Bones. Bones? Bones!!! Is that you?! Man, I need to pay more attention to commercials or something I guess, because I didn't even recognize that was him until you pointed that out! Maybe I should check out the show now. What channel? Haha.
Quick Hits: I Heard You Bought An X-Box One
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![]() On 11/22/2013 at 01:43 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Well Happy Friday Pixlbit!...and to you new X-Box One owners, congrats! I will be joining your ranks years from now, right around the time the next X-Box will be introduced (We’ll call it the X-Box II-U).
What’s on TV?
Almost Human: So I caught this show and I have to say I like it. At first I was against it because Fox constantly pushed commercials for it (just like Sleepy Hollow) and it started out slow. I was kinda hoping this was the prequel for Star Trek where Bones gives up being a cop and joins the Federation. It did get better, and I can say I am a fan. It has a comic book vibe, and I do like that the future they’re still driving current model Ford’s and using tablets.
A pleasant bonus to this show
Minka Kelly
Jarhead & Cruel Intentions
I’ve been going to sleep later than normal this week because one of these movies has always been on, right when I want to call it a night. Two of my favorite flicks (I actually read Jarhead after watching the movie) will always get me to watch, even when the soft pillow and cool sheets call my name. My favorite line from Jarhead is “Sir, I got lost on the way to college, sir”.
Things I Did While Waiting For Android 4.4 Kitkat
So while I waited almost two weeks for that screen, I did some “interesting” things
Developed an addiction to Monopoly Bingo
Yeah this game is really addicting. In fact I stopped typing this blog for about a half hour, so I could play. I won three games out of five.
Hit Up the Local Spot for Lunch
That's my foot!
I hit the local eatery, and the owner remembers me as the guy who comes in every Saturday and orders the Lechon Kawali (fried pork belly) and an order of Bacon Cheese Fries. I call it Hog Wild.
Alex Morgan and Sydney Leroux
Saw this pic randomly and I couldn’t stop laughing. Last year they dressed up as Gabby Douglas and Mckayla Maroney
Ouya Watch
Paid a visit to Target, and Target added some retro game consoles. I’m thinking about getting that Sega Genesis console because it has a slot to play my games, as well as being preloaded with 80 games. Not a bad deal for $40.
So this morning I finally see this
Which is about freaking time!
*Rant: Ok so I keep hearing about how great Android is, and for the most part it is. The one thing that bothers me is that the fanboys who always talk trash about iOS, and how it’s not as good as Android. Well when Android has an oops, all the fanboys disappear. I use both operating systems, and both have their pros and cons. When something is announced I expect for it to be released in a timely manner. If there is a problem, let the users know about it. Sorry Google, you failed this time.
Another thing that bothers me is that I don’t have the floating jellybeans to shoot across the screen. It was replaced with
The letter K. It spins…and that’s it.
Chris adds to Mount Backlog
So I have added a new stop to my thrift store adventures and that is visiting the local Big Lots (err Pic N Save). Well if you didn’t know they have an endcap display with a bunch of games that are $18.88, $13.88, or $10. There are some hidden gems every once in a while and I found this for $10
I think this is the first Ace Combat I bought that isn’t on the Playstation. Yep the green boxes are piling up.
Yeah it’s way too early to start buying Christmas music…but I didn’t let that stop me
I go into Target for eggs and bananas…I leave with that stuff, this CD, a Google Play Card and had a Pizza Hut personal pizza at the little eatery. I really need to buy stock in Target.
I picked up Tony Toni Tone’s Greatest Hits on the Google Play Store. They’re doing a 90s hits sale, and this would hold me over until I found Tony Toni Tone’s Sons of Soul album in the wild (I played the hell out of that cassette in high school)
While goofing around on iTunes Radio, I discovered I really like the band Haim. I think what got me is their sound was described as being like Fleetwood Mac, which is always a plus for me. They do sound like them…if every song was sung by Christine McVie. Their albums are in the current rotation for me.
Alright Pixlbit, another Quick Hits has come to an end. I need to get back to work (I’m designing a poster and finishing a flyer today!) So you new XB1 folks, enjoy your new toy, and everyone else IT’S FRIDAY!
That’s all for now, more later!