Ben's purchases! Gamez into the veinz!
So my birthday is coming up. On December 22nd you all get to laugh at me and tell me how old I am for being 36! In self celebratory fashion I picked out two games for myself. My best friend also kicked me some spare cash so that was big of him!

Most of my close colleagues have mixed opinions about the newest Tombraider. However, I’ve been rather excited to try it. Even if Lara’s transition from sobbing shipwrecked college girl to ass kicking super heroine isn’t the most realistic transformation in fictional media history, the game itself still looks very “fun”. I tend to like 3rd person action adventure games so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one! It may not be “Tomb-raider Anniversary” but I’m not expecting it to be that in the first place. (Though I really love Tomb-raider Anniversary!) Apparently I have a thing for British girls because I also own a copy of Alice: Madness returns!
#2 Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecism

Dissidia is pretty much a cluster frag of Final Fantasy cameos. Calling this a “fighting game” is a bit misleading on account you run and glide around huge environments that are somewhat interactive as you cast epic spells and try to pull off cataclysmic screen filling “limit breaks“. You also level up and get better gear. After you steal enough “bravery points” you can cash those points in to do that amount in physical damage. Seem confusing? It kind of is but it seems worthwhile to figure out on account you get to play as Lightning, Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Terra, Dragoon Kain, Squall, and many other beloved iconic characters from the series!