I tyhink I need to schedule a day just to play games and not feel vaguely guilty about doing so.
Monday Updates
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![]() On 11/18/2013 at 01:17 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
How do you not like The Bangles and Susanna Hoffs?
Hello Pixlbit! It’s Monday, start of the week, and I am still waiting for the Android KitKat (4.4) update to finally hit my tablet. I heard it was coming out at the end of October, than last week the news was by the end of the week, and here we are today with no update. I do like Android, but when Apple announced iOS7, it came out on time, I guess it pays to be in the walled garden.
This past weekend was filled with me playing some games, finishing the story mode in one, trying out something new, and making progress through the others. I know you want to see what has been going on
Forza 2: Yeah I know I have two new Forza games, but I want to get through the two older ones I have. I’m slowly playing through my way in F2, and currently I am on Level 23, and almost at Level 24. Level 25 is where I need to be because the new races open up.
Prince of Persia: I started playing this game after I kept crashing into walls in Forza. I only played a little bit, and I don’t know why it took me this long to jump into this Franchise. The last PoP game I played was the movie tie-in, which wasn’t bad. This one has an interesting art style.
Need For Speed Most Wanted: After leveling up the Mercedes SLS AMG GT (I have no idea what that means, I call it the new Gullwing) I went and took down the 10 Most Wanted Drivers. I found this to be easier on the console than it is on the Vita. I knocked out five on one day, and the last five yesterday. I do enjoy this game, and now I’ll play to knock out the billboards, and speed cameras.
The Vita version is basically the same as the console version, so I really didn’t have a problem being lost, and knew where the majority of the cars were hidden. For you trophy fans, aside from the 10 Most Wanted, the billboards, and speed cameras, they are different which is interesting. I would have liked to be able to sync my progress from the Vita to the PS3 and vice versa (if I found any cars, speed cameras, and billboards it should have been able to transfer to the console version).
What I don’t like is that the Supercars are now DLC, which is insane considering I think these cars are available on the Vita. I don’t like how the Supercars, and Movie cars are $10 DLC. Sorry EA, I love your game, but not enough to spend an additional $20. If they were $10 for both, I’m all for it, but for $20 and I can just buy an older NFS game on the 360.
Lego Marvel Superheroes: I unlocked the gym after getting 100 Gold Blocks, which means a funny mini level with Deadpool’s description. What I like about these are the little jokes about the game. I also unlocked more characters by going around NYC and doing little tasks, and solving puzzles. At some point I will go back and earn all the minikits from the Free Play Mode especially since I unlocked the minikit detector. Currently I am at just under 50% in total completion.
Simpsons Tapped Out: There was a small update for Thanksgiving, which is nice, because I don’t want them to overdue the snow theme of Christmas. In this update there were some new purchasable items as well as a new costume for Lisa
And the purchasable with either in-game cash or donuts
The Casino and Tribal Chief
The Mayflower
And new Parade balloons
Again I do wish there were more add-ons to the Boardwalk, and Krustyland, but I do like the new stuff.
Thor: There was a new movie tie-in game available in the Google Play Store, s I thought I’d give it a try. At first I thought it was going to be like the Iron Man game where Iron Man flies through an area collecting glowing red things (I can’t remember what they were), and sometimes fighting bad guys. Think a flying version of Temple Run with an Iron Man skin.
This game is different because it’s a tap to move, swipe to fight game.
The graphics are nice, the AI is easy to defeat, and there are some vases to hit, to absorb glowing orbs. At the start of the level you have a set of objectives to complete to earn stars. The combat earns you experience, and everyone’s favorite thing to do in these games: collect stuff
The map is easy to use, once you finish a level you can either advance or replay the level to earn all three stars.
I haven’t played more than a level or two, because I wasn’t too excited about the controls of tap and swipe, and Thor really isn’t a favorite character, but I will try more of it before I make a judgment.
The final Android games I’ll talk about in this blog are games I haven’t played yet, but seem to fit into my racing mood
I saw an article about these games on Flipboard, and it’s a new racing game on the tablet, I might as well give it a try. I’m kind of expecting a Gran Turismo like game where it’s supposed to be real racing, which isn’t my thing, but I’m willing to try it. I’m assuming it’s a “Freemium” game where I can shell out a couple of bucks to get the fast cars right away, or work my through the game. We shall see how it goes.
Well Pixlbit, I am off to do some designing so enjoy your Monday!
That’s all for now, more later!