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Fuck Assassin's Creed IV

On 11/23/2013 at 02:14 PM by Blake Turner

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 You have no idea how much I want to love this game. You have no idea how many things this game does right, and how when everything works perfectly, the game is one one of the best in the series. However, there are MANY problems that hold the game back, and frustrate me to no end.

 Firstly, the bugs. For some reason I cannot get my fucking character to stop running! This is frustrating, because it means instead of opening a chest, he'll run up a wall. Because the game is so based on fucking context sensative button presses (games that do this should get 3 points taken off their overall score.) it means that I can't hide in bushes, I can't loot bodies, nor can I hide them, sometimes I can't open doors, or go in shops, or do FUCKING ANYTHING the game requires of me. Seriously, this is annoying. I JUST WANT MY CHARACTER TO STOP RUNNING WHEN I TAKE MY FINGER OFF THE FUCKING RUN BUTTON! Is that too much to ask? There are so many goddamn bugs in this game it's beyond a joke. 

 Next, there's the missions. Some of these are pure genious and a lot of fun. Others are tedious pieces of shit that require large amounts of trial and error with limited checkpointing. Some missions give you no fucking direction at all. They're all like do this thing that we haven't told you about yet. Yeah, we'll give you a tutorial for this mechanic in about an hour. And that tutorial will go for an hour. After you've worked it out in this mission. Because we're kitten raping pedophiles. Also, can I stop fucking following people? I got sick of doing this is the first assassins creed, so it shouldn't be a fucking series staple. It's boring as shit.

 Now... I've ranted and raved about the bad things. Everything else in the game is pretty awesome. I haven't liked an Ass Creed game since 2, so the fact that I'm enjoying this is a testament. The naval combat is awesome. The game looks stunning. The fact that Desmond is dead fills my heart with joy, and the fact that we spend fuck all time outside of the animus is the best design choice of all. Oh, and the characters are pretty decent. Except one guy, who's like hardcore racist, asking why you'd give a negro a gun, and then all of a sudden he forgets he's racist and he's best friends with a black man. I mean wtf? You're racism was interesting and understandable given the times you live in. A whole narrative arc could have been drawn from that, but no, that would be too much effort from a company that fixed it's solar flare issue with a magic fucking button. 




11/23/2013 at 02:46 PM

This must be a pc issue as I have had no problem with the game on the 360 and sorry ti hear that maybe they will have a patch.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 02:55 PM

 They better. Then again, I should have expected it after the collossal joke that was ass creed 3.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 03:27 PM

I smiled when I saw the title of this blog. I'm just going to pretend I didn't read that last paragraph.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 05:23 PM

Have you played it? I HATED Ass Creed 3...if you liked 2 you might like this.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 05:48 PM

It looks a lot better than 3, but that game just killed the series for me. Don't think I'll ever touch any AC except 2 in the future.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 08:34 PM

Well apart from the bugs, I like this more than two. It's just plain awesome. Desmond is dead, the protagonist is likable again, and it's a lot of fun. Maybe when you get the tase of three out of your mouth you should try it again :)


11/23/2013 at 03:40 PM

Yo, whatsacow, let's kick it!


Ass Ass Baby, Ass Ass Baby
All right stop, grab your controller and listen
Ass is back with my fourth new invention
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Makes me run daily and nightly
Will it ever stop? Yo – I don't know
Turn off the lights and I'll still go
To the extreme I rock a glitch like a fool
Run up a wall and miss the chest like a tool.

Ass Ass Baby Kenway, Ass Ass Baby Kenway

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 05:24 PM

...Dude. That was awesome. Kudos to you!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 03:53 PM

ha ha, yeah, this games DOES look good.  But it's Assassin's Creed!  Must beware.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 05:25 PM

Yep... definitely.


11/23/2013 at 04:08 PM

I am trying my hand at one of the earlier titles and I am thinking Meh. I like the concept and art style but I just am not seeing the big draw.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 05:24 PM

Which one are you playing? 2 and 4 are the only ones worth playing IMO


11/23/2013 at 06:21 PM

Revelations. only Because it was $5.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 08:34 PM

Fuckin hate that game.


11/23/2013 at 08:40 PM

I can kinda see why, all you have to do is nothing really. Seems just way to easy to me.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 08:49 PM

Yeah. The combat is kinda dull. It gets better later with different enemy types, but that takes way too long. The new one has challenge, which I actually like. There are enemies that can't be countered straight up, and the naval battles can be difficult.


11/23/2013 at 08:55 PM

I want to play them all, just so happens this was 5 bucks like I said. I hope the Vita one will be free soon.


11/23/2013 at 06:11 PM

I don't want to hear this! This game looks promising and I look forward to playing on PS4 some time soon, but I don't want to hear bad things about it. I actually enjoyed AC on Vita with that chick Aveline, so I think AC4 will be enjoyable too.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/23/2013 at 08:35 PM

It's pretty good, just a bit buggy.


11/24/2013 at 12:53 PM

Should have let Sid Meier work on this, beef up the game mechanics, turn it into unofficial Pirates! game.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/24/2013 at 02:10 PM

I don't think we need it because this game is shaping up nicely:


11/25/2013 at 01:44 PM

Damn, I thought this was going to be the one Assassin's game I would actually play through, but after reading your experiences, I don't know if I want to. The one thing I wanted to play in this game was the naval battles. Hopefully there are patches that can deal with the problems you've encountered

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/25/2013 at 03:08 PM

Yeah it's all being patched soon. I had a bunch of other really annoying bugs, but despite this I still think it's the best in the series and one of my GOTY's when the list goes up.


11/25/2013 at 03:23 PM

I came here expecting photos of you rubbing an Assassin's Creed 4 CD against your crotch. Instead I got an insightful analysis of the game. Such misleading advertisement,Blake! Undecided

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