Keep up your Nintendo binge, they can't get enough support.
Good to read things are well with you.
On 11/14/2013 at 06:03 PM by Nicoleb1989 See More From This User » |
well I havent posted much over the last few weeks because Ive been going through drama hell. I also had some money issues arise as well. Some things that happened:
*I wont be getting a PS4 tomorrow, the money issues that arose took that option from me along with my PS3 and Vita. Im currently working with only my 3DS and Wii U. I refuse to surrender them up.
*I transferred to a new Goodwill store and while things are def an improvement over the previous this one as it share of trails to overcome. Might get a promotion in the coming months though that will give me more hours and a lil bit better pay.
*I might be getting another 3DS XL since the Zelda one seems to be calling my name. I refuse to surrender my poptart*ACNL 3DS* so Ill have 2 to use! Yes, Im crazy but it something that makes me loveable!
*Currently my 3Ds has been occiupied by Rune Factory 4 and Pokemon X. There both fun and enjoyable to play so if you dont have either one go out and buy them dammit!
*Rune Factory 4 wil be getting a review blog soon!
*My Wii U has been taken over by Wii Fit U and Monster Hunter 3. Wii Fit U is a def improvement over the original Wii Fit. I gonna start working more on Zelda in the coming days.
Anywho how yall been? Been playing anything interesting? Any early adopters excited for next gen tomorrow?
Glad to see both you and Ashley posting here again. The old place isn't the same without you.
I'm still playing Animal Crossing but less and less frequently now that my house is maxed out and I have the castle exterior.
I'm also trying to finish SMT IV but like most true SMT games the end game brings the pain. I'm at level 65 now with some demons who are over level 70 and still I get decimated by demons 10 levels below me. :(
I still play AC as well but its like you, its less frequent but hey its demonic hold on us had to give off sometime! Im glad to be back, missed everyone on here!
I still have to get SMT IV, Ive heard its a pretty challenging game. I havent played any in its series so would it be okay to jump in on that one or should I buy the others first?
Ha ha GTA5 well stopped playing it got Assassin’s Creed Black Flag and Diablo III then recently Xcom enemy within and been playing all of them regularly but today I got State of Decay which is like the series the walking dead and having a blast with all of them it only cost me half my collection but hey I figured I could either sit on a bunch of games I wont play or trade for some I will, I do wish I could afford a ps4 although my EA freind who has had his before the release says psn is having some serious issues but with a new console in not surprised.
Its turnig aroud slowly but surely. I think Jan will be when I get my PS4, I thought about trying for December if money is right but I thought about that and I doubt It would work out,lol! I want Thief bad so It will def be before that game releases! Im working on my Wii U games and 3DS ones.
Sucks things have been bad for you but when things look bad, try being Optimistic, that's what I do. But you're okay so you have that to be thankful for. I have Pokemon Y and that game hasn't left my 3DS since, the only thing that sucks is when I have to charge my 3DS because everytime I'm not playing Pokemon Y is time wasted. If you ever want to battle or trade, let me know so I can send you my Friend Code.