ha ha, well, I guess you should be flattered. you're a part of the indie scene for officially now, Ben!
Ben gets exposure on teh youtubez! Er,yay?
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![]() On 11/04/2013 at 02:21 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
I know. I’m still subjecting you to my shit-face drama. Bear with me just a little longer before the happy van dopes me up, puts me in a straight jacket, sends me off to the asylum, and I eventually come back to you all good as new! (Though I might drool a little bit more!)
This exhibit is Gliz Caldo. I actually feel sorry for the poor kid. It’s obvious by his cynical bored tone he’s not enjoying my game. Right now I feel almost “guilty” I subjected him to such agony. But I’ll be damned, he’s a scrapper and he seems determined! Where most of us would simply put down a game we don’t like and never touch it again, Gliz is doing a “let’s play” of it instead. It’s as if I’m watching a masochist recording his own self inflicted torture.
For the record, I have no ill will towards Gliz. Heck, he’s giving my game more exposure than it would get otherwise. You know what they say. There’s not such thing as bad advertisement! (Even if it is negative,heh.)
Anyway, I already responded to Gliz under “night savior” to clear some things up. I’ll also go over his criticisms and how I feel about them. I’ll likewise critique his own video.
1. The game is long winded!
It really is. I have nothing to fight back with on this one. All I can say in my defense is it is really hard to tell a story in an rpg without heavy handed exposition. In action games it’s a given for dialogue to be kept at a sparse minimum (as action games are more about the game-play) but by contrast rpgs are expected to be story driven by their very nature.
2. Arghhh, no one talks like this!
Gliz is referring to the “home movie” you can find in the theater. A home movie done by high school kids who are trying to make a horror film. I deliberately made the footage from “Quiet Mountain” to be a total cheese fest. Kara’s “acting” is exceptionally bad . Liam’s werewolf costume has fleas. Ben and Liam think their creation is “totally awesome” but in truth it kind of sucks. Only Amy’s acting is outstanding. That was the whole point.
3. For someone with trust issues Deidre sure is “trusting”!
Let me put you in Deidre’s shoes. She gets on a tram that’s suddenly infested by monsters. Ben is the only human being left besides for herself. The two of them have to work together for survival. If they sat around and bickered instead they would both get torn apart quickly. By the time Deidre tells Ben “her story” they have met Liam, fought two bosses, fought more monsters, saved Ben’s sister Amy, and have established a safe haven at the hospital. All that may seem to go by quickly in game-time but if we are to apply this to reality Deidre has been through a lot with the other characters. Untrusting as she maybe, Liam and Ben are key components to her well being and during all this drama they have not betrayed her once. So yeah, Deidre would begin to open up. It’s not rocket science!
4. The game is too easy!
This is a very valid complaint. My game is designed for characters to level up quickly. The truth is the game is not about the fighting. It’s about the story and the characters. Be that as it may, I can understand why gamers might get bored fighting unchallenging cannon fodder so this criticism still stands.
5. Too many random battles!
Sadly, this is the nature of the beast with the core set up of VX ace. Yeah, you can find scripts to make your game play more like Zelda or Diablo but what they initially give you is a battle system very much akin to Dragon-Warrior. Because of Gliz’s complaint I even lessened the random encounters in my game (recent update) but I don’t know just how noticeable that change will be to future gamers.
6. Too much nudity,grrraaaaaaah!
Gliz you chose to do a “Let’s play” of my game which you don’t like so far. Yeah, you-tube probably has policies against nudity (even pixel nudity) but you made this grave for yourself! I’m sorry your offended by pixel tits but even in real life people are “naked” all the time underneath their clothes! Grow a pair,sir!
7. Ben was always magic, then why did he only get powers with the card he was given?!
Ben always studied magic, yes. He may have even been able to do some minor supernatural feats. However, his powers were not “amplified” until he got more and more exposure to the soulmorphisis cards. (Or at least the one given to him on the tram by the old veteran.)
8. How did Liam know Deidre had Soulmorphisis cards when they first met on the hospital roof?
Fair enough! That batch of dialogue has been corrected. Thanks for pointing it out!
9. Couldn't you animate these battlers?!
Sure,Gliz. Just give me a cloning vat,extra cybernetic limbs,or at the very least a small dedicated team of actual animators! I was lucky to even get music from Blake!
Gliz really helped my game along. Some of his points were very insightful and even made me go back and do a recent revision. (I reposted it on RMN. Oh, and the town sections have more street lamps now!)
However, I found it weird he has a cold in some of his let’s play footage. If he felt sick and was stuffed up he must have known that would effect his performance. Personally I would have waited to do the let’s play after I felt better and had a clearer voice.
Furthermore, he’s trying too hard. I realize he’s attempting to channel nicoB and PewdiePie but overall he simply comes off as an over reactionary spaz. Seriously, just listen for yourselves. I don’t even have to reaffirm what is already there.
In the end the kid acts as if he’s deliberately cutting on himself with a dull rusty razor. (For the record, that really hurts!) I don’t mind he’s frustrated by my game but it’s painful to watch him soldier on with it. Perhaps he thinks he’s doing people a helpful “public service announcement” by warning them about my game’s awfulness but he doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who enjoys old fashioned rpgs to begin with. It should be fun to watch how offended and spastic he gets in future episodes. Content wise the worst is yet to come!