Already downloaded Dark Arisen. I bought a whole bunch of stuff last month and I'm waiting for my 20 bucks from Sony.
I'm not sure when, if ever I'll be getting a PS4. I'd like to but finances definitely won't let me for the foreseeable future.
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![]() On 11/08/2013 at 12:25 PM by Sonicbug ![]() See More From This User » |
Goooooood morning pixlebiters.
I'm a little punchy, I'm in the middle of NaNoWriMo 2013 and I'm a good 4,000 words below benchmark for today. Luckily I have the day off, so I'm trying to stay off the guild wars 2, stay off the PS3, and for god's sake stay off of GIANTBOMB because I'm starting to feel like I know them better than my own family.
For this year's NaNoWriMo I am writing a science fiction story. Last year I was writing an ancient egyptian fighting tournament, which was a thing. The two years prior I wrote fantasy stories, the first was a story I had been working on off and on and the second an idea from scratch that both came out pretty well. Last year's was a bit dry. They're all technical messes, HOT messes, but that's all in the past. This year, a first person adventure on a prison planet featuring mistaken identities and conspiracy and bio-mechanical bits!
But enough of that. Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen is free on PSN+ right now. You should all download that and go have some fun!
I can't wait to hear about PS4 madness next week. I'll be waiting until InFamous Second Son is out to get mine, and with Dark Souls 2 and Xillia 2, and Atelier still coming out for PS3 I'll be holding on to that for a good long while.
Back to writting, ciao folks!