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Don’t Call it a “Comeback”-- I've Been Here for Months

On 11/18/2013 at 04:30 PM by Jamie Alston

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Hey everybody!  I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I never left for good. Anyone that used to follow my 1Up blogs are more than familiar with bouts of absence from the blogging scene.   It just seems inevitable that at some point, I end up needing to take a break from blogging that ends lasting for days, if not weeks at a time when the need finally hits.  But this time around, what drove me to “silence” was the undeniable fact that there is no way I can blog with the same regularity (more or less) that I used to.  Without boring everyone with the details...I had many priorities that started falling to the wayside in favor of posting multiple reviews and blogs on here to satisfy this inner need I had to keep up with my Pixlbit friends.  So I had to take a step back from writing on focus my attention on the stuff I had been neglecting.

But anyway, I finally found time to post another blog and I gotta say-- it feels pretty darn good.  However, I must say that the notifications system has gone through a change or two since I last showed up.  In particular, I found out the hard way about the icon that deletes all messages at once.  I was checking my notifications a few months ago on my iPad and accidentally deleted all 800 or so of my unread messages because I didn’t recognize the “delete all” icon.  Fun times indeed.  So what have I been up to since my last post?  Here it is in quick bullets:

~Purchased the Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection.
~Finally got to play and beat the original Metal Gear (great game).
~Got tired of dying before I could get anywhere in Metal Gear 2, so I skipped it.
~Beat Metal Gear Solid.
~Purchased The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection for my PS3.
~Completed Ico in about a week and a half (what a beautiful game!).
~Beat Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
~Got my hands on Star Trek: Into Darkness Blu-Ray.
~Picked up Iron Man 3 Blu-Ray.
~Finally got around to purchasing Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, Galaga Legions DX, and Namco Museum Essentials on the PlayStation Store.
~Went to Disney World last week; had a blast with the family.
~Looked at reviews for the PlayStation 4 console; looking forward to reviews for the Xbox One.
~Got Man of Steel on Blu-Ray last Friday.  Enjoyed it a whole lot!!

All in exactly that order.

So what now?  Well, I’d like to continue posting retro game reviews.  I’d also like join Pixlbit’s writing staff if they’ll let me.  I’m ramping up to get my reviews ready for your reading pleasure and I’d love to do it as a staff member.  We’ll see how this all shakes out.  Anyway, it’s good to be around these parts again and I hope to see you guys in your own blogs!

-Spunk A Dunk




11/18/2013 at 04:53 PM

Looking forward to some Konami hijinks myself,Jamie. Just picked up a copy of Dracula X chronicles! Drac is back! Laughing

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 05:29 PM

I hear that's a great find!  I hope you enjoy your purchase :-)


11/18/2013 at 05:12 PM

Hey, glad to hear from you. At least you've been finishing games. I can't remember how long it's been since I actually finished one. 

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 05:30 PM

Yeah, I just decided to take some time out to play more recent games that I never had a chance to get to before.  Acutally-- I've played through Metal Gear Solid 1 - 3, but I decided to play them again thanks to the Legacy Collection.


11/18/2013 at 05:15 PM

It's good to see a blog from you again, Jamie. I understand about the priorities, boy do I understand those!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 05:32 PM

Pffft, yeah-- it's a bear sometimes.  But I think I'm ready to get back to doing what I do best-- writing stuff.  It's the only think I'm good at that I don't have to take time to "develop" again.


11/18/2013 at 05:26 PM

Damn, Metal Gear 2 is the shit. Too bad it didn't work out for you. 

Can't wait for more classic views on classic games.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 05:36 PM

Dude trust me...I feel like such a wuss for putting Metal Gear 2 to the side.  That game is like the holy grail of Metal Gears.  Truth be told-- I was expecting an easier difficulty, and I wasn't willing to put the extra effort into it.

But I haven't sworn it off by any means.  What'll happen is-- I'll end up picking the game back up again and discover that I just needed to focus more.  However, I was also in a rush to get through the majority of the MG series so I can get to Guns of the Patriots.  Haven't played it yet.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 05:29 PM

hey man, we missed you!  I love that retro flavor, and it's just not the same now that Abobo is gone too.  I'm looking forward to your reviews and other blogs!  And yes, Metal Gear was WAY ahead of it's time.  My brother was more into it than I was as a kid, but I still had a lot of respect for it. 

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 05:37 PM

Thanks Matt.  Metal Gear always intrigued me because I remember having the cartidge when a NES was given to me, but I never played it until many many years later.


11/18/2013 at 05:32 PM

Good to see ya, man!  I understand life gets going and you don't have the time you use did to blog or even play games.  I try to get at least one blog a month, but I usually visit for about 1 hr. a day commenting or just reading other blogs.  

I bought Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection too.  I started Metal Gear and quit because I couldn't save.  Gray Hair told me how to save, but I quit and hadn't been back yet.  I wanted to play through the series from the beginning because I started MGS4 and I had lost all interest in the series.  I was so lost.  I figured if I start from the beginning that it would rekindle that love for the series again.  It's on hold for now.  

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 05:39 PM

I understand where you're coming from.  Game are best played when you have the vested interest in them.  It's never to force yourself to do it.  You'll just hate the game more in the end.  Give youself some time, and get back into it when you're ready.


11/18/2013 at 06:38 PM

I'm hoping to find a good deal on the MGS Legacy Collection on Black Friday. I've held off buying those games in hopes that this sort of collection would come out. Now I just need some money to get it lol. Anyway, welcome back!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 08:24 PM

I'm hoping to get a good deal on a computer system on Black Friday.

Cary Woodham

11/18/2013 at 07:53 PM

Hi, good to see you back.  Hope you get a chance to read my blog.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/18/2013 at 08:25 PM

Hey Cary, I'll be stopping over real soon.


11/18/2013 at 11:23 PM

It's all good! MGS is one of the best games of all time, so I'm glad you got to experience it. Also, that Pac-Man game is great! It's what got me into liking Pac-Man in the first place. Play it because it's fun. =D

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/19/2013 at 08:08 AM

Yeah, in Pac-Man C.E., love to let the ghost count build up onscreen and see how many I can take out with one power pellet. It's really fun!


11/20/2013 at 06:45 AM

PM CE DX really should have been a sequel. There's just so much content. It's like the original PM CE on crack. lol


11/19/2013 at 11:40 AM

Hey good to see a familar name pop up again! It looks like you have been busy when not blogging which is always good, and can't wait to read your next retro game review. Also Pixlbit would be crazy to not have you on their staff!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/19/2013 at 01:34 PM

Thanks man. The trick for me is to maintain a good balance between posting on Pixlbit and taking care of life's responsibilities. I'm actually about to make a schedule to help me do just that.


11/19/2013 at 12:25 PM

Metal Gear Solid, my favorite game of all time, hope you enjoyed it as much as I do. How you enjoying the series overall?

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/19/2013 at 01:37 PM

I've enjoyed the series for years now. It's one of my favorite Konami creations. I haven't played MGS 4 yet, but I need to play through Snake Eater once more before I can move on to it.


11/20/2013 at 01:17 PM

And yet another ally finding themselves back into the fold *sinister laugh*

totally understandable given your specific circumstnaces. any time like that will be helpful to gain perspective. I too am going thru a simliar situation myself for i fear I may have "burned myself out" during my Octoberween maddness.

Sounds like you got your hands full just the same with the games your dealing with. I only wish I could get that far in my gaming purchases.

Good luck in trying to be a staff writier. I'm sure they'll have an open call again eventually.

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