Ayane= DOA/Ninja Gaiden/Warriors Orochi 3
Cammy=Street Fighter
Mortal Kombat=Kitana
Those are the only ones I can think of for now,Cary!
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![]() On 11/04/2013 at 08:38 AM by Cary Woodham ![]() See More From This User » |
Recently I reviewed a downloadable PS3 game called Girl Fight. It’s a 3-D fighting game with an all-women cast. Usually in fighting games, the female characters are more interesting than the guy characters. So it makes sense to make a whole fighting game with them. Unfortunately, while the fighting gameplay mechanics in Girl Fight are at least somewhat decent, the characters in the game are not very interesting at all. But that’s not going to stop me from writing about them anyway! Yep, this is a filler blog. You know I like to write about fighting game characters, even if I don’t know anything about them!
The storyline in Girl Fight makes no sense, and they don’t do too much in the game to flesh out the story or background of the characters. But that’s OK; I don’t really care much about the storylines in fighting games anyway. The warriors in Soul Calibur could be fighting over the last piece of Taki’s birthday cake for all I care (actually that would be pretty funny). So with that out of the way, here’s my uninformed look at the ladies of Girl Fight.
This lady wears a military uniform, so I’m guessing she’s in the army or something. I imagine it must be hard to fight with all those medals on her chest, though. Usually I tend to like military females in video games, such as Cammy or Leona, so I guess this one is cool, too.
Well the only thing I can tell you about this one is that she wears kind of Gothic Lolita clothes and wears too much eye shadow. And from what I can figure about the story, she’s really mean and bad. And that’s all I know!
She’s supposed to be a Japanese assassin that works for the Yakuza or something. She always wears a blindfold. I don’t know if that means she’s blind or if she just likes a challenge. I do like her outfit, though.
Yeah they give these characters such flattering names, don’t they? Supposedly in the story, Wrench was a super smart genius, but the evil Foundation took her arms and legs away from her, somehow. At first I was like, ‘But wait a minute, she punches and kicks pretty well in the game.’ But then I forgot that this is all in virtual reality or something. Remember in the early 90’s when everything had to be ‘virtual reality’ this and VR that? Wrench wears Daisy Duke Shorts and not much else. I can’t tell if she’s just really dirty or has tattoos on one side of her body. And her hair sticks up all over the place. They kind of portray her as being geeky, which is kind of cool, but otherwise I don’t know what to make of this crazy character.
She wears samurai armor, but not a full set of it. Remember what kind of game this is, after all. She’s not very convincing, though. She doesn’t even look Japanese. She has purple hair as one of her alternate colors, though, which is cool. The game says she’s supposedly near invulnerable. I guess she eats her spinach.
I guess if I HAD to pick a favorite character from Girl Fight, this one would be it. She reminds me of a cross between Tina Armstrong and Dixie Clements, two of my favorite characters from Dead or Alive and Rumble Roses. Plus she has a cool throw move where she just tackles the opponent. The game says she’s a CEO for some multi-million dollar company. Hard to imagine that with her cowboy getup. Maybe it’s like a Duck Dynasty thing.
Well the game says she’s a secret agent, but to me she looks like a woman who was going to be a mummy for Halloween, but got too lazy to finish her costume. She reminds me of a mix between Ivy and that cool lady from The Fifth Element. And I like her name, too. Just hope her opponents don’t have any power pellets on them!
She serves as the last boss in the game. I think she’s some kind of robot android lady in charge of the evil Foundation. When you finally unlock her to play in Story Mode, turns out she’s planning on taking over the mind of whoever wins the fighting tournament so she can take over the real world. So even when she loses, she wins. She has green and/or pink hair, though, so that’s kind of cool.
Cootie Conclusions
And those are all the characters in the game! Since nobody else has probably played this, I won’t ask you to post your favorite character in the comments section. But if you have any other favorite female fighting game characters, let me know who they are in the comments section! My favorite is Cammy. But not because of how she looks. I just like her cool hat, she has a neat storyline, and I beat my friend as her when playing Super Street Fighter 2 once. And my friend is really good at fighters so I was pretty happy. Yeah, don’t bring up the fact that he probably wasn’t used to playing against a new character…just let me have my victory, OK? There are a lot of other female fighter characters I like, too. Can you guess who some are? Later! --Cary
I hadn't heard of this game. I'll check it out.
My favorite female fighters are Sakura (Street Figher), Vanessa (King of Fighters), Vice (King of Fighters), Mature (King of Fighters), King (King of Fighters), Taki (Soul Calibur), Vanessa Lewis (Virtua Fighter), and Sarah Bryant (Virtua Fighter). There are more, but these are the female characters from the top of my head.
Trying to find images of the characters from Girl Fight is impossible. In marketing their game, this should've been the first thing to get out there.
Anyway, I really liked Sakura in Super Puzzle Fighter. When she wins, she gives a yell that makes me laugh every time. She got spunk.