I don't have much to say about the other stuff, but I do have to admit Carol's semi-nude scene was pretty gratuitous and useless. I think even J.J. Abrams has admitted that. But that's just my opinion. Carol IS hot. But I think that scene was kind of out of place.
Ben versus Felicia Day (Star-trek rant)
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![]() On 11/26/2013 at 12:49 AM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
"Felicia's gone "feminist"?? Why Felicia,why?!"
For the record, I’m a big Felicia Day fan. I loved her in Dr. Horrible’s sing along blog and ditto those exact same sentiments for The Guild. Yet Felicia and I are definitely divided over Star Trek: Into the darkness. While she liked the film she simultaneously felt the need to bring up the exact same "pseudo-intellectual-activist- bull-crap" any wannabe tumblr social justice warrior would bring into the forefront.
A Trekkie historian can tell you that “the federation” had problems. While it is certainly closer to perfection than we are now, Starfleet is not a flawless utopia and not every Starfleet officer was a pillar of virtous morality.
"Utopia?! Sure bub,whatever you say!"
"We still think you're all violent uncivilized monkeys. But it's totally rad you filthy apes achieved warp drive!"
"Peanut butter jelly tyme!"
First Contact showed us earth was pretty much a post apocalyptic war-torn hellhole before Cochrane established communication with the vulcans. The series “Enterprise” let us know things had improved a tiny bit since then but the vulcans still held us in contempt and quite frankly, they had good reasons to! Yes, “Into the darkness” is set in a parallel universe yet it’s safe to assume that the overall historical canon is roughly the same.
"Carol, you're breaking my heart! Oh,hai Kirk! Good too see you are still "you",bra!"
~Tommy Wiseu,red shirt
So, what is “Into darkness”? It’s pretty much a retelling of Wrath Of Kahn. (Only now it happens earlier on in the alternate continuity) This is a time period when William T Kirk is still young, brash, lecherous, and full of himself! But hey, that’s okay! Most trekkies will tell you that’s simply who Kirk is. He’s not a “bad fella” but he’s certainly not perfect either. It’s a given the biggest relationship in the film was going to be between Kirk and Spock. While the other characters were destined to get their own lime-light, “Kirk & Spock” are the main protagonists. This isn’t “sexist”. It’s canonical consistency.
"Great job standing up to your asshole dad and saving Bones,Carol!"
"But this destroys all of your credability as a positive role-model! Why?! Because,me say so! Me popular geek icon so me important!""
But that’s not where Felicia strategically attacks the film per se. No, we have to hear about Carol’s one time spent undressing so she can get into another suit and the fact somehow she didn’t kick enough ass. Never mind Carol stood up against her corrupt war-mongering father. Never mind she saved Bones’s life by deactivating a friggin war-head. No, let’s focus on how Carol was “almost naked” for a very brief moment! Let’s completely ignore her independence, cleverness, and strength of character because of “boobies”! It’s idiocy like this that makes feminists seem so anti-feminist. When a female character can be completely dismissed as a “positive role-model” just because she has a brief moment showing the audience her skin there’s something very “sexist” about that. Keep in mind we don’t even see a full on sex scene between Carol and Kirk. We merely get a bit of sassy snarkiness and lighthearted flirtation the two of them exchange at two points in the whole damned film! Is “this” what passes as controversially negative gender roles in movies now? Really Felicia, do tell.
"Uhura love MAN?! Uhura meaningless weakling,ROAR!"
Next up is Uhura, the poor damsel whose only justification for existing is to make Spock seem more human. Somehow caring about Spock makes her weak. Yet she wasn’t too weak to boldly stroll up to a bunch of Klingons while speaking their language to negotiate terms. Furthermore, she certainly wasn’t “weak” when she beamed down and blasted Kahn with some well implemented strategic energy blasts thus enabling Spock to take advantage of Kahn’s rapidly deteriorated strength. If Uhura had not intervened, Kahn would have crushed Spock beneath his iron clad boot!
And why wasn’t the meeting room Pyke attended filled with 50% females? I cannot really say for sure nor do I really care. I assume the admirals in that conference had earned their right to be there as opposed to being there because of a sissified rule that insists “50% of all groups must be women!” just to fit in with a warped notion of political correctness. No doubt someone probably asked “Where’s Janeway?” and my rebuttal would be she will not even be born for another hundred or so years!
"Uhura beams into Felicia's living room to kick her scrawny white pampered lily as---Er, to discuss things!"
I don’t mean to nerd-rage at you Felicia but you are being a bit knit picky here. Personally I thought Carol and Uhura were terrific. Yes, Carol spends a few seconds in a bra and panties. Yes, Uhura has a romantic relationship with a man. So fucking what? They still risked their lives for their loved ones and their beliefs and they still pulled their own weight! Oh, that’s right! Sexiness + Boys=Cooties! Sorry, I forgot because I haven’t studied that theory since pre-school!