Speaking of speed runs. The Nintendo Voice Chat podcast at IGN this week (http://ignwii.ign.libsynpro.com/nintendo-voice-chat-our-zelda-wind-waker-hd-special?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ignfeeds%2Fpodcasts%2Fwii+%28A+LibSyn+podcast%3A+Nintendo+Voice+Chat%29) was all about speed running Zelda: Wind Waker. I think speed runs are really cool and I'm going to start watching them for games I've played. It's another way to get more out of a game. Play it, complete it 100%, speed run it. That's my mantra for gaming from now on.
I hate title lines: Shovel Knight and Metroid Fusion.
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![]() On 10/07/2013 at 12:12 PM by transmet2033 ![]() See More From This User » |
I had some thoughts of things to post over the weekend, but I did not. I find myself running away from computers over the weekends and and touch them only if I am dying. So, I have already failed in my challenge to try and post a blog a day in October. I am perfectly fine with this because I am still going strong with my Metroid Fusion challenge, and I will get it to that later on.
I did want to mention Shovel Knight over the weekend. I got a Kickstarter update that had an HD trailer attached to it, and boy does the game look amazing. It is one of my most anticipated games for the rest of the year. I hope that it comes out this year. Anyways, I though that I would insert the trailer for the benefit of those who have not watched the gloriousness of Shovel Knight already.
As long as I am talking about Shovel Knight, some of the stretch goals were for playable bosses. Yacht Club Games is working on making 3 of the bosses playable in the campaign. This is very exciting stuff because the backers of the games are the ones who vote on which characters will be playable. I am hoping for Plague Knight because he specializes in projectiles and that should have a dramatic affect as to how you must play the game.
Since I decided to try and speedrun through Metroid Fusion, I have finished it once and am rounding the end of my second run. I was able to finish it in 99 minutes, only 24 minutes longer than the time that I am shooting for, 75 minutes. On my current play-through I am on target to finish it under 90, possibly under 85 minutes. There is one thing that terrifies me about going for shorter and shorter completion times. In order to finish the game you need to ignore a lot of the powerups because you do not have the time to enter any room that is not directly on the way. I should not have much of an issue skipping these energy tanks and missile expansions, but I just like having a little bit of a safety net.
I look forward to diving into my massive collection of RPGs once I finish this personal challenge. I downloaded Breath of Fire IV and Wild Arms for the Vita, and have KH 3D, SMT IV, and Etrian Odyssey Untold for the 3DS. I better get cracking, especially with Ys: Memories of Celcata coming in a month.