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Random Randomness, with a side of Random.

On 11/25/2013 at 04:17 PM by transmet2033

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Here we go.  I feel as though life has been fairly busy over the past couple of weeks.  My life in regards to videogames to be specific.  It all seems blurred together, which is not necessarily a bad thing.  This is what has been going on....

I finished Metro:  Last Light.  I enjoyed it, but felt as though something was missing when compared to Metro 2033.  

Upon finishing Metro:  Last Light, I packed up my Xbox 360 and decided to move onto the next generation of gaming.

In the end, it is really moving on from Microsoft.  Sony has released a handful of really appealing PS3 games this past year and I do want to play them.  So, I am hoping that their Gaikai streaming works because...

I ordered a PS4 which should be in my possession within the next 48 hrs.

Since I have a PS4 on the way, I will not be getting a Wii U anytime soon.  This makes me sad and feeling a bit foolish.  I grabbed a copy of Arkham Origins for the Wii U expecting to have one by the end of the year.  Now what am I supposed to do with a console-less game? 

I downloaded a copy of A Link Between Worlds, but only put about an hour into the game.  It definitely left a wonderful first impression.

Why would I download it instead of getting a physical copy?  Well, A Link to the Past is one of my all-time favourite games.  If I enjoy A Link Between Worlds even half as much as ALttP, then I will never want to lose the cartridge or have to swap it out.  I want it with my 3DS wherever I go.

Ys:  Memories of Celceta is released tomorrow and I decided to cancel my pre-order.  I do very much want the game, but all but 3 of my many Vita games are digital.  So, I thought that I may as well just download that game as well.  Plus, the Vita cartridges are super tiny and I do not want to lose a single one of those. 

In non-gaming news...  I watched the Day of the Doctor.  I thought that it was awesome and a fitting 50th anniversary celebration with plenty of nods to the past, but setting up the future of the series.  I cannot wait until the Christmas Special and season 8, Peter Capaldi here we come.

 What else was there?  

I remember.  I have been playing a bunch of Stealth Inc(Bastard) and loving it.  I think that I am on the fifth "world" and the game has become quite a bastard.

I have decided on getting Need for Speed Rivals and Call of Duty:  Ghosts for the PS4.  I have been craving racing for some strange reason.  Ghosts appears to be the only FPS that has splitscreen multiplayer for the PS4 and my brother will be around this weekend.  The majority of games that I want to play are coming out next year, but I am still excited about having a new peice of tech in the house.

Finished The Gate of Time by Philip Jose Farmer.  I have enjoyed the two books that I have finished by Farmer and hope to enjoy some more in the future.  I picked up a copy of Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis and have decided to try that book next. 




11/25/2013 at 04:49 PM

Well, you can always start saving more money to get a Wii U.


11/26/2013 at 08:57 AM

If only it were that simple anymore.  A couple of years ago it was, nowadays I need permission.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/25/2013 at 04:54 PM

I am ordering that CS Lewis book for my brother for Xmas. I've never read it myself.  I'm glad u are enjoying PJF so much.  he's a great author.  The riverboat book in the river saga with MArk Twain is really amazing too.  

That's cool you are getting a PS4.  I'm going to wait, but hope to get one for my brother for xmas.  I am going digital with Vita games and probably Zelda too.  I just lose that shit all the time.  


11/25/2013 at 05:02 PM

Thanks again for recommending PJF.  I do have that Mark Twain one at home and will read it sometime.

I do hope that they put ALttP on the 3DS virtual console.  I would definitely buy that game again. 


11/25/2013 at 04:59 PM

If you lose your 3DS can you buy a new 3DS and redownload the game without buying it again?  I hope it's not like the Wii.  


11/25/2013 at 05:00 PM

Not yet, but there is hope.


11/25/2013 at 05:03 PM

That damn Nintendo needs to get with it.  I would buy more games from them if my purchases were connected to an account or something like XBL, PSN, and Steam. 


11/26/2013 at 08:58 AM

I read something that they are working on unified accounts.  It just sucks that it is talking them so damn long.


11/25/2013 at 05:57 PM

Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game. I wish I could play the new one, but am not big on handhelds. It's getting awesome reviews all over the place! I had downloaded Stealth Bastard a ways back. It really IS a bastard sometimes lol. Fun game though.


11/25/2013 at 08:03 PM

I do hate it when that one game that I really want to play is on that one system that I do not own Or have readily available....  Panzer Dragoon Saga Immediately comes to mind.  


11/25/2013 at 08:46 PM

I couldn't help looking at the paperback cover art for the two books you mentioned. I love these old covers. 



11/25/2013 at 09:00 PM

It is awesome that you picked the covers that are on my actual books.


11/25/2013 at 10:11 PM

Ha! I have the C.S. Lewis book but not the P.J. Farmer one.


11/26/2013 at 09:00 AM

I got The Gate of Time for $0.25 at half-price books, and it looked like it was a first edition.


11/26/2013 at 01:21 PM

I read the Riverwold series of books but not this one. I read those books back in High School. 

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

11/25/2013 at 10:18 PM

I hope you enjoy NFS Rivals as much as I am. It's a ton of fun!

I read the Out of the Silent Planet trilogy with about five years between each installment for some reason. The first two are very sci-fi and the third one had a couple of things that were freakishly prescient.

I can't find the specific video I saw just after reading that final book, but this video has similar work in soviet russia...


11/26/2013 at 09:01 AM

I hope that it does not take me that long to read the books, but I am sure that I will put a little bit of time between them.  

I am looking forward to NFS and doubt that I will be disappointed. 


11/27/2013 at 10:23 AM

My wife and I got Dragon's Crown from Game Fly and have put in several hours in that. It's fun and the ridiculously proportioned characters are actually rather humorous to watch in motion. We also watched The Day of the Doctor on Saturday and I thought it was very good. Seemed a little random at first but then it really came together. Looking forward to what's to come.

We don't have the money for A Link Between Worlds right now but between Christmas and my birthday (and, failing anything else, birthday money) I hope to have it before the end of the year Smile


11/27/2013 at 10:31 AM

The only problem I have with Dragon's Crown is that it really does seem to be built for multiplayer.  It is enjoyable with only myslef, but I expect that it would be amazing with others.

I was super confused when The Day of the Doctor did not start on Trenzalore.  I expect that they will return there for Christmas. 


11/27/2013 at 04:07 PM

That's your call. Presonally I think I'm going for a Wii U this year given the lacklusterness of the new gen consoles at the moment.

Still have yet to watch the latest Doctor Episode. I just can't bring myself to accept that Matt Smith will soon be gone *sniff, sniff*


11/27/2013 at 04:13 PM

Yes, but then we get a awesome new Doctor.  I was hoping that Smith would last a little longer, but alas he is leaving after 3 full seasons.  We haven't had anybody last longer than that since Tom Baker.

The game lineup for the PS4 is not the reason that I am excited to get it.  All the games I want are coming next year, or possibly 2015.  I am truly excited to have a new, slick piece of tech in the house.  Also, I have a growing hatred of Microsoft. 


11/27/2013 at 04:30 PM

Still wanting to see Day Of The Doctor myself! I loved Matt though. He was a real bro! Then again I was sad to see David and Christopher go too. My favorite old school doctors were Peter Davidson and Tom Baker.


11/27/2013 at 04:39 PM

I love them all, even Colin Baker.  Troughton is probably my favourite of the Classics, but I have been watching a bunch of Tom Baker recently and he is spectacular.


11/27/2013 at 05:11 PM

Troughton was great. I loved how he was grumpy and hard on the outside but soft with a whimsical sense of humor on the inside. lol.

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