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BaD Review: A Clip Show

On 02/28/2013 at 01:13 PM by goaztecs

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Hello 1UP/Pixlbit! As I type this I’m watching the footage of the Pope (no readers I’m not getting into a religious debate) and I decided that my final BaD should be, well, a clip show. Yes you know, those episodes of your favorite show that just cut and pastes scenes from throughout the season, when the writers got lazy. Yep that’s what I’m doing. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane…but we need some mood music




Now we got that going let’s take that stroll, shall we



Goodbye 1Up



Yes for many of us we saw the end of 1Up. I think I started blogging there around 2005 and it was nothing big. No pictures, just a quick blurb here and there



I like to think that blogging on MySpace of all places, started my video game blogging. Writing about pickups, what I thought about various games, thoughts about the Playstation Message Board, and other randoms. I met tons of good people on 1Up (and a couple of folks I really don’t care for), but overall the experience was positive. I’m disappointed they are shutting down, but I’m excited that I am part of a new site, with many of the same faces, and being able to read tons of new blogs



Took Two Games Off The Backlog


During BaD, I took down a couple of games from Mount Backlog.


Lego LotR

Even though at first I really didn’t care for the subject, and how the game was setup, it slowly grew on me, and I enjoyed it. Currently I’m playing the Lego Batman game on the Vita, and I AM ENJOYING this game!


Uncharted Golden Abyss

This game I really enjoyed. It was different from the console versions, it was still a lot of fun. I found that it was the prequel to the original game, which is a bonus especially since I’m currently playing it for the first time. The one thing I didn’t care for was that Sony shoehorned in using all the features of the Vita in the game, when really only a couple of things added to the gameplay, while the swipe fighting mechanics were just dumb (compared to how awesome the light portion is). Good game, worth a play, and it is a lot of fun.


Also while taking in game screen shots I stumbled upon this, which is odd considering other games I took screen shots of didn’t have it.




I asked the question of what kind of hobbies, do you some of you have, and I found some very interesting answers. Good to see that some of the folks who took time to answer have similar interests as myself.

I wished I would have wrote about my other hobbies, but I did touch on a couple including one I briefly mentioned when I showed what I wanted for my holiday setup





When I first started BaD, I had it all planned out to do 20 days of Lego, but after taking pics for a couple of potential blogs, I scrapped the idea (there is a lot of things to cover). I decided that I will do something similar but maybe spread it out, or at least after I get what’s left to organize, and build, to be set up and picture worthy.


During this past month there has been quite a few Lego purchases including the crazy K-Mart 50% off sale. One of the few perks of living in a sleepy small town is that there not many resellers around so I had my choice of what I wanted to add to the collection



I made a couple of trips and this was my haul. The most recent trip, happened last night before dinner


Yeah the wallet isn’t happy, and most likely I won’t be buying any more Lego, until the summer, but I think I picked up some pretty cool sets



Oh in case you’re wondering why I have four Tie Fighters. Well I’m debating on sitting on them for a couple of years, or giving them away as gifts. I’m actually currently debating if I should open another one. Such an awesome set!



The Missing Blog on Pixlbit


Yesterday I did my dual update for BaD and well on Pixlbit for some reason didn’t upload it. No biggie especially since some folks here are still on 1Up so you got to read my ramblings about the differences between the Android and iOS versions of Simpsons Tapped Out.



I do enjoy both games, and I find the Android game feels like a slower pace because there isn’t any connection to other Tapped Out users.


And there you have it, the last of the Blog a Day series. I did enjoy it, and it’s a shame the first one I tried was at the very end of 1Up, but hey hopefully this little 1Up tradition continues here. I’ll be back to my one blog a week pace, which is a nice break from thinking about what to write about.


That’s all for now, more later!





02/28/2013 at 01:31 PM

I had the same experience with Lego LoTR. Didn't care for it all that much at first, but it grew on me. I'm going for 100%, but I've taken a little break. I'm also just now playing through the first Uncharted on the PS3. Are you spying on my backlog?


02/28/2013 at 01:38 PM

Haha, I am not, but we do have good taste in games. Funny you say that going for 100% beause I too took a break. You know what they say about Great Minds...


02/28/2013 at 01:41 PM

I remember review shows! They were most prevalent in anime, iirc. Haven't touched Lego's in years either lol.


02/28/2013 at 05:02 PM

If  you ever watch Community on NBC, they had an episode where they did a clip show, except all the clips they used all new scenes for their clips. It was one of my favorite episodes of that season. 


03/01/2013 at 11:02 AM

That community episode was great.  Another one of my favorite clip shows was the second episode of the clerks animated series.  The second episode was a clip show of the characters looking back at the great times they had-from the first episode.  If I remember correctly it even had a couple clips from earlier in the same episode


03/01/2013 at 11:18 PM

Yup. That's why Community is one of my favorite shows. It does zany things like that, borrows from movies, and a bunch of references to pop culture. 


02/28/2013 at 02:02 PM

My better half is totally addicted to The Simpsons Tapped Out. I have too many games to get that addicted to a game right now, but she really likes it. I've definitely been tempted.

Cool idea with the clip show!


02/28/2013 at 05:04 PM

Oh your better half has to be hooked, because I'm playing this game on two different devices, and I still can't get enough. 

Thanks! I thought this format would be fun

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/28/2013 at 07:39 PM

BaD tradition lives on; I'd like to get that Simpsons for Android, but my phone is older, and Noom Weight Loss Coach takes up so much space.

I used to love Lego Star Wars, though when I was little, I was more into K'Nex for some odd reason.

I think we share similar tastes in music, judging by the Green Day and Sublime, 90s Alternative is the genre I know most about, according to Song Pop at least. lol


03/01/2013 at 12:33 AM

I'd like the BaD to return here (just not right away). It was a lot of fun, but after awhile it started getting hard to think of topics. 

I never got into K'Nex. I had a big roller coster set, but I ended up turning the parts into a hat rack. There just wasn't enough customization for me.

Good to see we have similar tastes in music. I tend to listen to a bunch of different genres. Hopefully one day I'll write about my music library in one of my random hobby themed blogs


03/01/2013 at 01:25 AM

The chicken minifigures are excellent.


03/01/2013 at 10:50 AM

That is my favorite minifig from the current series. Since it took a while for me to find it, I have all but I think five of the remaining figures, and debating if I should try to finish off the set


03/02/2013 at 10:12 PM

Mount Backlog: Ser is so high, I can't see the top. I nreally need to get playing some games for once!


03/03/2013 at 01:52 AM

You and me both. I've been trying to at least play through the Vita games before even thinking about buying another. I still have quite a few including the freebies from PS+. The neverending Mount Backlog is a good problem we have


03/03/2013 at 12:46 AM

I've been thinking about taking on a Lego Tie fighter. It just looks so cool! I want one badly.  Nice work on those,btw. Right there with you on Simpsons:Tapped Out. I've become so addicted to it. It's like therapy for those who can't afford it. Very relaxing and amusing game. As for the Vita Uncharted game I know I'll get that one. Everyone likes it and it got great reviews. I have the PS3 titles and think they are all classics.


03/03/2013 at 01:56 AM

Thanks! The Tie Fighter is such a nice set. Check out your local K-Mart to see if they have them on clearance. 

Another Tapped Out addict! It's such a simple game, yet you get sucked into designing the layout of your town, to assigning jobs, it's a lot of fun.

Uncharted is such a good series, and the Vita version doesn't disappoint. 

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