I need to get Red Dead myself but i'll wait till i get a new Gaming Laptop.
Update: Lots of reading, lots of gaming
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![]() On 11/22/2013 at 02:46 PM by Michael117 ![]() See More From This User » |
Books I read
The Name of the Wind -
The Wise Man's Fear -
The last time I updated was in September and since then I finished the first two books in Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles series. I really love the characters he's developed thusfar and the fast pace the novels maintain. I love the way Rothfuss is presenting this very honest coming-of-age story full of pain and loss, hope and humor, politics and human nature, all in an interesting place where the histories of the world depend on who you ask and old magics bleed into the world in ways nobody would believe if you told them. This series is now my favorite one running at the moment and I'm waiting with everybody else for Rothfuss to finish Day 3.
Books I bought
Assassin's Apprentice -
I've seen this series recommended several times by people who like the same kind of books I do, dark fantasy ripe with political intrigue and drama. I haven't started to read it yet because I've been spending too much of that time on games, which brings us to the next topic.
Games I played
Fallout 3 - Throughout November I've gone back and started a new character in this game and put in 100 hours. This game is real rough around the edges. I've been lucky not to loose any saves but I've had 4 freezes and a few visual bugs over the course of those 100 hours, and as always in Bethesda RPGs the animation is super stiff, robbing the game of all the drama from story moments and any cinematic effect it tries to go for. It's hard to recommend to others, but it's definitely my kind of game despite all the flaws. I love the sense of place that the soundtrack give you. It's a cool rpg with skills and perks that are fun to invest in and use. As much as I love this game, after my 100 hours I'm just about burnt out though, so I'm going to move on soon and play something different.
Dead Space 2 - I bought this game and played it back in October for Halloween and liked it a lot. I loved the first game and this one is just about the best sequel I could ask for. It controls a lot better than the first game, the setting is much more interesting, and the story was intimate and cerebral in ways I didn't expect a AAA horror game to go for. I'm super glad they gave Issac Clark a voice and fleshed him out into a real character. I'm also glad this game didn't turn out to just be a story about hunting down a big monster like the first game was. Dead Space 2, it's well done and it's pretty brave for a AAA game, I liked it a lot.
Games I bought
Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen -
Been wanting this for a long time and finally nabbed it. The next RPG I play will definitely be this one. Have at you!
The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings Enhanced Edition -
I've heard several people say this game might be the finest RPG of the 7th generation, so I had to grab it. As a person who appreciates instruction manuals and nice physcial game packages The Witcher 2 for 360 is the coolest physical game I've picked up in a very long time. It comes standard with a slick double sided color game map, a quest handbook to help you if you get stuck on any story missions, and a 35 page manual to help teach you about the systems. And that's all for $20 new on Amazon.
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition -
I was happy to grab this finally, since I'm a fan of the previous game. I'm burnt out on Fallout this month since I spent this whole time playing Fallout 3, but once I'm back in the mood I'll be real glad I can get into New Vegas for the first time.
Red Dead Redemption GOTY Edition -
You can lasso banditos and lay them out on the tracks to get run over by a train. No brainer, bought it.
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition -
Back when this game came out my friend brought it over and I played the first 3 hours but never got the chance to finish. Now I finally bought the game and can see it through to the end. I think this is the game I'm going to play next, Dragon's Dogma will have to wait.
Spelunky -
I saw the Giant Bomb guys doing a livestream of this during the Extra Life charity fundraiser and really loved what I saw so I grabbed this on XBLA. Seems like exactly my kind of game.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons -
I liked the demo for this a lot so I grabbed the full game on XBLA and will try to get to it before the year is over.
Miscellaneous Notes
So I don't have a Wii U and I'm finally sad that I don't, maybe sometime next year I can grab one. Super Mario World 3D World looks great, I need this Mario game in my life. While Sony and Microsoft both just pumped out a swath of super mediocre launch games this past week, Nintendo seems to be silently releasing the best games of this new console generation so far.