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PS2 Doesn't Live Here Anymore.

On 10/15/2013 at 06:06 PM by asrealasitgets

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So I walked into a Gamestop the other day and I overheard a customer ask the sales person if they had any PS2 games... and the sales dude was like, no, we don't. Customer seemed bummed out and starting sifting through bargain bins.

It's funny, because hearing it out load, "WE HAVE NO PS2" games kind of bothered me. When PS3 came out, I put my PS2 away and never brought it out again. I only recently set it up again to replay FF12 for whatever reason. Actually, I enjoyed A Realm Reborn so much, that I felt like playing FF12 again. And I still enjoy the game. Actually, they are very similar, but I won't digress.

Now that PS4 and XBOX One are releasing, I started wondering, how soon will PS3 and 360 games start leaving shelves? I would assume that gamers or people who play games will want to trade in their current sysems for an upgrade, but seeing as how these new systems aren't back compatible, that would be a mistake. Actually, maybe not. I don't think that PS3 had better or larger library than PS2, so trading in PS2 for PS3 is kind of dumb, however there are more games for 360 than original xbox, so that is a good upgrade. 

Will PS3 and 360 gain momentary popularity as new systems launch, having a larger library and cheaper games side by side with the new costly systems will make it innevitable. 

But PS3 is not PS2. If I had to compare, I still enjoyd my PS2 better. I hope PS4 will bring PS to the former era of glory.

For now, I'm just sad that WE DONT HAVE PS2 GAMES ANYMORE. Soon it will be we have no PS3, 360, DS anymore.

**Note: I'm aware of ebay, and amazon, still sad.




10/15/2013 at 06:42 PM

Luckily I live in an area with many more choices than Game Stop for used games, and they all carry games from the Atari on up to current gen games. So still plenty of PS2 games for me to choose from.


10/15/2013 at 07:08 PM

Most game stores around me are Gamestops. I can think of a few mom & pop shops, but they are really out of the way. Actually, there is one place that still sells older stuff like saturns and segas, but rarely cheap games though. Sad to see all that stuff piled on top of each other. So sad. I still have my Atari somewhere around here...Cool but sadly, misplaced my gamecube. I want to play Mario Sunshine and RE Remake so bad. So bad!


10/15/2013 at 07:19 PM

The local GameStops have some PS2 games but they are disc only, and you have to ask to see the list.

I see it starting to happen at GameStops. Games are starting to drop in price, and now there's that 2 for $10 bin. As for the libraries, I think the PS3 and 360 also benifited from having digital downloads of older games, so they didn't need to have the massive libraries that the PS2/XBox had. I can see the XBox One and PS4 doing the same, but they both could surprised us and have a bunch of new original content that we could be comparing to the PS2 and XBox in the future.  

I forgot to mention I LOVE the PS2, and still play it. I really need to take down more games from the PS2 Backlog.


10/15/2013 at 08:11 PM

yeah agreed. this was my point of the blog, im not ready to let go of PS2 yet. after FF12 comes out on VITA then maybe I'll loosen my grip, but no, not yet. Just no!


10/16/2013 at 12:19 AM

Don't let go! Keep that bad boy plugged in! 


10/15/2013 at 08:10 PM

According to a few GS employees I spoke with, PS2 games won't be sold at any of them much longer.  Even if the store is in an area that still sells a lot of PS2 games, all GS stores will ship their PS2 games to their main warehouse.  Wherever that is.  I wonder what they do with all those unsold used games? Undecided 

IMO, the best thing about the next gen games coming out is that the current gen drops in price.  I cleaned up on PS2, XB, and GC games when the 360, PS3, and Wii came out.  Now-a-days, I'm picking up lots of 360 games and I have most of the Wii games I wanted already.  I still have a few PS3 games to get, but they're not as many as the 360 games.   


10/15/2013 at 11:12 PM

In terms of collecting, I would still rather buy rare PS2 games than PS3 or 360 games. There will always be ebay I suppose?


10/16/2013 at 06:34 AM

Get'em while you can.  The problem with the coming of the next gen games is that some of the games older than the current gen can go up in price.  All of a sudden some of those old games that everyone has or no one wants aren't old anymore, they're "vintage", or in the worse cases, "rare".  Sites like ebay, amazon, etc. can help drive these prices up.  Some greedy bastard thinks they found gold because they have a game that was popular, so they put a ridiculous price for the game up on ebay.  Other sellers of the same game see this and think they have gold, so they raise their prices.  A nice example of this is Final Fantasy VII (PS).  This game sold millions around the world and people still want to charge $30 or more for it.  The sad thing is that many people pay it.  I guess you can't put on price on something you really want. Undecided  Another example is The Legend of Zelda (NES).  Millions of these games were sold and if you check out ebay, there's a "sealed" copy of the game going for $1300!!  RIDICULOUS!! Laughing  As many as those games that are floating around in the world, all loose carts should be under $3. 


10/16/2013 at 01:06 AM

I have learned the hardway it is best to hang on to those older games and systems. There are a lot of PS1 and PS2 games that I wish I still had. Some because I know I would appretiate them more now that I did when I was younger and some because they are super freaking rare and sell for stupid amounts of money,lol. I still have a lot of great games for both of those systems, hell I still have my one and only PS1 I bought back in 1997 and it still works. I'm on my third PS2 and bought a back up for it via Amazon a few months back. I don't see anyone making bootleg reverse engineered PS1/PS2 retro boxes anytime soon.


10/16/2013 at 01:32 AM

I think the further into newer generations we go, the more valuable the nostalgia factor becomes for older games. The further along we go, the more valuable PS2 becomes for me. I felt the same for PSOne and still do. Now those games are super expensive nowadays. Will we be seeing 3D Dot game heroes for $500 in 5 -10 years? 


10/16/2013 at 09:41 AM

Lol, that would actually be good for me, only paid $12 for my copy of 3 Dot. Its almost like books that go out of print only trickier because you have to have the hardware to play them too.


10/16/2013 at 02:07 AM

Damn. PS2 died last year and we all missed the funeral. I was just using it a few weeks ago!


10/16/2013 at 03:30 AM

PS2 is a great system and they released FIFA 14 on it just last month! So many games for that system. I'll never give up my Silver Slim PS2. I play all my PS1 games on it as well. It's really refreshing to plug it in. No muss, no fuss. Play my Dragon Quest VIII. Oh yeah!

I have one retro store that opened up in the mall a year or so ago, so I have one option at least. All the local Gamestops around me sent their PS2 games to the city stores last year, where they still sell, but I guess they're leaving those places too.


10/16/2013 at 06:45 AM

I never shop at Gamestop. Thankfully there are other stores in my area but you may not be so lucky. 

I'm pretty sure both Microsoft and Sony officially stated that they plan to support their current-gen systems for another 3 years (at the most, anyway).


10/16/2013 at 08:48 AM

Many of the Gamestops in Austin still sell ps2 games cause they realize theres collectors like myself who still buy lots of games, but then some gamestops dont carry them anymore so I assume its the customers some gamestops take in ps2 games on trade others dont, but one things for sure I will keep my old school ps2 and will be getting a ps3 here after the next gen release and preferably a 60 gig for collector reasons. And it will be quite a while before 360s and ps3s are absolete since sales on both systems are very strong but time will tell.


10/16/2013 at 11:59 AM

Hopefully amazon will keep selling PS2 games. Sorry that Gamestop is "officially" giving the PS2 the tombstone treatment. Frown


10/16/2013 at 03:18 PM

It's sad but inevitable. I was in a GameStop over the weekend that still had GameCube games. I got really excited till I realized they were all licensed crap or sports games Frown I just hope that I'll have the money over the next 6-12 months to fill in some of the gaping holes in my PS3/360/Wii collections when GS starts clearing out those games entirely


10/16/2013 at 07:42 PM

Yeah it's inevitable that many consoles will probably die. To be fair, you gotta admit that the PS2 really lasted that long. Even with the launch of the PS3 and 360, the console still released games.


10/16/2013 at 09:27 PM

Honestly I hope the games get cheaper because of the PS4 and Xbone. I will buy the crap out of good PS3 and 360 games.

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