Assassin's Creed 4 surprised me too. I thought I'd hate it after playing 3, but damn it's good.
My Very Busy November in Gaming
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![]() On 12/03/2013 at 01:16 AM by leeradical42 ![]() See More From This User » |
So its been a very busy month as you all know I got 5 new releases which has kept me busy.
1. Diablo III
2. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag
3. Xcom Enemy within
4. Castlevania lord of shadows collection
5. State of Decay and the dlc Breakdown
6. Xcom Declassified the Bureau
So my first game I beat was Xbox Arcades Castlevania Symphony of the Night, wich took me 3 months of none stop playing to beat this was a very tough game and no I did not look online for help.
And then the first game I played was Diablo III and I beat it and must admit its a fantastic game and one I will keep.
Then I have invested alot of time into Xcom enemy within and this is really one of my favorite strategy games on the 360 and although im not close to beating it it really is a subperb game.
Then I played alot of Xcom Declassified the Bureau and must admit alot better then expected and a different approach to a great Strategy FPS and thats a strange combination but this is another one im not close to beating.
Then theres Assassin’s Creed Black Flag,and this one was a huge surprise its very addicting and I was very surprised at how well the naval combat is and although im not very far in it but thats mainly cause of treasure maps and pirating has me off the story but now I took a break and will get back to it later probaby during ny week off for Christmas.
Then I have been extremely busy with State of Decay and although I have yet to finish the main game the Breakdown dlc is a sandbox mode where you play till the resources run out find and repair a RV and move on to the next map which gets harder every time you move so I found myself side tracked and now im back finishing the main game so all of you who enjoyed the main game you may want the Breakdown dlc which adds alot of replay value and being $6.99 its totally worth it.
Then theres the Castlevania lord of shadows collection now this one has been eating away my game time, this is a great collection and although im about 3 quarter's of the way through Lord of Shadows i find myself really involved in LOS Mirror of Fate hd this one is huge and reminds me alot of Castlevania Simons Quest in a more 3d look obviously but the puzzles are very challenging but fun and like all Castlevania games you can get lost pretty easy, any who this is a really cool set and glad I got it, so as you can see my November has been busy in the game department, so until next time yall.