Looking forward to some Konami hijinks myself,Jamie. Just picked up a copy of Dracula X chronicles! Drac is back!
Don’t Call it a “Comeback”-- I've Been Here for Months
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![]() On 11/18/2013 at 04:30 PM by Jamie Alston ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey everybody! I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I never left for good. Anyone that used to follow my 1Up blogs are more than familiar with bouts of absence from the blogging scene. It just seems inevitable that at some point, I end up needing to take a break from blogging that ends lasting for days, if not weeks at a time when the need finally hits. But this time around, what drove me to “silence” was the undeniable fact that there is no way I can blog with the same regularity (more or less) that I used to. Without boring everyone with the details...I had many priorities that started falling to the wayside in favor of posting multiple reviews and blogs on here to satisfy this inner need I had to keep up with my Pixlbit friends. So I had to take a step back from writing on focus my attention on the stuff I had been neglecting.
But anyway, I finally found time to post another blog and I gotta say-- it feels pretty darn good. However, I must say that the notifications system has gone through a change or two since I last showed up. In particular, I found out the hard way about the icon that deletes all messages at once. I was checking my notifications a few months ago on my iPad and accidentally deleted all 800 or so of my unread messages because I didn’t recognize the “delete all” icon. Fun times indeed. So what have I been up to since my last post? Here it is in quick bullets:
~Purchased the Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection.
~Finally got to play and beat the original Metal Gear (great game).
~Got tired of dying before I could get anywhere in Metal Gear 2, so I skipped it.
~Beat Metal Gear Solid.
~Purchased The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection for my PS3.
~Completed Ico in about a week and a half (what a beautiful game!).
~Beat Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
~Got my hands on Star Trek: Into Darkness Blu-Ray.
~Picked up Iron Man 3 Blu-Ray.
~Finally got around to purchasing Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, Galaga Legions DX, and Namco Museum Essentials on the PlayStation Store.
~Went to Disney World last week; had a blast with the family.
~Looked at reviews for the PlayStation 4 console; looking forward to reviews for the Xbox One.
~Got Man of Steel on Blu-Ray last Friday. Enjoyed it a whole lot!!
All in exactly that order.
So what now? Well, I’d like to continue posting retro game reviews. I’d also like join Pixlbit’s writing staff if they’ll let me. I’m ramping up to get my reviews ready for your reading pleasure and I’d love to do it as a staff member. We’ll see how this all shakes out. Anyway, it’s good to be around these parts again and I hope to see you guys in your own blogs!
-Spunk A Dunk