Yep, I'm pretty sure Deadly Premonition is supposed to be the way it is. It's like Twin Peaks in game form. LOL. I should try finishing it some day but I stopped because my own stupidity made me fight respawning enemies over and over instead of moving on, and then when I got to something I HAD to kill I was tapped out and died.
Gaming Update
On 11/03/2013 at 04:49 PM by Blake Turner See More From This User » |
Hey guys! It's been a busy couple of weeks, what with having finished exams and moved out of one college and into another college because the college I stay at isn't open for Trimester 3 which is retarded and this runon sentence is reaching all knew levels of ridiculousness and I should probably stop now. Don't you just love grammar?
Anyway, these are the games I have been playing.
F.E.A.R. 2
Those of you who followed my blogs may have noticed that I ranted about this game being shit, but really, that was only the first level. Granted, the first level was fucking atrocious and made me want to gouge my eyeballs out with a diseased pornstars cock, but it gets much better from there.
The game is fun, but the combat never becomes as gripping or as tense as it did in F.E.A.R. 1 partly due to the fact that the armour system in this game takes away a lot of the danger. I do like that there is mre level variety, but you couldn't tell that in the first few hours because you're in a fucking hospital for half the game. Another gripe I have with this game is that it only has one save file and Play is up the top, which takes you to a screen that says single player. Which if you click it starts a new game and DELETES YOUR FUCKING SAVE GAME! There's still a chapter select but I lost a fucking hour of play once because of this shittily designed system.
Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut
Words cannot explain how hilarious and weird this game is. Seriously, it is so amazingly terrible that it defies explanation. You play as an insane man who has an imaginary friend whom he talks to regularly, IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE! These people don't question it, of course, because you're the most sane person in the game.
This game is a mess. The driving mechanics roll you over if you so much as turn your car slightly, and when you take your foot off the accellerator the car comes to a complete stop, almost causing your car to perform a front flip. Pretty much everything in the game is broken, and most PS2 games have better graphics than it.
However, it is damn near impossible for me to hate this game. It is so damn funny, so bizarre, and so... brilliant. I fucking adore tis game. I've never laughed so damn hard at any game, EVER!
Holy shit this game surprised me. I picked it up for next to nothing and I've loved every second of it. It's fun. It's challenging. And it hurts my head. It's a metroidvania game, and I know it's blasphemy, but I like it more than Castlevania...
Well, that's my gaming life at the moment. I'm totally up for multiplayer at some point, so if any of you see me on steam and want to play some multiplayer of something, let me know!