So I thought I would start a blog series (as best I can) dealing with the industry I love and combining that with the knowledge I posses. Perhaps a basic introduction or reintroduction (seeing as this is a new site) is in order. My name is Matt, I have been gaming since about the mid to late 80's (i'm old i know), I am also an accountant and financial expert! I am your friendly neighboord gamer Master Accountant and CPA (or for those non-US folks, its the equivilant of a chartered accountant).

When I look at the gaming industry, I see it in two different lights. Of course there is the creativity that is the design and story of the game, all of the art and work that goes into creating the masterpiece that we end up playing (or garbage depending on your view). I also follow the industry closely in terms of the business decisions and what other financial experts are saying about the big 2 (EA & Activision). While that may not seam to be that interesting up front, sometimes those thoughts on the industry and those numbers next to their stock tickers can tell you whether they are cutting corners on purpose or are in legitimate trouble!

And of course the next logical question is, "why do we care." While you may or may not, what the rest of the investors are saying is imporant in how the industry reacts. If financial world feels that the companies are not up to snuf, you will hear about it! MSNBC actually follows game developers closely because it is an up and coming area of big money! So I believe it is important for us, not only to follow the latest and greatest games, but also the business side of things! It will allow us to peer inside the "corporate overlords" minds to try to understand what they are doing, and whether these features we like or dislike, are being looked at by other financial experts as somthing they believe to be effective or ineffective at generating revenues as well as customer retention and reaction!
Anywho, I hope you all find it interesting, I will do my best to make these analysis, but during March and part of April I can't say for sure if I can keep up! I will make my best effort!
Your friendly neighborhood gamer with a suit!