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Looking Back, Favourite 360 Games

On 11/07/2013 at 12:09 PM by transmet2033

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I currently have my collection of 360 games separated out into different categories. The main categories are Backlogged games, Favourites, and Sell. There is also a 4th category, Digital, whose games I cannot sell, but may not fall into the other 2 categories. I have made a last minute decision to include my favourite digital releases into this list because it makes sense.

Since I am cleaning house my Backlogged section for the 360 is fairly small at the moment. In fact, I am doing my best not to add anymore 360 games to my collection from here on out. I may have to because as I said previously, Backloggers Anonymous is very inspiring. There are only four 360 games that I own that I truly want to spend time with and they are Dark Souls, Metro: Last Light, El Shaddai, and Nier. There is very little that I can say about these games because I have yet to play them. I have been working on El Shaddai so that should be crossed off the list shortly.
Looking at my surprising short list of my favourite games on the 360 I notice a fairly large gap in the middle of the generation. I have a couple of games that were released around launch, but the rest of them were released in 2010 or later. I cleaned out my collection of games after my first 360 died, so that might explain why there is a gap from 2007-2009. I will have to look at that time period to see if there are any games that I am missing. Part of me doubts it. Without further ado, my favourite 360 games...

1. Burnout Revenge. This was my first experience with the Burnout series, and I fell in love immediately. The game was gorgeous, at the time, and it was fun. I still own my original copy, which is amazing because of the number of times I sold off my games.
2. Quake 4. This is probably the weirdest choice on the list. There is really only one good reason to keep this game around, and that is the bonus disc that came with the game. I did enjoy Quake 4, but the bonus disc had a perfect port of Quake 2. That is why I will always keep a copy of Quake 4 around.
3. Bioshock and Bioshock 2. I prefer Bioshock 2, but in my mind they need to be experienced together. Plus, I picked up the pack that had both games in it. I don't want to leave an open space in that case if I sold Bioshock.
4. Metro 2033. I have a soft spot in my heart for both post-apocalyptic, and flawed games. This game has problems, but it was one of the best experiences I have had this generation. I love this game so much, I had to put it into my gamertag.
5. Fallout: New Vegas. Speaking of flawed post-apocalyptic games, New Vegas was awesome. Fallout 3 was great, but compared to New Vegas there is something missing. I know that New Vegas had a ridiculous number of bugs, but it had character and heart. Plus, the fact that every decision fell into a morally gray area. I finished it twice, backing different factions each time. Boy was I shocked to see that there was no right answer to who should control the wasteland.
6. Halo Reach. I don't really have much to say about this one. This one had my favourite multi-player. I hated the dual wielding and while I enjoyed Halo 4's something was missing.
7. Dishonored. I do not even know where to start with this one... So, I am just going leave it at that. I just cannot explain it.
8. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Once I got past the prologue this game became exactly what I ever wanted from a WRPG. This game takes what Mass Effect was trying to do over the course of 3 games, and does it in one and better. The Witcher 3 is the whole reason that I want to jump into the next generation.

I do not really have much to say about the rest of my list. Mostly because I have either talked about them recently, or it has been such a long time since I have played them.
9. Mirror's Edge.
10. Batman: Arkham Aylum.
11. Shadow Complex.
12. Bastion.

This conclusion is becoming more and more difficult. I just do not know how I want to wrap up this list. There have been a lot of great memories this past console generation. Maybe it is so difficult because I am not really done with this topic. I still need to look back at the PS3 and Wii. Also, there is the other games that I own that did not make this list. The ones that even surprised me a little bit.



Travis Hawks Senior Editor

11/07/2013 at 01:09 PM

A good list, and I love your reason for including Quake 4.


11/07/2013 at 02:44 PM

I should have put Black Ops on the list, just for the copy of Zork that they have hidden in the game.


11/07/2013 at 01:47 PM

Hmm...only game I've played on your list so far is Shadow Complex. I started Bioshock, but the first person viewpoint bit put me off. I'm not a fan of first person viewpoint games.


11/07/2013 at 01:55 PM

I guess that I am though because more than half that list is a first person something.  FPSs seemed to have dominated this generation, or at the very least the 360.  If I were to look back at my favourite games of the PS2, I highly doubt that there would be more than one or two FPSs.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/07/2013 at 02:41 PM

Quake 2 rulez!  

Good list.  I forgot about some of these games.  I like Metro 2033 too.  Did u play the new one?


11/07/2013 at 02:43 PM

Metro:  Last Light is in my backlog.  I hope to get to it sometime after I finish El Shaddai.  


11/07/2013 at 04:23 PM

There are so many interesting games this generation. My lists of must-have games goes back all the way to the end of time, and the list gets bigger and bigger as I get closer to the present day - this year being the biggest of all.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/07/2013 at 04:55 PM

 Oddly enough, on PC Fallout 3 is MUCH buggier than New Vegas. Fallout 3 doesn't like running on machines with more than two cores (which is the processing power of a laptop basically) and because of that, you STILL need a good graphics card to run at a solid framerate. That  and it crashes all the fucking time. New Vegas runs consistenly at 60 fps, after I've put graphics mods in and it hasn't crashed once.

 Also, you'll love Metro: Last Light if you liked the original. Just get past the first bit because it's a bit Call Of Dutyish with it's linearity. Once it opens up it becomes the metro you loved, only with better graphics and much better gunplay.


11/08/2013 at 09:06 AM

Both Fallouts played terribly on the PS3.  I had to do a hard reset a number of times when playing Fallout 3.  A buddy at work did not like Metro:  Last Light.  I am assuming that he did not get past that first section.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/08/2013 at 04:33 PM

What did he say about it? Yeah the first part is meh. After the first hour though it's pretty damn amazing.


11/08/2013 at 05:00 PM

He didn't really say much.  He just said that he did not like it and gave it back to me.  I assume that he did not make it past that section of the game.


11/07/2013 at 06:32 PM

I really love Burnout Revenge. It's one of my favorite games from the original Xbox and a great racing game overall.

Because I don't own a 360, I completed Halo Reach with a friend who had the game and console. I also really liked that one.


11/08/2013 at 09:08 AM

I always have prefered the more arcady racers.  I have tried to enjoy PGR, Forza and Gran Turismo but I do not find them to be any fun.  I want to be able to throw shells at my enemies or completely destroy my car and cause massive pile-ups.

Cary Woodham

11/07/2013 at 07:29 PM

Probably sometime in December I plan to do a blog about my favorite 360 and PS3 games, since the new consoles will be out and all.


11/07/2013 at 08:12 PM

I want to do some blogs like this but I'm so conlflicted. I have so many unplayed games. Maybe I still will. Very interesting list you have here though. I own or have played a lot of these (Dishonored for the win!). Did not know about Quake 2 being included with Quake 4. I might buy that now (the internet tells me it's $3 at GameStop). When it comes to Halo, though, I liked 4 the best, campaign and multiplayer. Reach is great, no doubt, and I played a ton of that when it was the newest one but I enjoyed 4 more.


11/08/2013 at 09:02 AM

I spent the most time with Halo4's campaign, but spent a lot more time with Reach's multiplayer.  That was back when my brother and I played on a regular basis.  Remember, if quake 4 does not come with a second disc, you should return it.  The second disc has a videos and the copy of Quake 2. 


11/13/2013 at 01:24 PM

1. Burnout Revenge: own it, love it. fond memories playing it with my "Little One" as I just Hold down the gas as she drives the car and tries to keep it from crashing...

2. Quake 4. - NSonic79 WANT!

3. Bioshock and Bioshock 2. - Good call on grouping both of them. Love the first game so much I gave it to my bro and bought the game on PS3 just for the extra DLC offered on it.

4. Metro 2033. - Want to but not sure for the Xbox 360.

5. Fallout: New Vegas.- have this on PS3 but kind of having regrets due to the game freezing so bad when your save files goes over 14MB. Debating about rebuying the Fallout games for the Xbox 360.

6. Halo Reach.- if there wasn't a single halo game on this list I'd call foul! =P

7. Dishonored.- waited for the GOTY edition but now not sure if I should get it for PS3 instead.

8. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. - Not sure about trying out the seires. Is it still nasty?

9. Mirror's Edge. - Need to play
10. Batman: Arkham Aylum.- buying on PS3 eventually
11. Shadow Complex. - waiting for sale/price drop
12. Bastion.- same as 11

Cool beans and a cool list!


11/13/2013 at 01:38 PM

What do you mean when you say Nasty in regards to The Witcher?

Metro: Last Light is definitely worth it even if you skip 2033. I am a couple hours in and 4A seems to have fixed a lot of the issues that were present in 2033.

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