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Hello Out There!

On 12/03/2013 at 12:03 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader

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First, a quick intoduction for anyone who might not know me (which is most likely a lot of you out there): I'm just some guy who signed up here after 1up went into suspended animation, and took his sweet time in finally getting around to posting here, aside from the errant comment now and again.

Recently I've been having a blast playing Pokemon X and Etrian Odyssey Untold, though I do feel like taking a bit of a break from Etrian Odyssey. Mostly due to being stuck in this one particuar area that's just teeming with difficult enemies that I don't think I'm in any way prepared to face, though I'll definitely get back to it sooner rather than later.

As far as Pokemon goes, I've mainly been training the various pokemon I caught but didn't have the time to train while I was going through the main portion of the game, which is made so much easier with the addition of Super Training. It's such a timesaver, and something I hope is included in some form or another in future games.

I also downloaded Dillon's Rolling Western off the eShop, which along with Pokemon are both enough to keep my free time occupied until I can get my hands on the new Zelda.

Anyway, that's about it for now, ok bye.

Ok bye




12/03/2013 at 12:20 PM

Yeah, I took a break from Etrian Odyssey Untold a while back.  I feel a little bad about that, but it is the type of game that seems built for setting down for semi-extended periods of time.  

The new Zelda is awesome, especially if you are a big fan of A Link to the Past.  Since ALttP is my favourite Zelda game I am having a complete blast.  I only have two dungeons to go. 


12/03/2013 at 04:08 PM

Yeah, I know what you mean. Just about every time I played it I knew I had to set aside a lot of time beforehand.

I'm still getting my funds in order to pick it up, good luck clearing those last two dungeons!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/03/2013 at 12:25 PM

Hey there SquadLeader.  I'm a former 1Upper myself.  Welcome to PixlBit.  I hope yoou enjoy your stay here!


12/03/2013 at 04:10 PM

Thanks, I'm sure I will!


12/03/2013 at 12:30 PM

Hey, glad to see you post something other than replies to my blogs. :)

I got Dillon's Rolling Western with my coins a couple of weeks ago. I have lots more coins to spend so I'm waiting to see what Nintendo is offering after December 8 which is when the current offers expire.

I will get A Link Between Worlds at some point. 


12/03/2013 at 04:44 PM

Yeah, it's quite a refreshing change of pace at least, ha.

I've got a stockpile of coins I've been sitting on as well, so hopefully something good gets announced that I don't already have.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/03/2013 at 05:38 PM

hey there, former 1upper here.  I joined the staff of Pixlbit to help out around here, cause I really believe in this community.  Hope you stick around!


12/04/2013 at 01:29 PM


Not to worry, I'm pretty sure I'm here to stay.


12/03/2013 at 07:48 PM

Welcome to pixlbit as a former 1upper were always glad to have x 1 uppers enjoy your stay :)


12/04/2013 at 01:30 PM

Thanks, I'm sure I will!


12/04/2013 at 10:42 PM

Haha..Hey! Glad to hear from you,your family happened to have anything planned for the holidays like baking cookies? I am gonna bake some..Also since we have a lot of turkey from Thankgiving we're not gonna cook any ham this year.


12/05/2013 at 10:48 AM

Nothing planned really, though that could change. Hope your holidays are going well!


12/11/2013 at 03:47 PM

I put in 60 hours in to Etrian Odyssey Untold before I got distracted by Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. I set EOU to easy so I never got too stuck. I was hoping I would get to the end of an EO game for once, but no, even on easy the game is a serious time sink. I love it though and will go back to it sometime. The 3DS is my favorite system right now.

I was RunningWithGuns on 1UP. God I loved that site, but this one is good too. Better in some ways. Welcome aboard this pirate ship. Yar!

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