Luckily, most people aren't so hyper conservative anymore. But yeah, I feel kind of bad for that old lady's young charges. I doubt "lego games" carry a big fat "M" on them. lol.
Gamestop! and things that are said in the store!
On 10/12/2013 at 08:02 PM by Homelessrook See More From This User » |
Today I went to GameStop to pick up Dead Rising. Well while I was there, over heard a conversation between a older lady and what appeared to be her two sons. This is the only really important parts of the conversation, it goes as follows, " No no M rated games or games with people being killed in it, It is a proven fact that people that play violent video games kill people". Let that sit for a bit. What do you think? These kids were exchange students and looked to be about 17 or 18. She would not let them get the Lego games because the legos were killing each other. yup.