I don't know how you do it. You constantly throw logic & reasoning at these idiots only to see it bounce off of them. They're too retarded to even realize they're retarded. They're the opposite of what they say they represent. I really hope this "movement of stupidity" passes soon.
Broken's obligatory rant-a-thon: Becoming the villain!
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![]() On 10/25/2013 at 08:45 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
When you live alone in your castle you don't give two shits what people "on the outside" think of you!
Awesome art by ~Scaryfox!
Live long enough to become the villain…..
It’s been a long time since I’ve been my more idealistic younger self. Back in those days I had the gall to call myself an open minded liberal. Actually, I’m still the same. It’s just the world has changed around me. People are using wikipedia to alter meanings of words and I don’t know what’s up from down anymore.
I used to think I was a "nice guy" but now I'm constantly told that term is thrown around by people who are bad with women,socially retarded,self pitying,and looking for sympathy. Okay,fine. I'll be the asshole end-boss instead! Satisfied now? Good! This cape looks stunning on me!
Anyway, I’ve composed a list of things I like that the masses are enraged about. You can see my witty replies below.
1. BrokenH,why do you like fan-service? It’s degrading to women!
You know what? (When I say “you” I don’t mean all of you. Just the peeps this rant applies to!) Your sycophantic ranting and attempts to be on the social justice warrior bandwagon is offensive to my very being!
Regardless, your theory is flawed from the onset. ”Fan service” doesn’t apply to real women as the characters it depicts are not real. Beyond that, at least they’re just drawings or polygons. Glamour magazines like Cosmo do more damage to a young woman’s psyche because A: They are deliberately targeted at living breathing females and B. they depict “real women” being subjected to ridiculous beautification regimes that are not only harmful but ludicrously expensive. Sadder still, most of these magazines are run by other women.
Maybe you should drop your “Hawkeye Initiative” in favor of a “Cosmo Initiative”. Just saying!
So, why do I like fan-service? Because I’m infatuated with the female body. Because my biology makes women appealing to me. For lesbians/bisexuals it’s the same and it’s likewise because the way they are wired makes them feel that way. It shouldn’t be a big deal either way, should it? We’re talking about nature here.
2. BrokenH, why don’t you believe in the patriarchy?
Because things in America are SO unfair,right ladies?
I don’t believe in the patriarchy within our part of the world because it’s rarely been about one gender oppressing another gender. Rather it’s been about one class of people manipulating all the peasants beneath them. A king or politician might have some kind of privilege but does that same privilege apply to the thousands of soldiers and blue collar workers under him? No, it absolutely doesn’t. Everyday men are sent off to die for political agendas and everyday men work themselves to death just to put food on the table. It’s gotten to the point retirement benefits are near nonexistent and marriage means nothing because it’s so easy to get a divorce. (Bless the people who actually make a go at trying to keep their marriage together. They have more character than the people who echo empty words and hollow endearments to each other right before breaking up over the pettiest and most trivial matters imaginable.)
I’d say there might actually be a type of patriarchy in certain 3rd world countries where women are grossly mistreated in the name of religious extremism or because of a husband’s desire to sire sons exclusively (How fair is that to his wife?) but at least in the western world women have it made! (Overall)
Put it this way, modern feminists aren’t demanding civil rights and equality because the better women before them already fought for and attained those things. This is why today’s feminists are bitching over jiggle boob physics in videogames and racy costumes in comic book movies. Oh, cry me a river! 1st world problems are so brutal ya’ll! Our FICTION is sexist and sexy sometimes! Get ready for the collapse of civilization!
3. My fantasies are okay but yours are not!
I catch flak for this......
....But heaven forbid I critique this!
Many of my female friends like androgynous men doing “yaoi things” to each other. We’ve all seen the Sephiroth/Cloud fan fictions as well as Dante and Vergil going at it like bunnies in heat. I never had a problem with this per se. I’ve even made peace with Twilight as “harmless gurl fantasy” though I still concede that Bella swan is the worst female protagonist imaginable. (Women in my day kicked vampires in their faces. Oh Buffy and Faith, how I miss you!)
However, I got into an argument with someone at the rpg-maker network where I posted my game. This person and her supporters decried my art as “misogynistic sexism” even though many of them had backgrounds of enjoying the type of fan-fiction I mentioned above. At one point in the debate the main female poster literally said “My fantasies are fine but yours are inappropriate.” She was pretty much saying how my art misrepresented MY characters and that their portrayals were shameless titillation.
I actually agree with her up to a certain point. Yes, I’m a very fan-service oriented artist. But what would she know about my creations? It would be like someone telling Suda 51 that Juliet is a flawed and unworthy protagonist without knowing about the rest of his works. Back in the day none of this stuff was a crime. A man drawing and designing sexy female characters? No big deal! Now days? What a woman-hater! I bet he’s a hair width away from raping people up in here! Hide yo kids, hide yo sister, and hide yo wife!
I’ll give up my fantasies when these pretentious wind bags stop drooling over bishonens, stop masturbating onto metro sexual fashion, and stop getting off to their private yaoi hentai stashes. There’s nothing wrong with being a heterosexual male just as there’s nothing wrong with being homoerotic. I wish these people would realize when they’re pointing with one finger three more fingers are pointing back at them. What immature belligerent piss-ants!
4. You look at porn, don’t you?
This maybe shocking so sit down. All single people look at porn. Many single people at large go to sex-chat-rooms. Hell, some married couples look at porn together!
Ironically it seems as if there’s more of a stigma attached to being single than there is with looking at porn. Whenever I watch a thriller or horror movie the killer ends up being a socially awkward quiet person who had a history of being a loner. It’s very rarely the popular socialite or the jockish “good ol boy“. (I appreciate Scream because it was one of the first horror movies to turn this typical cliché on its’ head)
Then if you’re single AND admit to watching porn suddenly it’s that much worse. People will snidely tell you to “get laid” and “get a life” even if your existence is happy and fulfilling just the way it is.
Any man can tell you “being alone” is not always a choice. In my case I have limited income and a small apartment. When you combine all this with being bi-polar it gets harder to find someone. I'm at peace with my reality but it is not the one I had planned out for myself. When I was younger I thought I really would meet my soul-mate and live happily off the sweat of my own brow. Unfortunately, it didn't manifest as perfectly as I had pictured it in my mind's eye.
For the record,I’m not implying a woman cannot see the beauty within. Many wonderful ones do just that. Yet as human beings we tend to travel along the path of least resistance. If we know someone has more problems than what we consider “normal” we tend to distance ourselves from that individual even as we put up our facades of politeness and good will. For example, my HUD house representative is beautiful and I’d go so far as to say she’s a caring person. However, I do not think she’d date me simply because she sees me as “a troubled person in need” instead of as a potential lover. I don’t blame her for it. Many of these types of choices are instinctual and based upon survival. Humans desire strong and healthy mates so any signs of physical, emotional, behavioral, or mental weakness works against us in the dating game. It’s not fair but natural selection never has been.
So yeah, given my limited choices I masturbate to hardcore pornography! Sasha Grey doesn’t judge me when I blow my wad to her getting a cum facial or when she takes it in the backdoor. It’s not the ultimate ideal when it comes to the “sexual gratification game” but it gets me by!