I really like the evolution mechanic in Pokemon. It's really cool. Squirtle becomes Blastoise? He daikaiju, fight Godzilla!
My Pokemon Y Team
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![]() On 10/15/2013 at 01:38 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
So I'm at the point where I have my Pokemon team fully figured out. You know what that means- it's time to see which guys I've been traveling around Kalos with. So here it is, my Pokemon Y team!
Chespin -> Quilladin -> Chesnaught (Nickname: Badger)
I had a really hard time deciding whether to pick him or Bulbasaur as my Grass type. At the end of the day, however, I had to pick my favorite of the new starters for my first venture through Kalos. I know I'll replay it and Bulbasaur can have his fun then. Chespin and his evolutions have not been the fastest Pokemon, but they are fairly bulky and hit hard. They have a pretty good movepool (MUCH better than Snivy's-bleh) and as long as it's not a Flying type, he can beat pretty much any physical attacker one on one. The second I saw Chespin I wanted one and despite a less than stellar second stage (which has actually grown on me a little- he looks a lot better in game) he has not disappointed.
And yes, the nickname is a Breaking Bad reference. Especially funny when you remember Badger's "I want to be a knight" (which Chesnaught's design is based on).
Litleo -> Pyroar
Another Pokemon I really wanted the second I saw him. I mean, just look at that little guy's eyes, that's someone who wants to have fun. I was not expecting too much given him being available so early on, but he has surprised me. A great special attack mixed with really good speed and a movepool that covers everything it needs to makes Pyroar a very reliable Pokemon to take out all the pesky Grass, Steel, and Bug types out there. Normal stab is more of a liability unfortunately, but I appreciate the Ghost immunity and second STAB nonetheless. Have a female one otherwise it would have a normal lion mane.
Squirtle -> Warturtle -> Blastoise (Nickname: Lebron)
Squirtle is the only of the three original starters I have never used. I've replayed Firered so many times yet always went with either Bulbasaur or Charmander that one time. So I figured now would be the perfect time to have one of these with me. He is also my Mega Evolution for this game and I am very, very pleased how this works. It is just a simple tap of turning him into one when you pick an attack then you have your fun. He has great bulk even if he doesn't hit that hard. Still really useful against everything Water needs to hit hard.
Nickname is from an old 1up joke. Some of you will get it, others won't.
Honedge -> Doublade -> Aegislash (Nickname: Vibroblade)
Seriously how could I not? It's a fucking sword! Great typing too, lots of resistances with Steel/Ghost even if he is really hurt by the Dark and Ghost weaknesses. Aegislash has an interesting ability which switches his attack and defense depending on whether you use an offensive or defensive move. Played right, it means you can hit like a truck then soak up every attack you need to. His movepool gives me perfect coverage as well with solid power. Honedge is also amazing early on as well. A fantastic new addition.
Note: Doublade is two swords, but Aegislash isn't. Those are it's two different forms, the one with the shield in front is defensive while with it to the side is offensive.
Tyrunt -> Tyrantrum (Nickname: T-Rock)
I have always loved Fossil Pokemon. Despite a lackluster stint in the 3rd gen, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Cranidos, Archeops, and Carracosta are some of my favorites their respective gen. This, however, may be my new favorite of all of them. I mean, it's a T-Rex with a fucking beard! And a unique Rock/Dragon (Dragon being possibly my favorite typing). So I had to add this guy to my team. So far he can take any physical hit fairly well despite his less than stellar speed and hit hard back. A solid movepool including Rock Tomb to make him outspeed the next turn as well as Dragon Claw and Earthquake makes him Greenman approved.
Eevee -> Sylveon
I always love me an Eeveelution. Jolteon will always remain my favorite but if I find a new one (also once again 4th gen- shame on you for restricting Eevee to post game only) I usually want it on my team. Sylveon may be the girliest one yet, but in a sea of slow, but physically defensive Pokemon his (poor guy, probably jealous of all the Jolteons and Leafeons looking more badass) special bulk comes in handy. Fairy is also fantastic typing with great resistances and weaknesses that my other guys can handle well. His movepool is not the best, but his Fairy move is so good I hardly need anything else.
Overall, while my team doesn't have perfect defensive coverage, I'm very happy with it. Great variety, fun designs, and only one old Pokemon makes it a lot of fun to use.