Well, sorry for the blog absence. Real-life and Tumblr had been taking my time and I had a lack of blogging ideas. Fortunately, I finished school and i'm about to graduate on the 6th of December.
But enough of that. Because it's something I wanted to do in a while and I got the Pokemon fever again thanks to recently getting Pokemon Platinum (together with Etrian Odyssey Untold), let me show my Pokemon teams I have so far of Diamond and Platinum:

Empoleon (Male)
Luxray (Female)
Staraptor (Female)
Machoke (Male)
Lopunny (Female)
Sneasel (Female)
It's not a perfect team, since this is me finally owning a Pokemon game and not knowing a lot, and it was only recently this year that I learned better how the mechanics work. Still, I like this team. It's balanced enough to confront every type and each member has done awesome things. I specially like the trio of Empoleon, Luxray and Staraptor, with Luxray getting the recognition of being my current favorite Pokemon. The dude can hit hard.
I guess the only problem would be that I'm kinda unable to evolve Machoke to its third evolution, since it needs to do a trade and for some reason, either they disable it or doesn't support it, I can't enter the Wi-Fi server of Nintendo on my 3DS. I'm also dissapointed that you only get the method of evolving Sneasel to Weavile on the aftergame, but once I beat the Elite Four (I haven't done that on Diamond yet), i'll be able to do that.

Vash the Monferno (Male)
Bowie the Buizel (Male)
Daenerys the Gible (Female); Kudos if you get the reference on the name.
Kirigiri the Ralts (Female)
Spike the Leafeon (Male)
Also, temporary party member and future Fly slave:

Jane the Staravia (Female)
And ex-party member and demoted to to HM Slave:

Wilson the Bibarel (Male)
My in-progress team. They obviously need a lot more development (specially Spike, who needs a Grass attack), but I hopefully with more training and advancing through the game, they will be great Pokemons.
Here's how I see my complete team in the future:

Yep, i'm going for a Lucario for my final member. A bit cliche considering he became if not the most popular, the face of the fourth generation of Pokemon. Still, I like what i've seen of it. Not sure how am I going to name it though.
Anyway, that's all for today. Hope I can make more blogging.