on at school because he likes games that aren't popular.

 My point is that just because it's accepted where you are does not make it universally so.


10/08/2013 at 12:35 AM

I guess I'm just lucky then.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/08/2013 at 12:54 AM

Damn right you are :) 


10/08/2013 at 02:47 AM

I finally broke the ice and played 3DS at my usual coffee shop haunt. I'm beginning to just not give a damn anymore. I think people were rather interested in what I was doing though more than looking down their noses. 

When I first went on Facebook, I connected with an old friend from college and one of the first things he said to me was "You're a gamer? Cool." That was the first time I'd been called that. I had always played games, but no one ever called me a gamer 'til then, sometime around 2007.


10/08/2013 at 02:14 PM

I don't use the term, unless it's their profession. I'll say video game fan, or enthusiast, or player. "Gamer" strikes me as defining someone by their hobby, which I find absurd. Plus when I see or hear the word, it just makes me think of small minded idiots on the 'net who argue (poorly) over insignificant crap.


10/12/2013 at 09:59 AM

I'm OK with the term gamer. It denotes action. I'm also a hiker, photographer, cross-stitcher, and singer. All active pursuits. Watching is passive.

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