Yeah I just want to have fun playing games.
Now go read my new blog. :) And check your messages if you haven't already.
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![]() On 11/13/2013 at 05:12 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Stop bothering me you little rankle-stanks!
I’ve been gaming since I was 13 and being I’m 35 now I think that gives me some credence. (Despite the fact senility is setting in quickly!) Anyway, the last time I did one of these “Dear gamer” letters it pissed off some folks. But being I never gave a shit about impressing certain people or fitting in I commenced with this follow-up! (Don't ask me why I've been so ornery and angry lately. It'll eventually run its' course and we can all reminisce in the near future about what an asshole I was!)
Dear gamer activists
By now I’m an older lonely man in my mid 30‘s. I’m simply indulging in the things that make me happy and have no desire to cause harm to anyone else. The problem is that’s not enough for you ,is it?
Pardon me if I don’t rise up my picket sign when you snidely reply how Juliet Starling looks like a strumpet in Lollipop chainsaw. Jessica Nigri proudly cosplayed as her and I don’t see how going after a fictional female protagonist is relevant. Tell me, has a cross been burnt in your yard? Have you been stoned for not covering up properly? Have you been ridiculed merely for wanting to sit down on a specific seat in the bus? I imagine you have not. You may have gotten harassed on the internet but so has everyone else! There are much fewer "truly vile villains” to fight so you make up your new “bad guys” out of the liberal thinkers who are not “left“ enough!
I really don’t understand you young people making a huff about “fan service”. It’s as if none of you have seen Samus in her zero suit, played as Cammy in any street fighter game, or know what a “succubus” really is. You are pushing for more “realistic characters” when the truth is no one wants to be a lanky muscle deprived long haired loser such as myself or a grotesquely heavy set woman. I know that hurts to hear but it’s the truth! Do any of you make “ugly looking or average looking avatars” when you play an MMORPG or Saints Row 3? Be honest with yourselves. You may create an unattractive or plain character for shits & giggles but I’ll bet any amount of money you have your idealistic Adonis or idealistic goddess avatar standing beside his or her less flattering counterpart. Why? Because videogames are escapism and we rarely want to be ourselves in a virtual world!
This is not to say I do not want well written characters. It’s not to say there cannot be an endearing protagonist who is also gay, trans, skinny, fat,short,bald, purple, green, wheelchair bound, or who has a crooked nose! However, sometimes I like cheesy machismo and over the top sexiness! No, it shouldn’t be “the law of the land” but it likewise shouldn’t be phased out completely just so no one gets offended thus fitting within your confines of wussified politically correct bullshit!
Moving on, you guys have been using “BIG WORDS” lately. While I was admittedly impressed at first, I soon learned you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. Hideo Kojima is a misogynist (woman-hater) just because his female sniper character has a sexy design? Anyone who disagrees with Anita Sarkeesian must be anti-equality and a “big meanie troll head“? Stop the sensationalizing and over generalization you unprofessional hacks! Creating sexy depictions of women doesn’t make someone a “hater” of that gender. Disagreeing with a supposed “feminist”(much less one who admits to not being a gamer despite doing a whole documentary on gaming) does not make someone anti-equality.
Get your facts straight or don’t bother putting them up at all! These types of issues have shades of gray so stop using your ineffective Occam’s razor in a failed attempt to make every position seem entirely right or entirely wrong! Reality rarely dolls out statistics in absolutes!
In a rational world “I” would be the old man with a stick up my ass. “I” would be telling you kids to turn down your music and dress more conservatively. Yet here I am blaring my “offensive” heavy metal music and playing my “offensive” videogames as you all try to preach to me as if you’re a bunch of puritan pilgrims just now getting off the May-flower! My point? You’re still young. Give a middle finger to authority, indulge in wild sex, and “LIVE” for crying out loud! You’re too fucking YOUNG to be so fucking OLD! Don’t let dick-less/vagina-less activist hacks in it only for the site traffic and site hits dictate how YOU should behave! Do you want to be just another brick in the wall?
Lemmy says it best!
Firstly: When I create characters in Bethesda games THEY'RE FUCKING HIDEOUS! Then again, that's because it's a Bethesda game.
Secondly: I have no problem with fan service. I watch copious amounts of anime.
Thirdly: There are plenty of games aimed specifically at women, just not in the triple a space. Some of the best written female characters I've ever seen have been in visual novels and Hidden Object games. Seriously, those hidden object games have surprisingly great writing these days.
The problem is that that doesn't exist in the triple a state. Where are the twilights or 50 Shades of grey? The problem isn't boobs. It's the lack of games made for those with boobs.
"The problem is the lack of games made for those boobs!"
I agree,Blake. If there is one good thing about all this activism it is that I think we're going to see more females working for AAA developers. There will also be female-centric indie studios popping up.
At least I hope,that's how it should be!
Just gonna say, I'm proud to have the Neptunia games, Lollipop Chainsaw, the Agarest games, the Luminous Arc games, Project Diva f, and in less than 8 hours will be downloading Senran Kagura Burst (a fighter where clothes come off with damage taken) onto my 3DS. They're down-right fun, and have adorable and sexy characters. I use to have a little shame of it, but now I don't! Having friends that are true friends and a girlfriend who accepts my "tastes" make me shameless! Long live fawning for the opposite sex!
I still have "shame" to some degree. Deep down it eats away at me. I have this romanticized notion of becoming celibate (swearing off even porn and maturbation. lulz!)and going on a journey of enlightenment until I have no sexual desires what so ever. There are moments it just seems like another chain holding me down. My logical mind realizes it's normal biology but when anyone gets told they're "wrong" enough they begin believing it somewhat,JB.
Regardless, rock on with those games! The titles you mentioned are far from the worst things my eyes have seen. Matter of fact I find Japan's collective artistic and creative aesthetice to be quite beautiful overall.
That explains a lot. I guess that in the end, I have nothing to add to this topic of discussion. I think that it sucks that this would even be an issue, but I suppose that with better and more realistic graphics this would become a problem. Still, I do not see why people feel the need to look down on others because they enjoy certain types of games. The types of games that I have problems with, which are few, I actively avoid. I avoid every aspect of them, which means that there is no reason to get into an argument with people who enjoy them.... What the hell!!! Now I am feeling a little bit angry, I don't like it when I am angry.(Neither would you)
That's my problem with pseudo activism. It's a bunch of people going into something they know without a doubt they're going to dislike. Then they wail and bitch about it when they didn't even have to play said game or watch said movie in the first place. I wish most of these people would simply band together to make their own stuff! The only way they're going to change the medium is by actively partcipating. By that I mean "contributing".
I just wish some civilities could come to play when it comes to these debates and issues.
though You won't find me telling others to go out and be crazy, I can understand going out and doing stuff so long as your not competely stupid about it or try to justify it by saying: But I'm young!!!
I guess I just don't care over these types of issues despite the cosplayer I follow and the games I've played. Whenever I get someone trying to tell me something along those lines above I just laugh and walk away like a madman. I got more important things to worry myself over.
Walking away is the best thing to do. It shows you're mature and a fire cannot burn if you don't give it gasoline. I used to be better at "walking away" and I need to get back in that mindset. I've been too angry lately,N-sonic. That needs to stop! The path I'm on now is a bit crooked and I'd be a fool not to see that.
And that's what we are,Chris. "People". I think activism tries to put us all on a pedestal. Heaven forbid we have "flaws" and don't always throw our lot in with any "outraged mob" which happens to feel justified being mad at something.
Working together is great and can benefit positive change. However,we should not sacrifice our individuality thus becoming mindless drones in a bee hive.