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Why Pokemon is the Best RPG series Ever

On 10/12/2013 at 01:01 AM by Captain N

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 It's the Best RPG like no RPG ever was...

I've always intended to write this blog at 1up, but didn't since no one is there anymore, not that many people will read it there, and I've had time to fine-tune it in my head. I know this might enrage some people but let's have some fun.

I've been a fan of Pokemon ever since it came to the states, I watched the show, bought the toys, traded the cards, and played the games, you could say it was like a second religion of sorts. It was one, if not the best time of my life, and I'm sure every kid too. You saw Pokemon everyway you looked, Pokemon was really big at the time, Pokemon is still popular but not quite as it was at it's peak, but I'm grateful the series is still alive. However the games were what kept the series alive all these years. 

It's always an event when a new game comes out, and no doubt that Pokemon X and Y will be the biggest games yet so I may be waiting or playing them by the time you read this.

And this is were this blog comes in. I'm here to blog why the Pokemon games are the best rpg series, and please try to read this before raging. Some of my points will make sense, some are logical, and the rest I'll leave up to you. 

Like I said, Pokemon might just be the best rpg series out there for a number of reasons and I have reasons to back up my claims, here are those reasons.

The World of Pokemon is filled of Wonder and Mystery


The Pokemon world is big and filled with secrets and mysteries. You may never know what you'll find unless you go and explore it. The games tell you about the legends of Pokemon and how those legends shaped the culture and beliefs of those regions. Lots of towns have their stories and secrets to tell, one town may be a big metropolis while another town may keep things a bit old-fashioned. And each region has Pokemon you can only find there, making each region more exotic and mysterious. And then there are those secrets that they don't tell you about that find out for youself. And like I said, the only way to find out is to go out and explore with your partners. Speaking of partners...

There's many partners to choose from

All Pokemon

How many of you have played rpgs over the years only to find out that your teamates are lame? I mean there are some cool party members but all it takes is one partner to ruin a good party. There are a few exeptions (Like Fallout 3/NV and Mass Effect) though but if you're craving a good team of players, then look no further than the Pokemon games. Besides the starters, you have a ton to chose from for your team. There's over 649 Pokemon at the moment, and the number could go to 700 with X and Y. That and you can craft your Pokemon's skills anyway you like (more on that in a bit) since they offer variety in typing and move set. Sure there are some stinkers out there but you have more than plenty to chose from. If you can't find any team members that you like, then you're just being difficult. But you might say that some of your partners iin other games are part of the story. Well...

The Story ain't winning awards but better than most rpg's out there

Legendary Pokemon

The story in games are just as important than the gameplay, especially in rpgs.  There are alot of rpgs I haven't played so this example may be me just talking like a fan but how many rpgs have you played this gen when the story is any good. I know people will tell me either Mass Effect or some random japanese rpg I've never heard of but outside Mass Effect, what else is there? Sure Pokemon doesn't have the best award winning stories out there but I can tell that it's better than most from this gen. The story has been the same since Red and Blue or Red and Green in Japan, but they have been mixing it up since. The Pokemon on the cover of the box tells you that that Pokemon is important, and with the exception of Red and Blue (Firered and Leafgreen) they are right. Legendary Pokemon seem to be the focus of the stories now, sure you start off as a rookie trainer on your quest to become a Pokemon Master, it has been that way since the start and will probably be that way for good. Legendary Pokemon tell you how those Pokemon shaped the region they are from, some tell the story of how a region came to be, and others tell the story of creation in the Pokemon world. So in a way, Legendary Pokemon are gods, and since they have that power, they are often the target of evil organisations. Not such a simple story now huh.  But if you're wondering about the battle system, it's actually...

Easy to Learn

Pokemon Types

Pokemon is surprisingly easy to learn if you want to start right now. The basics are usually knowing your types like water beats fire, fire beats grass, and grass beats water. That is one of the basics you have to know. The rest is usually up for experimentation, like you'll find out what works and what doesn't. The Battle System is easy to learn but...

Hard, yet Satisfying to Master

PKMN Serious Buisness

Pokemon is easy to learn but hard to master. There are alot of factors to consider when in a battle against an opponent. Let's say  you're in a battle, you are using a water pokemon, and your opponent is using a fire/ground type, congrats, you have a type advantage since water beats fire. But wait ground type Pokemon are weak against water so you can now deal more damage because of your opponents dual type weakness to water, so instead of doing 2x damage, you'll do 4x the damage, 1.5 more since it's a STAB move (Same Type Attack Bonus) which means you'll do more damage if you use a move the same type as your Pokemon's type. We aren't also counting Abilities that boost moves, certain types, or have different effects in battle, plus stat altering moves, weather boosting, and item effects. Plus something you have to take into account are IV's (Individual Values) which make every Pokemon unique and make alot of difference in battle. Usually you can't tell what they are but you can get a clue in a Pokemon's Personality. To get the best IV's available you have to either catch alt of wild Pokemon or breed, and they both take a while, especially the latter. And we haven't talked about EV's (Effort Values) which are points gained everytime you battle wild or trained Pokemon. You get 4 EV points and it becomes 1 stat point. Stat Points are what make your Pokemon's HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed work in battle. The higher a particular stat like speed, means your Pokemon will be most likely to atack first. But hopefully your attack stat is high enough to do enough damage. Are you still with me? So you see, Pokemon is pretty complicated despite what some people think. Plus we aren't taking into account all the new changes in X and Y, with the new Fairy type and Mega Evolutions. So now that you understand let's talk about one of the best parts of the game.


Link Cable

Pokemon has changed alot since the Red and Blue days when you had to carry a Gameboy, your copy of Pokemon, and a Cable to battle your friend. 3rd gen's Firered and Leafgreen brought Wireless battling and 4th gen brought wifi battling. Alot has changed since then but the key fundamentals are the same. Taking everything you've learned from the battle system, you've probably crafted your team carefully, so now it's time to see how your team stacks up against others teams online. It's called Competitive Battling and it's as hard but fun as it sounds. Everyone takes everything they've learned about the battle system, using that they carefully train their pokemon and duke it. And here is were you actually have to think carefully abouth what you do because everything you do in these battles can spell victory or defeat. And each Pokemon on your team plays a role, some with lower stats, set up entry hazards, weather, or defenseses. Or you can battle a friend but don't expect them to go easy on you. But if you're not still convinced I have one more thing to say.

Pokemon is just fun after all these years

Pokemon Timeline

How many rpg series from a long time ago do you know that have had new entries throught the years and are still fun? Not many. Pokemon has kept the core gameplay intact after all these years, the formula just works. Plus as the saying goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Sure the mechanics have gotten it's twaeks with each gen but they just work so well without breaking the core gameplay but yet keeping it fresh and new. Each game brings something new to the table, and X and Y seems to be bringing the biggest changes in a long time.

I know alot seem to complain that these changes should of come from a long time ago, but the hardware wasn't doing any favors, so Game Freak had to make due with what they were given. Plus some might say that they could of done this on a console, but that eliminates the point of the series being called Pocke Monsters. The point of the series is to catch, trade, and battle with your friends, how are you supposed to take a console with you everywhere you go? Each game in the series justifies a purchase because it has enough content to fork over 30-40 bucks. After all these years I'm excited to catch em all and will continue doing so till they stop making Pokemon games.

So do you agree with me or are you against me? I initially wanted to make this blog to voice my opinion so don't take it seriously, but I'd love to hear your opinions! Don't let me discourage you from sounding off in the comments! So thanks for reading and Gotta Catch Em All!

PS: If you want a good deal on X and Y, Toys R Us is having buy any Wii U or 3DS game, get the other 40% off, including Pokemon! Plus if you preordered it, you get a 10 dollar coupon, you get one for every pre-order 39.99 or more.



Cary Woodham

10/12/2013 at 01:26 AM

Pokemon is a great game.  Although personally I'd like to see them change things up a little, especially in the battles.  I'd like to see them be more action oriented.  BUT, that's just my personal preference.  The reason why Pokemon never changes much is because each new generation of kids who play it, it's brand new to them. 

I think you'll like my new blog if you get a chance to read it.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/12/2013 at 10:39 AM

I remember playing games with the gameboy link cable.  Wow.  things sure have changed. 


10/12/2013 at 05:48 PM

Very nice blog. Personally, I don't see the thing with "best series ever", as that is very subjective, but I do agree with a lot of what you say about Pokemon. Because I need to catch on many things I missed, I will get Platinum, Heart Gold, and either Black or White (same for the sequels), before diving into either X or Y.


10/12/2013 at 11:55 PM

The thing about Pokemon that I love is that, starting out, it gives yiu a real sense of wonder/danger/excitement. Not a lot of other RPGs can claim to be quite as immersive as Pokemon is; when playing, you are the character, and the character is you. And (at least for me) you feel like the Pokemon are really yours, and you love them all.  Pokemon isn't the beat rpg series, but it definitely has the most heart.


10/18/2013 at 06:46 PM

I love Pokemon as well and I couldn't have said all that better myself. In some part of my mind I think of Pokemon a genre of its own.
Some People try to replicate it but could never duplicate it. Hell, even some developers at Atlus tried to make their own Pokemon games in their own MegaTen franchise.
In any case great blog and no matter how old we are let's stay as trainers!

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