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RMN: The ugly side.

On 11/03/2013 at 06:06 PM by BrokenH

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"Seem "welcoming"? Yeah right! But maybe you would have better luck than I did!"

So,just have to get this off my chest. Why are so many people at RMN so damned uppity? Whenever I go there it's like laying in a bed of thorns. When I first went there it really seemed like a great way to premote my rpg. I thought it would be nice to have my own page. I met some nice individuals too but very quickly I found even more folks were taking cheap shots at me.

My most recent offense? Bolding text. Apparently site-owner "Big Ken"-tona doesn't like bold text. Why do I do it? Mainly because I don't have the greatest eyes. I'll enlarge text for the same reason. I can read "normal text" but I still have to squint and concentrate a bit to do it.

What grinds my gears is Kentona wouldn't have said a damned thing at all but it just so happens I responded to some kid being snarky to me with my own snarky retort. You know how that goes,right? "We are part of the same collective,F-you,outsider!" Ken might actually be a decent person. This just is not one of his better days.

Admittedly I haven't been the nicest guy there lately myself. But hey,if you throw rocks at a dog long enough don't be surprised when it jumps up on you and bites your smug face off. This is why when kids end up getting shot at their highschool I don't always have automatic contempt for the perpatrators. Usually the violent agressor was picked on,beaten up, and psychologically belittled before deciding to go trigger happy. No, it isn't the "correct response" to the problem but I can at least feel sympathy and understand why these incidents happen in the first place. Moral of the story? People shouldn't be dicks to each other. Seems simple,doesn't it?

This all started over my female character art. People thought it was vulgar,gratuitous,misogynistic,and just about every other negative connotation you can give to something.Yeah,I can see how my art could in fact be offensive to a certain crowd. Still,it's my right to put it up so long as it fits within the rules and guide-lines. The artist isn't obligated to make stuff EVERYONE will like. (And many problems could have been solved peacefully if people who had issues with my page would simply refuse to go there again. I'm not keeping them there as if they're hostages!)

The next wave of angst was over one of my female characters being a rape survivor. Some people said it wasn't "edgy" enough. They thought because this particular character was female I was automatically trying to denounce the fact rape also happens to men. Then the same whiners who haven't even played my game said they doubted I could portray the rape in a progressive enough manner.

What hurts is if I created a generic rpg about generic heroes generically saving the world noone would be on my shit right now. If all my stuff was watered down politically correct garbage I'd be rubbing elbows with the brass and smoking their metaphorical cigars while simultaneously drinking from their metaphorical wine glasses.

I thought the whole point of indie game design was to be able to make games we normally wouldn't be able to. What's the point in having a fucking indie scene if the community discourages certain ideas and certain themes?!

  I've never been madder at gaming than I am right now. This takes the cake.




11/03/2013 at 07:24 PM

Those leftist "liberal" bastards are at it again, huh? Laughing


11/03/2013 at 07:31 PM

Or maybe most of the rude posters are tweens,James. lol. Either way I didn't expect this much heat.

I don't want to hold ill feelings for the site or even Kenton but I'm kind of tired of going at it with these people.

Oh well. I'll probably vacate RMN a few weeks but still keep my game up for download. (Assuming it doesn't get taken down)


11/03/2013 at 07:54 PM

Like I said in your last blog, good thing you aren't on tumblr. Lots of that stuff.


11/03/2013 at 08:02 PM

How is it on tumblr,Alejandro? Besides for the nutty activists I mean. lol.


11/03/2013 at 08:21 PM

Aside from that, it's very great. Lots of good art, gifs, music, funny things and overall, very interesting. Though, be carefull. Once you enter Tumblr, it becomes a drug that you can't let go.


11/03/2013 at 08:27 PM

I should stay away then. Besides,knowing me I'd bump into the wrong people. My luck sucks that way. lol.

Cary Woodham

11/03/2013 at 08:10 PM

I like your art.  Maybe not every single piece, but I like a lot of it.


11/03/2013 at 08:14 PM

Thanks,Cary. I don't even mind when people dislike my art. It's just when they go on dramatic tirades about their dislike of it post after post it gets kind of old after awhile. lol.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

11/03/2013 at 10:26 PM

Well, if nothing else, those bad experiences led you to write this blog which reminded me to download your game! Now... to make time to play it.

I have my monocle all prepared to spin in shock!


11/03/2013 at 10:40 PM

With the limited retro graphics there shouldn't be much monocle spinning,Trav. lol. The written text tends to be more racy than anything the game's images can throw at you.


11/03/2013 at 11:11 PM

Meh. You had more patience than I would have had. I'd have simply told them, "Tough. If you don't like it, don't download it and move the fuck on," and left it at that. I might have left out a certain couple of words in the real world, but the point still stands. To the dude bitching about everything being bolded, I wouldn't have even bothered to respond.

That lot on RMN came off like a bunch of Internet tough guys. Constructive criticism is one thing and is a healthy thing. Coming on there and just acting like an ass, as some of those folks did, is quite another. But, you know, it's the Internet, and you've gotta expect a bit of that. :)


11/04/2013 at 12:53 AM

Pixlbit spoiled me,Andrew. So did 1up. (Besides for Bob Mackey) I guess I got so used to everyone being nice and resolving disputes within a short time I put too much faith in humanity again. Lesson learned!

But yeah,RMN seems to house a lot of jackals. Probably kids looking to make a mark as internet toughs and adults with sticks up their asses.

Don't get me wrong. There are very nice people there too. But I think most of them say little and walk softly just so the mob will not turn on them instead.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/04/2013 at 06:15 AM

yeah the RPGmaker scene isn't as inventive as it could be.  I think your game is awesome, but most of those foolz are content to make dumb derivative games.  Don't let it get you down. You can always port your game to iOS or something where I feel it will be appreciated more.

But don't let it sour your experience with indie game design.  the rPGmaker crowd just sucks, and it has ALWAYS been like that.


11/04/2013 at 11:41 AM

There are some good games there too,Matt. However, I find many projects that do well are either silly pop culture parodies or rather generic. If you can faithfully "recreate" Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy you'll have a better chance at garnering a fanbase than if you take any risks.

However, I have seen "original games" in the limelight once in awhile so at least RMN isn't completely hopeless.

You know the deal. RMN is a fun place to vacation to just don't set down your roots to live there!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

11/04/2013 at 07:09 AM

Whoa wait..

What the hell is RMN?


11/04/2013 at 11:38 AM

Ha! ha! ha! That reply was priceless Chris. Thanks buddy!

In case that's not actually cheeky sarcasm and an actual enquiry though let me explain. Rpg-Maker network is a place people submit their rpgs that are usually made by using a version of rpgmaker by enterbrain.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

11/04/2013 at 11:47 AM

Honestly.. I didn't know what RMN was, so thanks for the explaination, and glad you got a laugh out of my curiousity! lol


11/04/2013 at 11:50 AM

No prob,Chris! We cool,dawg! Cool


11/05/2013 at 07:11 PM

Eh, there are bad people everywhere. The douchebags will always be douchebags. At least you're lucky you found a nice community like us I guess.


11/05/2013 at 10:34 PM

I am grateful for pixlbit! I also think I might have found a "nicer place" for sharing homemade rpgs too.


11/11/2013 at 01:24 PM

And now you see why I don't frequent various sites with my thoughts, ideas, ramblings and ravings. There was a reason why I stayed on for so very long. I'm lucky so far that I'm under the radar on pixblit and IGN.

Best to move on to greener pastures or weather the storm and be the better man. hopefully you can debate intelligentaly to their dribble.

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