Should I Do A Dark Souls Let's Play?
Ok guys, so as you know, I'm somewhat of a Dark Souls fanatic. I was thinking about doing a Dark Souls Let's Play/Walkthrough to celebrate the upcoming Dark Souls 2. Now, first question: If I do this, will anyone watch it? Because I've made a tonne of video content lately and no one watches it. That could be because you aren't interested, because I have a shit voice, or because I'm not entertaining enough. Whatever. I think this would be more entertaining than my usual videos because I know the game so well that I can give a decent commentary and advice, as well as have some fun.
Also, as some of you may have noticed, I wrote a blog earlier today saying I was leaving. I was in a shit mood, I should have known it wouldn't have lasted and I shouldn't have made the blog.
Anyway, what do you guys think?