I just need a fighting gamestick for the PC version of Super Street Fighter IV Arcade but I haven't found one that's suitable for a casual fighting game fan like myself.
Preemptive Strike! Big Games This Season
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![]() On 10/23/2013 at 03:47 PM by Coolsetzer ![]() See More From This User » |
Well hello! Long time no blog, Setz, you say. Yes, it's true that I have been lurking more than writing. Plus I still don't have internet at home, so that's a downer, but now that I have settled into my new place and started working again, I'm hoping to be back participating in discussions like misogyny and retro games on a full time basis before the year is out. What I want to share today is what I am looking forward to this holiday season before the year is out. Call it a wish list if you will. Let's start.
Super Mario 3D World - The first game was pretty awesome for the 3DS. In fact, for me it was the best Mario game in years! I'm really excited for this game because you finally get to play as all four original characters from Mario 2, Peach included. From previews, word is that the multiplayer is very fun, even moreso than the New SMB games. If I had the money to blow, I would get a Wii U right now just for this.
Zelda Link Between Worlds - No surprise here. It amazes me that only Nintendo can regurgitate titles and make us want to buy them. Anyway, this is the true sequel to the original Link to the Past, which is arguably one of the best Zelda games. Taking place a few years beyond the first, you explore pretty much the same world... but wait, it's all different now because they added new stuff! New puzzles! New enemies! New dungeons! New New New!
Sonic Lost World - I'm really hopeful for this one. I hope that the 3D levels are good. I hope they fixed the obnoxious camera. And I hope that this one is as good as the great Sonic Generations game was. From running across cylinders to running in spaces with Cheerios hovering in the sky, we can only pray that Sega has learned from the mistakes of the past. It still won't stop me from trying it out, though. heh
South Park Stick of Truth - Yep, this game is finally coming out before the new year. Yes, we know that it's been in development hell for a long time. This mystical RPG featuring the cast of South Park has almost become sort of a mythological being itself, what with the delays and whatnot. Still, SP still makes me giggle occasionally, and this game is still anticipated by me and tons of other people who like fart jokes and preachy political humor. So I assume.
Gamestick - "Huh? What? What is this?" you say. It's the G-A-M-E S-T-I-C-K mutha-fwaquah! Okay, well I threw this onto the list because the concept is really interesting, and I suppose that if I had the dough to blow, I would get this little gadget and say, "Neener neener, lookie what you're too poor to have but I do!" Well, maybe not like that, but you get the point. This basically does the same thing as the Ouya, but I'm interested in it because of what the controller looks like. Okay, I'll just put the Wikipedia page up instead of droning on and on. Check it out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GameStick
In closing, kind of slim pickings for me this holiday season. I know that the market will pretty much be dominated by Call of Duty Ghost, but that's okay. All the bro gamers can stay over in that direction behind the urination-fed potted plant in the other room. It's too bad that the big guns are holding back until 2014, but that's alright as well, since I have enough backlog to keep me occupied until then. So what games are the community excited about for the rest of this year? Let me know and thanks for reading.