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Quick Hits: I Heard You Bought A PS4

On 11/15/2013 at 03:05 PM by goaztecs

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Happy Friday Pixlbits…and you new PS4 owners, Congrats! Oh new console time is always fun, there is going to be a ton of blog posts here about the new consoles, games, and opinions, and I can’t wait to read them…just remember no spoilers for us few who didn’t buy the consoles on launch. Again congrats and around January or February I will be joining your ranks.


Ok well, pull up a seat, and it’s time for more randoms with Quick Hits With Chris!


That’s me a couple of days ago waiting for my lunch order



Ouya Watch At Target


The local Target has three Ouya’s in stock. At first I wanted on to try but after finding out it won’t play any of my Google Play Store Content, I’ve lost interest. There are some Android games I wanted to play on the TV, but if I have to buy them again, PASS.


TV Thoughts

I have a couple of thoughts about some of the TV Shows I’ve been watching this week, and I’d like to share them

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: Why does every episode have to sneak in a reference or a visual to one of the Marvel films? Also why does SHIELD need to have their logo on EVERYTHING? As for the show itself, I do like the characters more than in the first couple of episodes.

X-Factor: The show is ok, but the guy group is going to win, and  if that country music singer from Memphis didn't try to hit the high note in Heart's Alone, she wouldn't have been sent home. Also Mario Lopez every week seems to top his Annoying level. Slater seems like he thinks way too much of himself

Masters of Sex: Nothing really, it’s a good show, but I don’t get to type the word “sex” very often on a gaming site.

Homeland: Last week’s episode is the first one I’ve seen in a while, where you just laughed at a gag. Good job by Saul.


Playstation App


I read this article on Flipboard, and of course I downloaded it. It’s a nice little app, and I guess it could be Sony’s Answer to Smartglass (one of my favorite things about the 360). So far all I can see is my Friend’s List, and the store takes me to the website. Give it a try!


Google Now’s Beam Me Up Scotty

In one of those “Stories that popped up on my Facebook Timeline”, I saw this and of course I tried it.


It sends you here while the Google lady does her Scotty impression.


Siri on the iPhone…not so much. Siri does have her moments, and this was her Knock Knock joke.


Here’s Google lady answering the Woodchuck question.

It’s amazing the fun things you find on the Facebook Timeline between all the crappy FB games, the new comic panel craze, and other randoms.


Humble Bundle


It’s another nice sale going on at Humble Bundle. They also opened a store, where you can buy individual games. Worth checking out if you love playing games on your PC/Mac




So while looking for the KitKat Update for my Tablet, I saw that I got an invite to test a new Twitter app. Why not, right? So I signed up and I got in! Cool stuff, especially since I tweet A LOT. I’m just waiting for the alpha version of the app and away I tweet!




Yes I’m one of those people who constantly buys the uniform pack updates for NCAA Football, but this time I had a good reason


San Diego State finally got the 2013 uniforms. I bought both uniform update packs for $2 which isn’t bad and Virginia Tech also got a new uniform (they’re my Dynasty Team).


I added a bunch of 360 games to Mount Backlog


The top three games I picked up after dinner when I was hanging out with a friend. I think the total was $12, with Kung Fu Panda/Lego Indiana Jones being the most expensive at $8. I’m a sucker for the 360 Double Disc games. The bottom games I got the next morning when I went to get a replacement for March Madness 07 (they gave me NCAA Football 07 instead of the basketball game). Again I think these were around $10 total.


I picked these up yesterday


They’re nothing special, I wanted NBA 06 because it was a launch game, and I picked up NBA 07 as well because I wasn’t sure if I already owned a copy on the PS2. I want to have a full run of NBA Live from ’95 through 2010. I think I’m missing NBA 08 and I complete the run.

As for the games, they’re not very good. I don’t like the presentation of these games compared to how they play on the Playstation.



So last night when I went to a rarely visited GameStop with my cousin, I found a couple of cheap games including NBA 08. I’m pretty sure my NBA Live run is complete (I’m not counting that uber expensive PS3 game because it wasn’t a full on release).


Target stuff from their Buy 2 Get 1


Dreamcast is used, and the Borderlands Add-On and SSX were clearance, which means I got SSX for free. The top three games I’ve been watching for a bit, and when I heard about this sale it was time to buy these games. I love the Forza games, and I’m happy to pick these up now, instead of trying to find games in good shape a couple of years down the road. I finally get to play the console version of NFS MW. I loved the game on Android/iOS, and again on Vita, and this one is no different. So far I got through three of the Most Wanted Drivers, and some of the extras like billboards and fences.


As for music pickups


I wanted to give this album a listen, because I thought it would be like Vanessa-Mae’s work of Classical meets Modern music, and for the most part it is. I like it, and the last track is her version of Evanescence’s My Immortal.



I saw this on Slickdeals, and I love how Amazon has these bundles, for less than a track on iTunes. I bought a couple of these, mainly the composer collections, which were really good, and hopefully this will be the same. Even if you’re not big into Classical music, have this play in the background while you read, or surfing the web, and you get that bookstore vibe.



New Content!


This morning I took a trip to Target because I ran out of soap, and while looking through the video games section I spot four


Two folks came up and bought two from the case right before I took the pic. I thought about buying this one, but passed. My green portion of Mount Backlog is huge, and besides I just bought the dang 360, I want to enjoy it for a couple of months before adding a new console to the lineup.

Just when I really dislike people (people not using their turn signal is my current pet peeve) I see stories like this, and I like humanity again. Go Batkid Go!

Ok Pixlbit, it’s time for me to end this edition of Quick Hits. This weekend I’m going to make some progress in my racing games…and maybe take a couple of naps.


That’s all for now, more later!





11/15/2013 at 03:16 PM

I have that Lego Indiana Jones/ Kung Fu Panda two game pack for 360. I got it for Kung Fu Panda because I thought the demo was fun. I still haven't gotten to it in my backlog though. It's like the other two pack I have of Lego Batman/Pure. I still want to play Pure badly. I loved the demo for that one too.


11/16/2013 at 09:24 PM

Kung Fu Panda is a fun game. I played through it on the PS3, and I think I'm missing like one or two trophies to get a Platinum. I bought this set because it's a 2 pack and I really like these things.

I have that two pack too, and Pure was the one game I wanted to play. I haven't jumped into it, because I have a bunch of racing games on my plate. 


11/17/2013 at 04:37 AM

The developer of Pure also made Split/Second. I wanted to play that too. 


11/17/2013 at 08:20 PM

Oh they did? I enjoyed that game, but I couldn't get pass one of the later levels and stopped playing it. I'll get back to it...eventually.


11/15/2013 at 07:24 PM

Wow!  There are Ouya's at Target?  I'll have to check that out. 


11/16/2013 at 09:25 PM

Yup, I hit two Targets that are close to me, and both have'em in stock. 


11/15/2013 at 08:40 PM

I like "Agents Of Shield" for the likable characters but there have been a couple episodes where I felt as if they did not make sense. The one where SHIELD found advanced nazi technology influenced by aliens in the South American jungle ruins really had me scratching my head. lol.


11/16/2013 at 09:29 PM

You know, all that episode needed was an Archaeologist with a whip, and to be set in the 40s-50s 


11/17/2013 at 11:15 AM

That Lego Indy/Kung Fu Panda came with my 360. I'm only missing one achievement for Lego Indy, but I don't think I've ever even taken the Kung Fu Panda game out of the case.


11/17/2013 at 08:22 PM

As much as I enjoy the Lego franchise games, I never really got into that game. As for Kung Fu Panda, it's actually fun. You should give it a try. 


11/17/2013 at 08:53 PM

I might pull it out and give it a go soon. I need something light-hearted after last week.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 09:45 AM

This is the first time in a new console generation that I'm not eager to pickup any of the new hardware out there. I do know that, so far, my first pick is probably going to be the PS4. I'm just not motivated to get one yet. I think part of me is also waiting for reviews of the Xbox One to trickle in this week too.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 09:47 AM

Spunky!  Long time no see!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 09:51 AM

What's up Matt? Yeah, I've been a ghost around here lately. But I'm not throwing in the towel yet. Too suborn to do it really. Right now I'm just pacing myself, waiting for the inevitable moment when I post another blog.


11/18/2013 at 01:21 PM

I'm getting a PS4, but I'm going to wait until after the new year. The game I wanted to play got pushed back, and I'm really waiting for something new that gets me into wanting to use the new console. 

What Sony showed at E3 sold me, but right now the games that are available just are not worth my $400+ to play when I have backlog on the 360 and PS3

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