"Time to gear up for internet combat! Phear me!"
(Fez is GOD! Why isn't he in KOF? Look at this beautiful bastard!)
I haven't been that talkative have I? There's just a lot going on right now. For one thing I'm contemplating leaving RMN for good. I realize there are a few nice people there but the assholes are so obnoxious and verbose that the overall atmosphere feels acidic.
In particular an indvidual named Mawk will be delighted at my departure. This is a guy who has been riding my ass since I got there and if there's anyone who lives up to the words "keyboard warrior" it's him. Put it this way, one of his last comments to me had something to do with sheathing a nodachi. Because bringing imaginary weapons to a debate makes us "cooler" somehow,right? If Mawk is in his 20's instead of being a tween I feel for him,I really do.
The worst part? People at RMN simply state "Mawk is just Mawk!" and go about their routines as if everyone else is supposed to accept that "unwavering truth" as gospel. Why is there always that one asshole in most communities who gets diplomatic immunity? If I acted like Mawk did I bet I'd get banned after 4 or 5 posts. What did he do to get a gold card? Did he give people the sob story he is in a wheelchair or has cancer just so they'd feel sorry for him and justify his behavior? Ugh,what a tool.
I'd like to tell Mawk being snide,condescending, and dickish isn't actually constructive critique. I'd also like to tell him I'm not obligated to embrace his tirades as "helpful advice". (Actually, I have told him those things!) It's kind of a shame though. Somewhere in there I think he's a smart insightful person. There's something about Mawk worth saving. I just don't have the patience to do it!
Even if Mawk has Asperger's syndrome or is "just joking" it's difficult for me to excuse him of all responsibility. If he got to know me THEN posted harsh things I could take that in stride as "friendly ribbing" but we're not actually chums who have built up a repitore with each other.
(Oh god,I'm gossiping. I'm really REALLY doing it! Someone SHOOT ME! Better yet, tell Tami to rev up her chainsaw! Wait a minute! I'm bringing imaginary weapons into this conversation too! Damn it,hoisted by my own petard! At least Tami's power tools are real enough so I'm partially in the clear!)
I do have good news though! I found one nice community at the rpg maker pavilion and though I've gotten nary a download there at least I'm treated with a semblence of kindness. It's nice to be seen as a fellow human being.
I'm sorry I seem so "thin skinned" but I've been at pixlbit so long I guess I'm spoiled. It's as if I've lived my whole life in Pleasantville and when I go anywhere else on the internet it's the equvilent of entering Gotham city!
Anyway,working on a new illustration of Kara. Expect fan service and public outcries soon!